Showing posts with label Finances. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finances. Show all posts

Thursday, March 07, 2013

For Our and Their Future

Last Tuesday, I left earlier than usual as I have to catch a flight for my temporary duty work in Brunei for 4 days. My kids were still sleeping when I left so I just took a picture of them.

It was difficult for me to leave the kids as I am not really used to being away from them for a very long time. But this is part of my work and there is nothing that I can do it with. So while I am away from them, it gave me a chance to think about our life and I had a realization that my husband and I cannot be with our kids forever. If only we can, we would but we can’t control what God’s plan is for us.

But there is something that I can do to prepare for the future of my kids and that is by getting guaranteed annuities. And since I have nothing to do in the hotel as soon as I finish work, I got the chance too to review different annuity rates all from one website.

Now I have all the information that I need which I can share with my husband when I get back so we can finally get an annuity package for us.

Friday, September 30, 2011

New Discovery for my Citibank Credit Cards

I was so surprised when I went to Bela’s school to pay for her tuition fee because it is only now that I found out that I can use my citibank credit cards to pay for her tuition fee.

Well using my credit card to pay for her tuition fee has a lot of advantages:

1. Instead of paying right away for the tuition, I can use the cash that I have for other important things like pay for the electricity bills, shop for our grocery supplies and more as I still have more than a month before my credit cards are due.
2. I can also avail of the best credit card deals like I can earn bonus points, mileage, freebies and more if I use my card.
3. If I don’t have the money to pay for Bela’s tuition in full, I can use my credit card to pay for it and apply for deferred payment so I can pay for Bela’s tuition fee in small monthly installments which will be easier for us financially.

Now I am happy that I go though the whole credit card application as I was able to make good use of my credit card instead of just using it all the time for shopping. LOL.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Teaching Your Kids about Financial Responsibility

Parents often find themselves in a dilemma when it comes to teaching their kids about financial responsibility. Is there really the right age on when to introduce the concept of money, spending and saving? Where do you start? These and other questions often linger on a parent’s mind.

Kids of today are smart and you don’t need to baby talk them but rather treat them as young adults. While teaching about financial responsibility seems like a hard task, it could actually be fun and easy if you use some tricks. First thing that you have to remember is that you are dealing with kids and what you need are simple, basic concepts that they could easily understand.

At a young age, teach your kids about the value of saving money. One way to do it is by giving them a weekly allowance. As much as possible, avoid buying everything for your children. If they got their sight on a small toy, let them know that they can buy it if they save enough money. Limit their purchases and explain to them why they could have one item bought at the candy store or toy store.

Make the learning interesting by teaching them how to pay for their own purchases. Line up at the register and let them hand out their money to the cashier. These small things could teach them about the value of money in a fun and easy way.

Amy is a freelance content writer is also fond of traveling and outdoor adventures. She enjoys working for gulvafslibning projects and sees this as an opportunity to share information about floor sanding.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

What We Learned Today

After our trip to the bank today and after talking to the senior manager who is handling our housing loan, I got really convinced that we really made the right decision in making another investment by acquiring a property. According to him, it is wise to make investments as it will be a security for our kids.

I subscribed to the news letter of United States Gold Bureau before and gold is another investment that my husband and I are interested in. Who wouldn’t want to invest in gold? Gold is a very stable investment as it does not depreciate over time and is a universally accepted asset making it very easy to convert to cash.

If my husband and I will have extra money, we will definitely contact the hard asset professionals of United States Gold Bureau right away so we can Buy Gold Krugerrands as another form of our investment.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Her Christmas Gift and Her Future

My husband and I had a very hard time looking for a gift for our dear Princess. She just celebrated her birthday and so she got lots of toys already so we were really having a hard time looking for the perfect gift for her.

And so we thought, why not buy gold bullion? This will be a good investment for her future. We have been reading the website of United States Gold Bureau where we have learned a lot about gold investment. We learned that gold is a very stable and strong investment as its value is not easily affected by the status of the economy so it is one good way to preserve one’s wealth.

But you know kids. For sure she will still prefer to get a toy for Christmas so we might still get her something from her favorite toy store. But we know that she may not understand it for now, but she will be forever thankful in the future as she will soon discover that we have made a very great investment for her.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Enough with Bags. It is Time for Gold

Bela, upon seeing my new bag:

Bela: “Is your bag new mom?”
Me: “Yes.”
Bela: “Why do you need lots of bags?”

I did not know how to answer her and I just laugh upon hearing her question. But at least she is aware that too much is not good and that we should learn how to save up for our future. That is why after hearing Bela question me about my bag addiction, it really made me think and so I started checking the site of United States Gold Bureau as I am now considering to buy gold bullion as an investment.

They say that designer bags are an investment too as I can sell it in the future if I want to but I know that its value is depreciated already. Unlike gold whose value will not depreciate over time and so it is really a good way to preserve one’s wealth.

I had enough bags already for 2010 and so it is time for me to start saving up and make some real investments for the future of our kids.

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Big Sister

Bela just turned 5 years old last Tuesday. I can’t believe time really flies so fast and my baby is now a big girl already.

This also made me realize that it is really time for us to seriously consider making investments to secure the future of our kids. I am actually checking out the site of United States Gold Bureau as my husband and I are considering to buy gold bullion.

Gold is a very good investment as its value does not depreciate over time. It can also be easily converted to cash as gold is universally accepted. Its storage won’t be a problem also as it can be safely stored in a safety deposit box at home or arrangements can be made for its storage in any local banks.

I know time will fly just like that and before we know it, our kids are all grown up already. So now that we can still afford to make investments, we should really take this opportunity as it is for the security of our kids.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Priority Change

When I was still single, I am always looking forward to paydays as it means that I can go shopping for clothes, gadgets, shoes, bags and etc. But what they say is really true, once you became a parent, your priorities will change as what you can only think of is the security of your kids.

That is why now that we have Bela and Cobi, our priorities have really changed and all we can think of now is how to save to secure the future of our kids.

We have been doing some research and we have been reading the site of United States Gold Bureau so we can really learn a lot about gold investment. We learned that gold is a very strong and stable investment and so we are thinking of investing in gold coin.

As parents, nothing tops our list of priorities but to give a very bright and secure future for Bela and Cobi.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

For Her Birthday

Bela: “Mom you should stop buying me toys because our house is already full of toys.”

I remembered Bela said this to me several times already so I figured that we should think of something different to give her on her birthday. She is already an ate now with the arrival of Cobi and we want to teach her to be responsible and so we are thinking of starting her early and teach her the value of saving money.

Hubby and I checked the website of United States Gold Bureau and we decided that a gold coin will be the best initial gold investment for Bela. Gold is a good investment as it does not depreciate over time so it will be a good way to save for Bela’s future.

At least with this gift, we are already teaching Bela the value of investment and savings and as they always say it is always best to start them young.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Value of Gold

Bela will be turning five next month and this made me realize that time really flies fast and before we know it, she is already on her way to college. This is a big realization for us that it is really time to save up for our kids’ future.

I was reading the website of United States Gold Bureau and I really learned a lot about gold investment. I learned that gold is a very good form of investment unlike other hard assets or even real estate, as its value does not depreciate over time. It is also universally accepted so we can easily convert it to cash if the need arises.

After gathering information about gold investment, it really convinced us that we should buy gold in the form of gold coins as our starting gold investment. We know that with gold, we can totally secure the future of our kids.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Thinking of Possible Options

I can see how Bela does great with her studies. Since she studied in the big school, I can see a lot of improvements from her. She’s well disciplined now and she knows when to stop playing or watching TV to study. She even knows how to read a two-letter word now and she’s doing great in her writing activity now.

I am such a proud mom that’s why I am more motivated to work to earn enough to give her the best education and for Cobi as well. I also thought that maybe I should start investing my money rather than stocking it up in the bank.

Considering what to invest might be quite a hard decision for you should first think of the possible pros and cons of your options. As for now, I’m still reviewing the benefits of investing in gold bullion as I read from their site and base from the suggestions of my friends, this can be one of the best investments since gold has a lot of good benefits.

So now I’m still finalizing with my decisions and I know that I have to talk this over with hubby before I push through with it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gold Investment

I still can’t believe that my Bela is already going to big school and I am sure before we know it, we need to make decisions with her on where she wants to go to college.

That is why now that our kids are still young, hubby and I decided that it is the perfect time to make investments. We were in the Makati Business district last night and I read a sign which says “Why stop at saving. Invest now!!”

This made me check out the site of United States Gold Bureau. I learned a lot about gold investment after reading their site and it made me really convince that it is a very good form of investment as its value does not depreciate over time. We contacted their hard asset professionals who can help us get the best offer in the market for gold bullion so we can get started with our gold investment.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Payday Loan to Answer Our Plans

Who says money is not important? Well I guess, most of you will say that money is indeed important. The value of every single cent motivates us to work harder so we can have enough income to assure our life. Money has in fact made a big role in our everyday living since most of our activities that we do are incorporated with it.

Definitely, as a mom and wife, I work hard to earn money to support our family’s needs. Obviously, I always want the best for them especially to my kids. I want them to have a good quality of education, healthy foods and lifestyle for them to be capable of living the best life.

The future of my family is always on my top priorities. This is the reason why hubby and I are starting to consider few things that will benefit us. We’ve talked about our plans of having payday loan because we want to start our own business. We really don’t want to rely on our jobs alone since we both know that there will come a point wherein we are about to stop. We both want to secure our family’s future that’s why we are thinking of venturing into other alternatives that will help assure my family to provide our necessities.

Now that we have two kids and Bela is already studying in a big school, we are definitely obliged to earn extra to pay for the expenses and other commitments. In this case, I also have to budget our money and spend them wisely by emphasizing on more important things that we need. I know that by doing this, we will be able to save enough money to provide for our future and probably for some circumstances that we have to focus on.

I really pray that we will become capable enough in pursuing our plans. This may be a risk for us but who knows that this can be of great help.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Learn More About Gold Investment

It is already past midnight and my husband and my two kids are now fast asleep. I am staring at them and I became sentimental and made me really think about the future of our kids. I love all of them dearly and in case something happens to me, I wanted to make sure that my kids would still have a bright future.

That is when I came to realize that I should start making investments like buying gold coins to save up and secure the future of Bela and Cobi. Gold is a very good investment as it doesn’t depreciate in time and is universally accepted so it can be easily converted to cash. Storage is not a problem also as it can be easily stored in a safe deposit box at home or arrangement can made for it to be stored in local banks.

I am still not sleepy so instead of being sentimental and emotional, I would just use this time to read the website of United States Gold Bureau to learn more about Gold Investment.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Working Hard

One of my friends asked me, how do you secure your family financially? Do you depend on your income from your job alone?

Ever since I had a child, I really see to it that I save money from my job. And since I have two kids now, I always budget my money and see to it that I have separate money for my kids' security including their education and health and for my personal and family expenses.

But I don’t always depend on my job; instead I invest into something like gold coins and real estate that I know will be practical for us since the values are often high and there are lesser chances that it will depreciate even for a longer period of time.

I don’t usually do this before but as my family grows bigger, I finally realize that I should not risk our future and I should be ready for whatever circumstances that may happen.

For Them

Bela is growing up really fast and before we know it, it will be time for her to go to college. And while we only have one child who goes to school, we might as well use this opportunity to invest our extra money instead of just spending it for shopping or travel.

So I have been doing some reading and research and I have discovered the site of United States Gold Bureau where I gathered a lot of tips and information about precious metal investment like gold coin and gold ingot.

Investing in precious metals is one of the best investment nowadays because it is a universally accepted hard asset that can be easily converted to cash. It also is a good way to preserve one’s wealth as it doesn’t depreciate in time so your investment will be really secured.

Securing for the future of our kids is really our top priority now and hubby and I knows that investing in precious metals is really a wise decision.

Investment Option

Every time I look at my kids, I can’t help but be inspired to continue to work harder so we can save up to secure their future. Aside from working really hard, I have been doing some research about precious metal investments as I heard that it is a good investment as it doesn’t depreciate in time and I am thankful because the website of United States Gold Bureau have been a really big help for me.

United States Gold Bureau is an authorized dealer of US Mint and it is where we can buy precious metals like gold, platinum and silver in bullion or coins for investment. They have experienced hard asset professionals who really knows a lot about precious metal investment so they can really help their clients in getting the best value of precious metals available in the market.

The website of United States Gold Bureau even offers tips, news and information so I was really able to learn a lot about precious metal investment so I am really considering it as one of our investment options.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

For My Family's Security

Have you ever thought of a good investment that can be a great source of your family’s financial security? Since I have a family to support and of course I want the best for them especially to my kids, I’m actually planning to buy gold eagle coins as part of our investments.

I got this idea from my friend and made me think that she has a good point because gold usually doesn’t observe lower value since it is widely accepted from almost anywhere and it can easily be converted to cash, which make it more accessible. In fact, there are times that the value gets higher as time passes by.

And so, I know that when I started investing with this, it will surely be all worth it and it will definitely be of great help to us especially for the future of my kids and my whole family.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

For Their Future

Now that are family is growing with the arrival of our second bundle of joy, hubby and I are really thinking of ways to save up for the future of our kids. We just can’t rely on our jobs as our bread and butter and we may never know what will happen with our job especially now that we are still experiencing the economic recession.

That is why when we learned about United States Gold Bureau and how their experienced staff can help us with our first gold investment, hubby and I are now considering to buy gold coins from them.

Gold coins can be a very good startup for a gold investment as it is more affordable than buying gold bar but it has the same value as gold, which like gold bar, will not depreciate in time. Gold is also universally accepted so we can convert our gold coins easily to cash if we want to.

Gold is really a wise investment and I am sure that we will never go wrong if ever we decide to invest on gold coins.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

For Their Future

In just a few days, I will be giving birth to my second child. And now that the family is growing, my husband and I have been thinking that it is really time to look for other investment options.

One of the investments that we are considering is to buy gold eagle coins. Since we are still not sure about our monthly expenses with the coming of our baby boy, we don’t want to be too aggressive with the investment and so we wanted to start small first and start with gold eagle coins.

Gold eagle coins is the world's leading gold bullion investment coins so this will really be a good investment for us. It is a tangible asset, is easily stored, can easily be converted to cash and since gold doesn’t depreciate in time, it will really be a good investment for the future of our kids.