Byłam przekonana, że co jak co, ale serce z HDF
to będzie bułka z masłem.
Niestety to biedne serce było reanimowane już dwa razy,
mam nadzieję, że trzecia, ostateczna wersja przypadnie Wam do serca.
oraz tekturką kwiaty z Agaterii,
którą potuszowałam i potraktowałam głossy accents.
Hi, I was convinced that all in all the heart from HDF
will be a piece of cake.
Unfortunately this poor heart was reanimated two times,
I hope the third one, final version, will be close to your heart.
I've decorated them with papers from Agateria and Lemoncraft
and a chipboard treated with ink and glossy accents.
Hi, I was convinced that all in all the heart from HDF
will be a piece of cake.
Unfortunately this poor heart was reanimated two times,
I hope the third one, final version, will be close to your heart.
I've decorated them with papers from Agateria and Lemoncraft
and a chipboard treated with ink and glossy accents.
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Best wishes