
Showing posts with the label shoebomber

Something you won't hear on MSM, Daily Show, etc.

I get a lot of emails from my grandfather that deal with forwarded stories, most are the "Soup for the Soul" stuff and things I have to reply back to him that didn't really happen or that is an urban legend etc. But today I got something from him that was really cool, and unfortunately, you will never see on television. I thought it was an urban legend but it checked out- it is the sentencing of the shoe bomber- remember that asshat? He made a bomb in his show and was going to blow up an airplane in December of 2001. He got donkey punched by some passengers as he tried to light it. U.S. District Court Judge William Young did make the following statement during the sentencing of convicted "shoe bomber" Richard Reid in Boston on January 30, 2003.The judge's remarks followed a belligerent and unapologetic statement by Reid accusing the United States of sponsoring the torture of Muslims in Arab countries, "I'm an enemy of your country," he told th...