
Showing posts with the label biden

My $.02

This presidential election is going to be doozy. The whole process will drain me emotionally and intellectually until the moment the results are flung to the world this November, which is only 30 days away. I watched both debates and I have reflected on both what was said and what wasn’t said. Obama is a great speaker; he reminds me of Bill Clinton in a lot of ways and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the same people have prepped both men. But I hold the same mistrust for both men also. I believe that the election is not going to be won by policies and attacks on the opposition’s stances but by whom the American people trust the most. Let’s face it, neither the Obama-Biden nor the McCain-Palin tickets are that impressive when it comes to combining all the elements of what a U.S. President should have. But then again, I can’t remember an election when they did. Obama has had a tough time with the Ad Hominem fallacy of “guilt by association.” The first blow out was with, ironically, Ob...

The Next 60 Days

Well, 2 weeks of conventions have passed and America is probably a little better informed about the candidates. I have to admit that after Obama’s speech I was impressed with his message. After thinking about it for a while, however, it dawned on me what his message really was. You really had to read between the lines but I got from it was higher taxes, kiss the terrorists asses, and McCain is a weenie. Obama promised to just raise taxes on the rich and corporations and I stated in a previous post that I don’t think those 2 demographics are going to be to supply the money needed for Obama’s proposed plans. They very well might, however, Fred Thompson summed it up best: Now our opponents tell you not to worry about their tax increases. They tell you they are not going to tax your family. No, they're just going to tax "businesses"! So unless you buy something from a "business", like groceries or clothes or gasoline ... or unless you get a paycheck from a big or a ...