I have adored wool hooked rugs for some time now. I was looking on Ebay the other day and low and behold I found one I really liked and it was very affordable. Here it is...
So what do you think of it? I really don't know where I'm going to put it yet but I just fell in love with it so I had to have it. I would like to get a couple more rugs just because. I know there are a few bloggers out there that have this same rug. Sheep seem to speak to me so that is why I picked this one. Sandy at For The Love Of Prims has a crow hooked rug that I love just as much. Now if I could only get my hands on one of those I would be set. Okay Okay, she is checking into it for me. Wish me luck.
I hope everyone is having Spring Like Weather like we are having here in Ohio. I am so looking forward to full days of sunshine and 80 degree temps. Until next time!
Prim Blessings,