Showing posts with label Celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebration. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Counting down to Surtex! This will so be me on Wednesday when it's all over and I can breathe and think and be kissed without making long lists in my head, occasionally jumping up to get a pen to make a quick smattering of notes. I don't think that's been going over too well.... haha.

As requested, I've been trying to show you more of my process. This final illustration is two drafts away from the sketch I showed you last week. It was a fun one. The angle of the arm had to be changed. Then we made her a bit more curvy and gave her better shoes. The lapel of her jacket needed to be wider and of course she needed some fancy, flirty bag. The bag was the most irritating change to me. Now that everything is said and done the bag is my favorite thing about the illustration. Now for the fun part. Off to the invoices!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Let's Hear it for the Emmys. . .

The latest kid's show I designed for, I was one designer on a team of 5,
was just nominated for an Emmy in design!
You can take a look at it here: Woohoo!! I know it's been forever since I posted but don't despair! I'm super busy getting ready for a summer gallery show at Starbucks.

I'll have new sketches to show off soon. In other exciting news. . . I just got a response to a query letter I sent out a month ago. Who knows, maybe it won't be long until I'm on the shelves at Barnes and Noble. Keep your fingers crossed! Thanks for all your lovely patience and support. I'll have more drawings up in no time! Plus, it's summer. You know what that means? There's going to be a lot of kids playing in the park and they're going to need someone to draw them :)


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