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Can't we all just get along?

Apparently not, as long as black continue to believe that white cops have it out for them. Statistics show that white cops don't kill blacks any more than black cops kill black suspects, but let's not let these facts get in the way of the race relations of our country. I'm a white guy and I cannot relate to the black guy's assertion that he is targeted by the police and profiled more than I am. Perhaps that is true, however I do not put myself in situation that raises police suspicion of me. For some reason, the sweeping generalization that  "Not all people who wear hoodies are criminals, but all criminals wear hoodies" comes to mind. Before you start shaking your fist at me, I do understand that their are racist cops, however I am just looking at the statistical data to support the ongoing claim that there is an epidemic of white on black crime, specifically by white cops. From Real Clear Politics : Between 1976 and 2011 across the United State...