Showing posts with label CSI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSI. Show all posts

Monday, 17 October 2016

Layout w kratkę / Squared page

Ostatni z trzech projektów przygotowanych na wrześniowe wyzwanie na blogu CSI

The last of the three project, which I made for semptember challenge on CSI blog.

Jako bazę wybrałem papier z kolekcji "Timeless". Za pomocą maski dodałem nieco wzoru i uwydatniłem go za pomocą mgiełek. Z maski "Fly away" czarnym cienkopisem odrysowałem kontury numerków.

For backround I chose paper from "Timeless" collection. I added a little pattern form stencil and a little colors from mists. With black pen I drawn a outlines numbers from "Fly away" stencil. 

Produkty: / Products:

Nie zapomnijcie też, że wciąż można wziąć udział w naszym wyzwaniu.

Don't forget about our october challenge.


Saturday, 15 October 2016

Fave Moment | Terhi Koskinen

Hello 13arts Fans!

Terhi here sharing another CSI inspired layout with you. This time with the second case file of September, number 212 and you'll find all the details below.

For my evidence I chose solid background, shiny gold elements, staples, labels and liquid pearls. Quite many! And as testimony, my layout tells a story about my daughters birthday party, which is of course one of the most important things happened during the whole year.
If you want to join the challenge, and win some amazing 13arts prizes, go to CSI: Colors, Stories, Inspiration website and have fun!

The first thing I chose from the evidence list was shiny gold elements and staples, and it all started there. I wanted to use staples as a part of my design, so I added many here and there. As well as lots of shiny elements, on vellum and crystals!

My papers are from Out of the Blue collection, from Mental Vacation collection and wooden patterns are picked up from Winter Tales collection. Lots of matching papers in all 13arts collection, and I love it!

Thank you for stopping by!

Terhi xx

13arts products:

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

CSI Case 213 | Fiona Paltridge

Hello 13@rts fans!  Fiona here with you today to share my CSI (Color, Stories, Inspiration) CASE FILE 213

I just love a challenge and these CSI Case Files are perfect! 
The scene was so adorable I couldn't resist giving it a go. To play is very simple. You have to be inspired first by the scene then you choose at least three "clues" from the"evidence" list and at least one "Testimony" from the other list.

From the "Evidence" list I choose Dots as my first clue, I used some adhesive beads for my dots as well as adding some black SPLASH Ink dots at the end.

Next clue I choose was a grid pattern, I drew some more lines onto the Secret letters paper that already has a wood grain on it and then coloured some of them in with some of the Matte Ayeeda paints that matched the colours from the inspiration. I also stamped some more finer grid over the top.

My final clue I choose was tape measure which I stamped on using some Ayeeda paint. Then i tied the testimony together by choosing to include a number sticker in my story. My story "3 Crazy Friends" .... the Friends chipboard fitted perfectly around my photo and I painted it with the Ayeeda paint to blend it in.

13@rts products used:

I hope you have some fun and join in with the CSI challenge too.

I'll see you all again soon xx

Friday, 23 September 2016

Case 212 by Marta Debicka

W tym miesiącu 13arts gości na blogu CSI, więc dziś chciałabym Wam pokazać mój projekt wykonany na Sprawę 212

This month 13arts is a guest on CSI's blog, so today I'd like to show you my project which I made for Case 212

Wszystkie zacieki zrobiłam przy użyciu Rainbow Color. Uwielbiam ten produkt, jest świetny do eksperymentów. 
All the stains are made with Rainbow color. I really love this product. It's great to play with. 

I kilka kwiatów, które zrobiłam sama używając pręcików 13arts. 
And here are some flowers which I made myself with 13arts' stamens

Użyłam / I used:

Mika Flakes: Dark Blue

Monday, 12 September 2016

Turquoise layout by Dawid

Dziś pokażę Wam projekt, który powstał wg mapki i wskazówek we wrześniowych gościnnych występach w CSI. Zacząłem z białą kartkę i poszalałem nieco z farbami i mgiełkami.

Today I want show you project, which I made for quest design for CSI in September. I started with white paper and I played with paints and mists.

Produkty, których użyłem:

Product, which I used:

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Skydiving | Terhi Koskinen

Hi all, Terhi here!

Today I'm happy to share my coolest thing I've ever done  - jump off from an airoplane!

I'm turning 30 this month, and decided years ago that skydiving is something I WILL do it before my big birthday.
I did it.

No words to descripe the feeling of free fall! 
The full adventure is recorded on a video, if you are brave enough to watch it ;) 
See it in my YouTube channel, here.

This layout is made for CSI: Color, Stories, Inspiration challenge site, as a guest designer from 13arts. We are sponsoring the challenge this month, so go on and join in order to win something nice from us!

The sketch is used, as well as all the color from the color scheme.
For evidence I chose solid background, text, string and chipboards. And for testimony, as the title says, I just want to FLY all day.
These cases are so much fun, join CSI here!

Thank you for stopping by!

Terhi xx

13arts products:

Thursday, 8 September 2016

CSI Case 211 by Marta

Dziś chciałabym pokazać mój layout inspirowany mapką z najnowszego wyzwania CSI, gdzie 13arts gości w tym miesiącu :) Wyzwanie ma dość surowe wytyczne- trzeba użyć zarówno mapki jak i palety kolorów a także konkretnych elementów. Trudne wyzwania są najlepsze! 

Today I'd like to show you my layout inspired by the sketch from CSI Challenge where 13arts is a Guest this month :) The challenge is very strict- you have to use colour palette, sketch and some elements. The challenging challenges are the best! 

I kilka szczegółów. Muszę przyznać, że uwielbiam urocze małe, brokatowe gwiazdki! Są idealne do każdego rodzaju projektów. 

And here are some details. I must admit that I fell in love in cute little glitter stars! They are very great for all kind of projects.

Product List:

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Terhi Koskinen | Hope

Hi there 13arts fans!

Terhi here today sharing my last CSI: Colors, Stories, Inspiration guest designer layout. The color scheme of this challenge was a real challenge for me, but I did it and it was fun! The challenge is already closed, but still there are many other case files you can join.

Evidence: Text print, leaves, distressing, metal.
Testimony: Write about a secret desire or wish.
My wish, or hope as I titled the layout, is to stay healthy. It is not a foregone conclusion and I'm doing my best to eat well, do my exercise and enjoy life. It's the attitude that makes the difference.

The paper cluster is combination of many different collections. There are papers from Color Basic collection, from Starlight collection, and from Cosy Evening collection. All looking good together.

Chipboards on the background have embossed layer on the top, but the title is much more fun. First I colored it with black ink, and then there is a layer of Glossy Accent glue. It made it shine so beautifully, just as the sunset in the picture. Bright!

Hope you liked it, see you soon!

Terhi xx

13arts products:

Friday, 26 February 2016

Love Yourself by Agnieszka Bellaidea for GD CSI

Witam serdecznie!
Mam na dzis nowa prace przygotowana do CSI z biezacego tygodnia.
Bardzo spodobal mi sie zestaw kolorystyczny, moze ktos z Was tez sie przylaczy i przygotuje prace z produktami 13arts?

I have a new project for today created with 13arts for new case at CSI, I loved new color combo! Maybe you will join in and create layout for CSI with 13arts products?

Naklejki / Stickers "Secret Letters"

Thank you for looking!

Dziekujemy za odwiedziny.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Terhi Koskinen | Unforgetable

Hello all!

Terhi here again with another guest designer layout for CSI: Colors, Stories, Inspiration. This is the case file 191, and I'm quite excited about it.
If you want to join the fun, log yourself in to CSI site, here (link) - of course there's a chance to win 13arts goodies.

This case file includes a sketch, too. So you need to be inspired by the moodboard picture, do your layout with the color scheme, choose at least three evidence and then the testimony, which is the theme to journal about.
I chose watercolors, animal and triangles to my evidence, and for the testimony the inspiration word "love".

First I did the background with pink watercolors, but it was so bright and strong, I gave it to my daughter who loved for the same reason I didn't like it.
Then did this with much lighter look, and decided to give this layout a very light look with pastel colors - just as in the moodboard.

Hope you feel inspired and thank you for stopping by!

Terhi xx

13arts products:
Papers - Mental Vacation