Showing posts with label Class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Class. Show all posts

Sunday, March 30, 2008

On Her Own

Bela did the forward roll today all by herself.

Since it is almost the end of the quarter, Teacher Clara spent some time practicing the skills they learned with her Beasties. Since we’re beside Teacher Clara that time when she started doing the skill, Teacher Clara asked Bela to do the forward roll with her. And Bela quickly followed Teacher Clara. And since doing the forward roll on a flat surface is more difficult than doing it in an inclined surface, Teacher Clara said that we should asked our kids to positioned their hands as close as possible to their feet. And Bela did just that so Teacher Clara let Bela do the forward roll all by herself. And she was successful.

I was one proud mom. But the dad got really excited in watching Bela that he was not able to take a picture while Bela is doing it. Maybe next time.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Last three Sundays at the Little Gym

Bela only has three Sundays left with Little Gym. We decided not to enroll her for the next quarter since she will start to go to Toddlers Unlimited this April. We also feel that Bela needs a new environment as she’s already used to the routines that she sometimes don’t participate with the class activities.

But as I think about it now, I realized that I will miss Little Gym. I will miss the friends we met there like Aimee, Abet & Sandro, Peachy, Gelo and Joaqui, Teacher PJ and Teacher Clara. I know we would still see Peachy, Gelo and Joaqui since they live close to us but I will surely miss our lunch out together after class. I will also miss our Sundays at Podium or Fun Ranch.

But I know that Bela has to move on. Who knows, maybe after 2 years we might be back here for Bela’s gymnastics class. But for now, Bela needs a new environment but Little Gym will always be a part of who Bela is today as Bela learned a lot of good things here.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

On Getting Hurt

Today at the gym, Bela accidentally hit the door when she was able to let go from her dad and she ran so fast that she was not able to control her speed and she hit the side of the door. She now has a scratch on her cheek. I was at first mad at Howell because he was the one inside the gym with Bela. But I realized the same thing could have happened if I was the one inside. I kept on looking at Bela’s scratch on her cheek and I was really worried that it might leave a mark or something. But Howell kept on reassuring me that it’s just a scratch and in just a few days, it will disappear, and that I should stop worrying because it’s all part of growing up. And Bela didn’t even mind the scratch or she really didn’t get hurt and didn’t even cry.

Maybe I should always remember the Nido commercial, every time I see the scratch on Bela’s face.

“Mom, I’m sorry I got stinky, I got dirty. But see mom, I learned.”

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Midway Matinee at Little Gym

It was a special day last Sunday at Little Gym since it was Midway Matinee. Both parents are permitted to go inside the gym and take pictures.

Bela was in a good mood last Sunday. She woke up early (around 6:30 AM) so she was able to finish her first bottle early. Then she also joined us for breakfast and ate rice and soup. She was also able to drink another bottle of milk before we left home and she fell asleep on our way to the gym.

So she was really participative during class. She was joining the circles, the singing and all the activities. She even did the forward roll on the big donut and the backward roll with Teacher Clara. Teacher Clara even commented that she has a good form already.

Hope she would always be like this every Sunday as we noticed that she hasn’t been participating to almost all the activities lately and we feel that she’s already starting to get bored. Hope she gets to enjoy her last 7 Sundays at Little Gym.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Bela & Little Gym

Como esta le seonyotiros y senyoritas? It’s me again wow Ben, or Lolo Groovy.

My short story is of course again about my cute little granddaughter Bela at age 2.3 years old and my assessment of how she feels about Little Gym.

At age 2.3 years old she continues to amuse us of her many talents that sometimes you feel like spending the whole day with her. But the focus of my story is about my assessment of her regarding how she considers her school, Little Gym at Ortigas, Pasig, where every Sunday is her class schedule.

Last Sunday, February 24 was the fourth time she failed to complete her class session that us supposed to be 45 minutes to an hour. She would only last up to 30 minutes or sometimes less and she wants out, and we can’t persuade her to stay a bit more. For her, she wants out, out, nothing but out. If she sees “wowo” by the window or through the door both made of transparent glasses, she would run there and yell “Out, Out, Out. Wowo, Help!!”

At Little Gym, Bela is already at her second stage. She graduated the 1st stage last December and started on the second stage on the first Sunday of January 2008. Bela undeniably owes a lot from Little Gym. It helps a lot to hone her skills and talents. Everything in there she finds it very enjoyable, especially during her first stage. At that time, there were instances we even experienced to be the first to come but last to leave because Bela’s enthusiasm seems no end. Unlike now, sometimes she would not last half an hour and she wants out. Obviously as I see it, it’s mainly because this second stage has no difference to the first stage, so Bela lost her enthusiasm and excitement, which her mom doesn’t want to believe.

Bela as we all know, if she doesn’t like the place we could at once tell. Just by going out of the car, resistance is there. Or when finding the entrance to the place she really doesn’t like, there is a very vigorous resistance in her part coupled with loud cries. At Little Gym, we never see her act like that, uttered her mom.

Well don’t forget smart my granddaughter is. She is so smart that she is already trying to out smart us, but not me, her wowo. If she will display her usual act of rejection, she knows we might completely stop going to Little Gym, in which she doesn’t like to happen. Why? Little Gym is her ticket to FUN RANCH. What is her favorite word after Little Gym? FUN RANCH – FUN RANCH.

Believe me, I told her mom; our little “apo” is that smart, mana sa “wowo.” Little Gym is too much for her, its time to look for something new.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Bela's Weekend

Bela was not able to attend her class at Little Gym last Sunday. I was down with fever so Howell decided that we should all just stay at home to rest. Sayang nga kse Jacqui is dropping by at the gym. Chika ever sana at lakwatsa sa Podium.

It’s also bring a friend week at the gym and I invited Djuan of Pheng & Donar to attend the free trial class. I just asked Peachy (thanks again sis) to bring the invite so Pheng can get it at the reception area so they can avail of the free trial. I wonder how did the trial class went. Hope Djuan had fun also. I’ll wait for your kwento Pheng.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Last Week at Little Gym

Bela was not in the mood last week at her Little Gym class. She participated in the first part, but went out of the gym in the middle of the class. She was saying “hungry, hungry.” Eh kaya naman pala, gutom pala ang baby ko. So we let her finish her milk. She was not able to drink her milk and sleep on our way to the gym that’s why she’s a little cranky. After she finished her milk, she went back inside the gym and played with her classmates, as it is ball time already.

Here are some of the pictures:

.: doing the monkey jump with teacher clara :.

.: teacher clara clapping for bela :.

.: it's dad's turn inside the gym :.

.: playing with the hoops :.

.: trying to roll the hoop :.

.: giving the hoop back to teacher clara :.

Friday, February 01, 2008

My take on Enopi

We just got back from our visit to Center for Children’s Well Being School in Caloocan. As what I mentioned in my previous post, we went there to check out the Reading Laboratory program that they are offering. And we’re all disappointed, that we decided not to enroll Bela.

When I called them, they said that they need to asses Bela. So I thought they will assess Bela on what she already knows like if she knows the alphabet already or if she can count, distinguish shapes and colors and the like. But I was surprised to find out that they are only assessing Bela base on whether she can sit still for 30 minutes to one hour. According to the teacher that I talked to, the reading laboratory requires students to be seated during the entire duration of the class (30 minutes for twice a week class and one hour for once a week class) since they will be teaching kids to read. So I thought this is not the appropriate method of teaching kids of Bela’s age. Then the teacher also mentioned that they will be having worksheets. I don’t think I want to subject Bela to worksheets this early.

So I already made a decision that I will not enroll Bela to this program. Another thing that disappoints us is that they don’t even allow us to go inside the center to check their facilities. They didn’t even let us in their office to explain to us what Enopi is or what programs they can offer for my daughter. They talked to us while we are outside and the teacher is inside the counter and there is a glass window that is separating us. Also, when I asked what we can expect from the program and what methods of teaching they are using, they just said that we will know about it during the orientation. They don’t want to divulge much information which is what I’m looking for since I want to make a good choice for the classes that I’m enrolling Bela in.

I have started inquiring to a number of progressive preschools already and so I can’t help but compare the way they answered our inquiry and the way they deal with their clients.

I checked on this Enopi program because my friend convinced me that I should start Bela to Enopi as early as she can because it is a really good program. But after learning some information about it, my take now is that it is a supplemental program for kids in elementary level and not for kids of Bela’s age as it is very traditional and would really require a lot of time of the kids which I don’t think they will enjoy at a very young age.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

On Enopi, Kumon and Reading Laboratory

We will be going to Center for Children’s Well-Being School in Caloocan tomorrow to have Bela evaluated for their Reading Laboratory program that they offer for toddlers. It was suggested to me by my friend whose kids attend the Enopi class there.

I’m not sure if the Reading Laboratory program is under Enopi and I’m not sure either of the benefits of Enopi to kids. All I know is that majority of my friends have their kids attended the Enopi program and they are all doing well in school. They even got scholarships and their mother told me that it’s all because of Kumon and Enopi.

All of my friends have nothing but praises for the program and they told me that the earlier I enroll Bela, the more she will benefit from it. Honestly, I’m still not sure though if we’re doing the right thing but we decided to give it a try for a month and we will decide after that. Problem is they don’t offer trial class so we have no choice but to enroll Bela already. But tuition fee is kind of affordable so Howell gave me the go signal and the money to enroll Bela.

I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Last Sunday at Little Gym

If you will notice, I haven’t posted pictures of Bela at Little Gym lately. Since Howell was not with us during class since December and I don’t know how to use my brother’s SLR camera, we don’t have any decent shots of Bela during class. It was only last week when Howell was able to go with us to the gym.

Bela have a new teacher this quarter. She is not actually new to Bela as she was Bela’s teacher when Bela is still attending the Birds class. I’m glad that they switched teacher for this quarter. Honestly, I liked Teacher Clara better than Teacher PJ as Teacher Clara is naturally “malambing” to all the kids. Even though it is just the second week of class, Bela is already comfortable with her. During the first day of class, Teacher Clara was able to ask Bela to hold on to the bar, which she never ever tried with Teacher PJ. Hopefully, Bela will enjoy the class more this time with Teacher Clara.

Below are some pictures that Howell and I took.

.: doing the forward roll :.

.: see how "malambing" Teacher Clara is :.

.: walking on the beam :.

.: Bela doing the monkey jump (I caugth this on cam) :.

.: trying to catch the ball :.

.: following teacher clara "hands high, touch the sky :.