Showing posts with label SG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SG. Show all posts

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Bela @ SG Zoo - a snapshot

Day2 510
Don’t I look fat in this picture and looks like I will need the best weight loss pills? But anyway, I still opted to post it in my Flickr account as this is one of the pictures where you can see that Bela did had fun while we were in Singapore.

Last year when we watched the Elephants at Work and at play show, Bela was already so tired that she was already throwing tantrums and did not really enjoyed the show. But this time, even though she did not take a nap, she watched the show with so much excitement and enthusiasm. It was a thirty minutes show and she did not even get bored for even one bit.

After the show, there was an elephant feeding program where for SGD $ 5, you will be given a basket of fruits to be fed to the elephants. I thought Bela will be so tired for this but she was still all game when I asked her if she wants to feed the elephants.

I still have to make one official post of our SG and KL trip but for the meantime, you can check out pictures for our two days in Singapore here.