Consider God's handiwork...
Consider God's handiwork; who can straighten what He hath made crooked?" - Ecclesiastes 7:13 Parents of kids with Down syndrome are trying to discourage routine abortions of such children. Tests for the syndrome are spreading, and 90 percent of women who test positive choose abortion. Parents' methods of discouragement: meeting with doctors to change the way they talk about Down's, asking doctors to refer pregnant women to them, and inviting the women to meet their affected kids. Official rationales : 1) Down's kids are a joy and not such a burden. 2) Routine abortion of them is a step toward eugenics. Unofficial rationale : If no more kids are born with the syndrome, society's support for kids already affected will evaporate. Cynical view : Misery loves company. Hardcore pro-choice view : This smells like pro-life pressure tactics. There are so many slippery slopes in that Slate magazine article that it is difficult to pick a starting point. Needless to say th...