Showing posts with label Aloha Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aloha Friday. Show all posts

Friday, July 01, 2011

It's Aloha Friday!

No work 'til Tuesday! Well, hopefully that's the case. This weekend we're celebrating Independence in the U.S. Word on the street is that I'll be heading to Coney Island with my kid sister. If you'd like to play our Show and Tell Game, you can! Here's what we're talking about this weekend.
#1 - Link us to something you'll do outside this weekend:

I will for sure be riding 'The Wonderwheel'. If you're like me, and you're always trying to pick between your two favorite rides:Roller coaster or Farris wheel? Roller coaster or Ferris Wheel?!!? The pain of having to choose is over. The Wonderwheel is both. Yep. It's practically the greatest ride ever.
We're hoping for delicious weekends!

#2 - What will you get or make in the kitchen?!

#3 - What kick back thing will you do inside?

#1 - Something you're going to do outside?
#2 - Something you're making or getting from the kitchen?
#3 - Something you'll be doing indoors?

New to Aloha Friday?
We've made a video to help you play along!
Get your URL ready and paste it into the URL line.
Click on the 'click here to enter' part of the linky.
Your caption is the number you are answering and your name.


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