Good Friday Afternoon Friends. I bet you all think I got lost somewhere. You know sometimes I wish I could. I have been so busy running around to my daughters softball practices/games, school events and getting ready for her prom that I haven't had much time for myself. I'm not complaining because I love doing things for my family but I have just been running every which way lately.
Well let's get right to what this post is about shall we. I have desperately been wanting to make over my kitchen for almost a year now. It just isn't in the budget at this time. Well I cannot take the way my kitchen looks anymore so I have decided on a rather inexpensive make over to get me thru to the big one.
You see I want to change out my counter tops, install hardwood flooring, change out my sink and appliances and move my island. This all takes money of which I don't have. I have thought about it for some time now and decided to just tackle what I hate most about my kitchen. I believe I can get away with some new paint, curtains and accessories.
We won't have time to start anything until after softball season and the prom but I have decided that when we do get started, I am just going to paint the walls, add chair rail and make new curtains. These changes will also work with my big makeover should it ever happen.
I have been looking for black stripe ticking material for my curtains. I posted something about this on facebook earlier this week asking if anyone knew of a discount material site to purchase it from. I think maybe I got two suggestions. Well luckily this morning, I was reading some of my favorite blogs and low and behold Anne from just posted her bedroom makeover and she listed where she bought the black stripe ticking she purchased for the curtains she made. I immediately clicked on the link and ordered me some for my curtains. Anne says the material isn't real thick but that will be perfectly fine. I don't need to block the outside with them because we live in the woods. Not much of a chance anyone will be looking in my windows out there. The kitchen is on the backside of the house so the sun doesn't shine too bright there either during the day. I am so grateful for Anne's blog post today. She made my day. Here is a little sample of what it looks like.
I promise to keep you updated as we progress with the kitchen make over and I'm sure I will be asking for lots of advice along the way. Thank you to those that continue to follow my blog even though I haven't been very faithful in my posting lately. I really appreciate and love each and everyone of you!
In closing, I want to wish you all a Happy Easter. May you get to spend some good quality time with your families. Remember Easter is not about the candy and Easter Bunny! It is that of honoring and recognizing Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead, and His glorious promises of eternal life for all who believe in Him.
~Happy Easter To All~