Showing posts with label Inpromptu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inpromptu. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2012

She Sure is {Popular} Scribble me This

As a child, I was a wit. I could dance the hula. I had great hair. I was working on an ever expanding vocabulary. However, it was clear early on that my parents took their greatest reward in rolling me out for this one parlor trick. Draw a scribble. Give it to the girl. She'll make it sing.

I was sure my parent's friend's desire to see the girl who scribbled was just a fluke. However, apparently the interwebs and my family and friends all see my worth the same way.  My blog gets more than a quarter of its fame from society's apparent insatiable hunger for "Scribble Drawings". Google brings them  here. So today I scratch my head, and let Jon scribble away on this lined paper, where I build a popular menagerie of mingled line.

p.s. in keeping with today's Illustration Friday theme... I might be responsible for a clean million of the views on this video:


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