I am delighted to show you some things I won from a recent giveaway. I participated in Teresa's giveaway over at Willow Bend Prims and looky looky what I won! It was almost like TJ knew me personally and picked the exact things I would like.
This plate has one of my most favorite scriptures verses on it from Joshua 2:15. In case you can't read it, it says "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." My family is trying our best to do just that. The star holder came with the plate.
This crock is my next favorite thing. I almost bought myself one the last time I was at one of my prim stores but I put it back. Can you say "amazing." The candle will go on a shelf on my cupboard in my living room. The pantry cake will make its home along the other two I have on my stove board in the kitchen. I think I have the perfect candle for the berry wreath too.
The black peg rack will go perfectly in my kitchen to ensure that I will be able to locate my keys more easily in the morning before I have to head out to work. I'm always loosing them but now I won't have any more excuse for not being able to find them. The prim little bag will be holding my cell phone. Maybe I will be able to answer my phone calls in a more timely manner since I should be able to find it easily. The spool will be placed along with two other ones I have collected over time. I adore the crow pick. I have the perfect planter to place it in too.
I hope you like my goodies as much as I do. I want to thank TJ again for being so generous and sweet in her giveaway.
Blessings friends,