Showing posts with label north dakota. Show all posts
Showing posts with label north dakota. Show all posts

Thursday, June 15, 2017

In a victory for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, the Court finds that approval of Dakota Access Pipeline violated the law.

From North Dakota-

In a 91-page decision, Judge James Boasberg ruled that the federal permits authorizing the pipeline to cross the Missouri River just upstream of the Standing Rock reservation, which were hastily issued by the Trump administration just days after the inauguration, violated the law in certain critical respects.

The Court did not determine whether pipeline operations should be shut off and has requested additional briefing on the subject and a status conference next week.

The federal judge wrote, “the Court agrees that [the Corps] did not adequately consider the impacts of an oil spill on fishing rights, hunting rights, or environmental justice, or the degree to which the pipeline’s effects are likely to be highly controversial.”

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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Local clergy joins peaceful ‘water protectors’ at site of Standing Rock pipeline protests

From Philadelphia-

You’ve likely read quite a bit about protests of the plans to build Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota. Violent clashes between protestors, police and other security personal have been a regular occurrence since early fall. Chestnut Hill minister Cliff Cutler of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church recently returned from a peace mission at the site of the protests. The following is his account of the time he spent there.

Members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe asked for clergy to come to their support and calm the tensions. They are protecting the water of the Missouri River (and their water supply) from the Dakota Access Pipeline that will move 470,000 barrels of oil a day under the river.

The Rev. John Floberg, Canon Missioner for the Episcopal Church on the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota, put out the call on Oct. 22, hoping for 100 clergy to respond. The night of Nov. 2, as we gathered for the first time in the Cannon Ball, N.D., gymnasium we numbered more than 500, from 25 faith traditions, 45 states and four countries.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline remains on hold

From ENS-

On Nov. 15, protesters took to the streets to call on President Obama to stop construction on the controversial North Dakota Access pipeline. On the same day, Energy Transfer Partners filed a lawsuit asking for federal court intervention to finish the pipeline project.

The #NoDAPL Day of Action came one day after the federal government said final approval for a federal permit that would allow construction to continue on the Dakota Access Pipeline remains on hold pending further analysis and conversations concerning the project’s potential impact on water quality and damage to sacred tribal sites near the Standing Rock Sioux Nation’s reservation in North Dakota.

In a statement posted Nov. 14 on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website, the Army said it had completed the review it launched on Sept. 9, when it requested construction stop on the 1,172-mile 30-inch diameter pipeline poised to carry 570,000 gallons of oil a day from the Bakken oil field in northwestern North Dakota – through South Dakota and Iowa – to Illinois where it will be shipped to refineries.

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Friday, November 4, 2016

Trump And Clinton Are Both Ignoring Standing Rock, And It’s Unacceptable

From Huffington-

The Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota has been thrust into the national spotlight since the protests over the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) have increased tensions in the region. The DAPL is a proposed 1,100+ mile pipeline that is set run from North Dakota down into Illinois. If constructed, it will transport crude oil through four states.

Environmental activists and members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe have been strictly opposed to the particular route the pipeline is set to take, as it runs the risk of poisoning the drinking water for millions of people (it would pass under Lake Oahe and the Missouri River) if a leak occurs, and it would traverse through and destroy sacred ground.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tribes invoke sacred reasons in opposing Dakota pipeline

 From Virginia-

One of the most challenging arguments regarding energy generally and pipelines specifically is not addressed by secular law. McAuliffe left out the theological implications, to no one’s great surprise.

A tense pipeline debate is occurring in the Dakotas, too. The Standing Rock Sioux Nation opposes the Dakota Access Pipeline, which it says would violate sacred tribal grounds.  It also would threaten the water supply, protesters believe.

The Episcopal Church enjoys a strong presence among the tribes. Michael Curry, the church’s presiding bishop, has visited the region to encourage the Standing Rock Sioux. He cited biblical precedent for Standing Rock’s claim.

Each pipeline must be judged on its merits. Domestic natural gas serves as a welcome alternative to imported fuels.

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Monday, November 30, 2015

Episcopal Church plans to 'break away' from N.D. Bishop's stance on same sex marriage

From North Dakota-

In July, the U.S. Episcopal Church voted overwhelmingly to allow same-sex marriages in the church.

However, the Episcopalian leader, Bishop Michael G. Smith says he is resisting that policy that went into effect today.

Darcy Corbitt-Hall recently moved here from Alabama
"Coming to North Dakota and then suddenly realizing I don't have that ability in my church is very upsetting,” Hall says. “I can't align myself with organizations that don't treat everyone the same and don't work for full inclusion."

Along with Darcy, other congregants that attend Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church, share the same beliefs.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Episcopal Church’s presiding bishop visits ND this week

From North Dakota-

The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church will make her first visit to North Dakota as presiding bishop to celebrate the church’s work for flood relief in Minot and attend the Niobara Convocation.

The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori will attend an Evensong service at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Gethsemane Episcopal Cathedral, 3600 25th St. S. in Fargo.

On Wednesday, she will attend services at St. George’s Church in Bis-marck.

On Thursday, Jefferts Schori will attend the 140th Niobara Convocation, a gathering of Native American Episcopalians at the Standing Rock Reservation.

The Tuesday Evensong traditional Anglican evening worship service is open to the public and features music by the Gethsemane Choir.

This is the first visit to North Dakota of a sitting Episcopal presiding bishop since 2004.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Grace Episcopal to conspire for Advent

From North Dakota-

A conspiracy is afoot at Grace Episcopal Church in Jamestown this holiday season, but it’s not about ruling the world.

Instead, the Advent Conspiracy is all about taking back Christmas by spending less, giving more, worshiping fully and loving all people.

“I hope they can get folks to get back to the meaning of Advent and Christmas… and kind of remember what the whole season is about,” said the Rev. Kevin Goodrich, pastor at Grace.

The Advent Conspiracy is a national grassroots movement involving more than 1,000 churches in 17 countries. Its theme is that Christmas can still change the world.

Advent, the historic beginning of the Christian year and the season centered on preparing for the arrival of Christ, begins Sunday.

The Christmas shopping season has already begun.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bishop Proposes Becoming Cathedral Dean

From The Living Church (would that make him the Very Right Rev.?)

The Bishop of North Dakota has proposed putting the cathedra back in cathedral, asking his diocese to consider approving him as the next dean of Gethsemane Cathedral, Fargo.

In the Rt. Rev. Michael G. Smith’s proposal, which appeared on his weblog Jan. 14 and on the diocese’s weblog Jan. 17, the bishop would devote two-thirds of his time to being dean and rector of the cathedral and one-third to being bishop. He envisions a staff of a full-time administrator, a full-time secretary, a quarter-time minister for pastoral care at the cathedral, and a diocesan ministry team (three canon missioners and the bishop’s executive assistant).

“My hope is for the Diocese of North Dakota to become one church with 21 mission outposts and emerging fresh expressions throughout our area,” Smith told The Living Church. “The cathedral could become the center and headquarters for this mission enterprise. My sense is that the future will depend less on our financial resources and more on the creativity and commitment of our members as we become communities of disciples serving the Lord Jesus Christ in our several communities.

“I am not campaigning for or trying to force this proposal,” he added. “I am simply presenting another model for discernment by the community. It may well be a long shot, as both the chapter and diocesan council will need to agree, and change does not come easily. I believe, however, that it is my responsibility as a leader to bring these issues before the church.”

In his proposal, Smith appealed to the early history of the Episcopal Church and to the consents granted to Bishop-elect Michael P. Milliken of Western Kansas, who has announced his intention to remain half-time rector of Grace Church, Hutchinson, after his consecration Feb. 19 as the diocese’s fifth bishop.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

North Dakota Affirms Covenant

From The Living Church-

The Diocese of North Dakota’s annual convention has affirmed the Anglican Covenant. The convention met Oct. 30 in Bismarck. The vote to affirm the Covenant was 73-42.

The resolution adopted by convention said the diocese “affirms the principles of the Anglican Communion Covenant and urges the General Convention to adopt it for the Episcopal Church.”

A pre-convention issue of the diocese’s newspaper, The Sheaf, featured three reflections on the resolution.

The Rt. Rev. Michael G. Smith, Bishop of North Dakota, endorsed the Covenant in his “From the Bishop” column.

“I think to reject the Anglican Communion Covenant would be a grievous mistake and will mark the end of Anglicanism as we know it,” the bishop wrote. “Furthermore, such rejection will continue and further the split in the Episcopal Church.”

The bishop added: “Already so many conservative and traditional Christians have left the Episcopal Church that our discourse and discernment is unbalanced at the national level. My hope and prayer is that our participation in the Anglican Communion Covenant will help to keep us in the orthodox mainstream of Christianity, the diverse center of the Church, where we can hear both sides of any issue we might face.”

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Texas church volunteers help White Shield church

From North Dakota-

A White Shield church is getting help with the construction of an addition to its building, thanks to six volunteers from a church in Midland, Texas.

The six men from Christ Church Midland arrived Thursday to start work on the addition to St. Paul's Episcopal Church, southwest of the community of White Shield on the Fort Berthold Reservation.

For one of the Midland men this is his second trip to White Shield this summer. Tom Talbot, the youth minister at Christ Church Midland, was in White Shield in July with a ministry team of high school and college students and adults, running a Bible camp at St. Paul's and other activities in the community. Talbot has led youth volunteer groups to St. Paul's for 12 years the past three years with Christ Church Midland.

The Midland volunteers' project is to build the main structure for the addition to St. Paul's. On Friday, the volunteers John Holmes, Shannon Smith, John Brenner, Gary Oknefski, Carl Englestad and Talbot had the project under way.

The volunteers have various expertise in building. Some of the volunteers have done similar work, including two of them who built a youth center in Guatemala and another who has built homes for Habitat for Humanity.

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