Thursday, April 30, 2009

My "day care"

Many of you know that i do child care in my home. It was an accident that it happened, but I have enjoyed watching Baby Marcus for the most part. We understand each other now. My bishop keeps recommending me to people because he "trusts me and knows the children will be loved". A great compliment. I was sad when things didn't work out to get the newborn this month. However...
I have two little girls that I am watching now. Their background is VERY complicated, to say the least. Let's just say their mom and dad had a shot gun wedding and mom cheated on dad and is now living with her boyfriend. I am stuck in the middle. The hardest part for me is caring for the two girls. They have no schedule or boundaries. Their mom brings mac and cheese literally every day for me to make for them. I mostly give them real food and return the unopened boxes, but she doesn't even notice. They do not come bathed. The youngest is lactose intolerant, but mom won't admit it so I clean up the vomit and yucky diapers. (I don't let her have dairy here.) The youngest girl also has not gained any weight since she was 6 months old. (She is now 14 months.) Why is no one concerned about this? She won't eat anything but sweets and junk. UGH! I feel like the bad guy every time they are here. However, I really care about the girls and want to do what I can for them. The oldest girl still colors like an 18 month old and she is almost four. They are not getting the care they deserve at all. I am mostly venting, but if you have any ideas or thoughts that would be nice. I would rather have the girls here than elsewhere. At least I know they are getting proper care a few days a week.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ode to my $20

Oh, how I will miss you.
You could have been 3 weeks of laundry.
You could have been a night out with my honey.
You could have been Marcus's library fine and class picture.
You could have been gas for my car.
You could have been new books for my children.
You could have been that new DVD.
You had so much potential.
Why did you leave me?
You left me somewhere between my purse and my purchase.
Never forget me.
I just pray someone worthy found you, my friend.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday

Chris DAvis, Carl Pfiester (birthday boy), Andy Bahlmann
Clyde Bailey (my dad)
Happy Birthday, Carl! Marcus thought it was his dad's birthday today, but I told him it was his uncle's birthday. For whatever reason that was super exciting to him. Carl was my first brother in law and the only one I remember the birthday for sure. (Can't figure out why that is, though.) So, have a great day and may the Spurs win in honor of your 32nd. I am sorry your wife is so mean by the way. ;)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Memory Monday

I don't have a lot of time, so I am going to try something different today.

*This time last year we were finishing up at CU and packing to move to Las Vegas. I was still hoping Arizona would contact us with an acceptance letter.
*This time two years ago we were a couple months pregnant with Luke and I was working at the Family Housing Children's Center in Boulder. I had just found out that I was going to be a Resident Manager.
*This time three years ago Andy was working for the Utah Shakespearean Festival (USF) and I was finishing up my degree at SUU (Cedar City, Utah). We were planning our move to Boulder, Colorado.
*This time four years ago Andy was finishing his final semester at SUU. We were getting ready to go visit my sister in Texas and gearing up for our summer working for USF.
*This time five years ago I was finishing my first year at SUU and was pregnant with Anneke. We were living at Kensington apartments.
*This time six years ago Andy was completing his first year at SUU and had changed from theatre to English as a major. We were packing to move to Kensington apartments. Andy was working at FedEx and Walmart.
*This time seven years ago Marcus was a tiny baby and Andy was having many appointments in Logan to get ready for his jaw surgery. Jeff had just gotten home from his mission. We were living in the only house we have so far and loving it. Scott was our "room mate". We were in Ephraim and Andy was working at the grocery store in Manti.
*This time eight years ago we were newly weds and having many doctor appointments to figure out what was wrong with me. Popi and Doreen had just gotten married and I was jealous that Curt and Rachel Cox were pregnant. I was pregnant with Marcus and didn't know yet. Attending Snow College in Ephraim. I was cleaning the elementary school in Ephraim and Andy was building sets for the theater department about to start at Steven's Brothers.
*This time nine years ago I had finished my first year at Snow College and was dating a guy I wanted to marry. Carianne came to visit with David and Jodi. Both Cari and Jodi were pregnant. (They met James.) Andy had about 3 months left on his mission in Texas, Spanish speaking.
*This time ten years ago I was a senior in high school and ready to be done. I was attending institute at Snow and getting ready to attend the Summer college ward. I was watching the Breakwell children frequently and writing to 12 missionaries.

If I had known 10 years ago where I would be now, I wonder how much different my life would be. I wonder where I will be 10 years from now.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Why is it that in books, and movies a family consists of two children, commonly a boy and a girl? If there is a third it is a perpetual baby. Most people I know have three children. (Not just LDS.) I can understand that it is easier to keep track of fewer characters and you can care about them more easily. However, part of what makes Pride and Prejudice so fun is that there isn't just Jane and Lizzie. On the flip side, Taming of the Shrew would be different with more than the two sisters. Maybe because of this dynamic in media "society" feels guilty when they have more children than what they perceive as the norm. (This is obviously my opinion.) Why do people give so much power to the entertainment industry?

I have been reading books set in the late 1800's to early 1900's. These women had child after child and were sad if they were blessed with only four, or even two. I think that part of that was the death toll. If you had more children it was more likely that some would live longer than you, but still not a guarantee. Still, what changed? I am not condemning people for having small families, that is their choice. But, family size is a choice that should be left up to the people. Not dictated by society. You should have as many children as you feel you can take care of. (There is a difference between "take care of" and "want" by the way.) Why is it so hard to raise a large family now? Why can't you afford it now? Why do people look at you askance when you bring a group of children somewhere? "Are you Mormon or Catholic?" "You are so selfish adding more to the already overpopulated earth." "You are a drain on OUR resources." "Having too many children is not very 'green' of you." Oh, I am green, but I prefer red. Any thoughts?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Proud of me?

So, this week I have done a few things that should make my life easier. (I hope.)

First, I bought Anneke a big toy box. All of her toys fit in that box and I am hoping it will make cleaning easier for her. For Marcus I have always had separate buckets and tubs for toys. Like, Planet Heros, cars, pirates, Star Wars toys, etc. When Anneke started accumulating a few things she had a Barbie bucket and Princess bucket, a basket for food and dishes, etc. It was a fight to get her to clean. So when a basket broke and a bucket got a huge crack in it I decided that we will try putting it all in one spot instead of continuing to replace the offending storage bins. (Marcus will continue with the buckets, because his personality runs that direction. But, he was jealous she got something NEW, he loves new stuff.)

Then, I went through all the clothes I have stored. I gave away 7 or 8 boxes of things. It was easier than I thought it would be. Now, I have 3 boxes of girl clothes and 2 boxes (one big) of boy clothes. That is still a lot, but I couldn't part with a lot just yet.

Yea, Me! Now to get over my sentimentality with toys so we can glean those. It is hard because Andy's grandma and grandpa has made them things. My mom made us bears, things like that I want to keep. The Bat mobile Marcus wanted for so long and finally got, his Toy Story toys he loved, etc. The helicopter Uncle Sis gave him that he loved. Anneke's first (and only) Cabbage Patch doll. But, I HAVE made progress.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Another one?

Okay, I know I just did a book review and I am not very good at them, but this one is significant. The book happens to be my mom's all time favorite book. When I was growing up and wanted something to read, or said I was bored my mom would thrust this book at me and try to get me to read it. (The book she had is the one pictured above.) Every single time these thoughts went through my head, first It looks so boring. Then, Why would I want to read a book about a girl with a man's name? And sometimes Who cares about a Canadian Mountie? So, with that kind of stimulation I found other books to read or activities to occupy my time.

Recently my mom did a small blurb on her blog about it and my older sister mentioned she enjoyed it. I visited my grandpa and he mentioned that it was a family favorite. So, I read it. Yes, I finally read the book. It was not boring. But, I was still bothered by her being called Mrs. Mike. I would hate to be called Mrs. Andy. (Not that I don't love my husband.) Then I got over it when she talked about becoming one as the Bible says with her spouse and they were so close in mind and spirit they did just that. Plus, everyone calls her that because they knew her husband first and she in essence belongs with him. So, the title no longer bothers me. The Canadian Mountie part was also very interesting. I had never known or thought about the things they mentioned. I am quite familiar with the history of the area, but it never had any real emotion behind it. The book was about joy and hardship. It put my life into perspective and the blessings I enjoy. However, it was not my favorite. The book was published in 1947, so I was greatly surprised by the bad language. Words written stay with me longer than words said. (Weird?) I also felt like it left some things unresolved. But, I give it 3 1/2 stars out of 5. My next goal is to read my maternal grandmother's favorite book, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

I have been thinking that the driving force behind every movie, book and even life. It is LOVE. It may not be the love of another person even, but it is the love of something.

(Also, I am not good at book reviews because I go into a book wanting it to be good so much that I can easily forget about the flaws until they are pointed out to me. If a book I read has an element that bothers me, you know it is huge in my mind.)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


It doesn't take much to have fun. Find something and do it today.

Lessons are everywhere you look. (Her skirt has shorts under it.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Marcus and I were having a discussion the other day. He asked why anyone would start smoking in the first place. We told him that people thought it made them look better, or did it so people would like them, etc. We told him that later it was hard to stop because they were addicted. Then, we had to explain addiction. To make it brief here is the official definition in case anyone is wondering:


[uh-dik-shuhn] –noun
the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming
1595–1605; L addictiōn- (s. of addictiō) a giving over, surrender

In the car the next morning Marcus said, "Mom, the reason you shouldn't eat a lot of candy or sweets is so you don't get addicted. They are so good you will want to eat them all the time." Smart boy.

Hi, my name is Heidi and I am a chocoholic. OOPS! I have another goal to share with you. I am going to limit my sweets intake for a month. It will be hard, but I am thinking it may help me in a few areas. I love chocolate and other sweets. I make pretty good cookies and treats. Most activities I go to have "refreshments". I enjoy trying new tastes and now I think I am addicted to the sweets. Hmm....

Monday, April 20, 2009

Memory Monday

For most of the time I can remember we lived close to cousins. My mom's sister and her (eventual) four daughters lived about an hours drive from us. I enjoyed going to their house and would babysit for my aunt on occasion. Some memories:

-When they were getting ready to buy their house. We toured it with them and I loved how you could see your footprints on the carpet.
-I used to leave notes for my cousins in a basket and they would write back. We had our own little mail system.
-I was jealous that they had a play kitchen. My dad made my little sister an amazing wooden one, but I liked their plastic one with the fake food. (I wanted Anneke to have one, but she never got one either.)
-My aunt would take us swimming with them at their community pool and I felt so lucky each time. I still love swimming.
-I remember once when we were babysitting the wind kept blowing the front door open and set off the alarm. We were so scared.
-I used to sing my cousins to sleep. I had a few songs I would sing over and over. (I still remember them and sing them for my kids.) Julianna drove me crazy because it felt like she would never sleep. Now, I am pretty sure she just didn't need as much sleep as other people.
-Our last Thanksgiving in Texas we played football with their uncle and cousins on their dad's side. I had so much fun I wanted to make it a tradition.
-My aunt always had fun projects. She introduced me to calendar making. She let me help with making a Quiet book for Christina. I remember her making Nina Nina Ballerina. (It was a life size doll of Christina.) I am not sure if I helped with that one, but I thought they were so neat. I remember the stuffed animal's she would turn into puppets, etc. I wish I could sew, or even had a sewing machine.
-Heather always seemed so grown up and could talk with my aunt and uncle. I was always nervous and felt so dumb.
-My aunt tried to teach me how to play the piano. I wish I had been a more diligent student.
-We had a fashion show one summer night and took pictures in Popi's basement.
-When Julianna would get hurt she would say, "owie, Owie, Owie." over and over.
-Carianne and Sara seemed to have a special bond.

I have a lot more I could write about, but this is getting long. I sure am lucky. I wish my kids could have the same thing. Living by family is nice and feels different than friends. But, I know from experience that friends can turn into family.

P.S. Don't forget to enter these two give-aways. For a board book or random Mommy stuff.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

You have all been waiting...

(Doesn't this picture look like Andy and me?)
About a week and half ago I posted and asked for some help. Thanks to those that did so. After much prayer and pondering we have decided to move. I am so sad. It feels like as soon as I feel like I belong somewhere we move. I am soooooooo tired of moving. I think about the packing and literally get a stomach ache and want to cry. I have moved 10 times in our 8 years of marriage. I don't like change much as most of you know. What am I supposed to learn from all this? Why can't I stay anywhere? I was so worried about living here, but I love Marcus's school and our ward. (I still do not care for Las Vegas, though.)

We are downsizing in space by about 1/3. My big concern is finding storage for all of our things. I am not as big a pack rat anymore, but save my kids clothes. I have boxes of clothes for each sex. I tried to go through toys, but everything has a memory associated with it and we only have so many Happy Meal toys. I also can't get rid of books. My kitchen space will be limited there, but I have already given away appliances I regret now. I do not like this. By this point in my life I thought I would be living in a house that we owned. I don't know how much more I can take of this. I feel so tired and worn out. I worry about our future constantly. Will I ever have a house even to just rent? Will I ever be somewhere for more than a year? I feel done. (Andy, I love you very much and I know this will depress you. I am sorry for that.)

Sorry it wasn't too happy. I will try to get my act together for tomorrow's Memory Monday.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

These is my Words

Okay, Okay, I am trying a book review again. If I botch it, this will really be my last one. But, for book group we finally read a book that isn't "safe" as it were. Last month we read "The Scarlet Letter". YUCK! (Next month I am hosting and chose to do The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale.)

Anyway, I received the book on Sunday and had to have it read by Wednesday. Tuesday afternoon I was finished. (I was crying so hard by the end I couldn't talk to poor Anneke.) I really enjoyed it and can't place my finger on why. It is about a woman in the Arizona territories during the late 1800's. It is written in diary form and her writing starts out awful, but improves as she grows. (I was afraid it would be a distraction, but it isn't.) The author of the diary, Sarah, is a very strong woman. I could totally see elements of my life and myself in her. It was honest. It talked about death and other things, but never in detail. Very tasteful. I have heard there are 2 more "diaries" that Sarah wrote, but I am not sure I need to read them. Things were left unsaid, but I felt like it was ended. But, I am sure I will pick them up if I get the opportunity. All in all I recommend it. The book is about 350 pages and since it is diary form you can read a fews days and put it down. (If you can stand to, which I could not.) It is called These is my Words by Nancy Turner.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Anneke's clothes

I used to put outfits together for Anneke, but she has other ideas about what to wear. Her gem of an outfit the other day was too much. I tried to tell her that it was too warm, so she needed to change her shirt. Not realizing what I was doing, Andy was very helpful and said, "No, it is pretty chilly out there. That should help her stay warm." So, she went to school looking like this. (Pink and brown striped shirt, flowered skirt, pink, red, blue and grey striped tights and Tinkerbelle light up shoes.) The picture doesn't do it justice. Really, I have realized I need to buy dark clothes so the stains don't show and plenty of tights and under shorts. It is a work in progress. Now, I think I need to make sure that no matter what her clothes will at least look decent together.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

No eating out

Elder Hales talk got me thinking about a few things. Andy and I do pretty good, I think. However, we eat out too much. It has gotten progressively worse with each city we have moved to. Restaurants have gotten more accessible with each one. I keep telling myself that we eat out less than most people, so it is okay. Still, I know we need to do better. So, last week we made a deal that we would not eat out for any reason for a whole month. No FHE treats or I-forgot-my-lunch-so-I-have-to meals, etc. Our reward was hard to come by. It had to be something that each of us would enjoy and could work towards but not be eating out. We decided on camping. We will break in our new tent from Bass Pro Shops So, if we succeed the day after Andy is done with school we will go camping somewhere. I think Mt. Charleston is the best bet right now. The kids have loved sticking stickers on the chart and we are doing pretty good for now.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Celebrations

The Easter bunny comes to our house Friday night. We can focus on Christ for Easter Sunday and the excitement doesn't drive me crazy while I try to get them ready for church. They had Webkinz in their baskets and toothbrushes that sing. Luke has been very good about using his "t-buss" for long periods of time by himself since then. I will soon be sick of "Hakuna Matata".
Doesn't Luke look thrilled?
We color coded the eggs to keep from fighting. That turned out very nice. (Blue and yellow for Marcus, pink and purple for Anneke and green for Luke.)
While Luke napped in the afternoon we dyed eggs. They had some interesting color combinations in there. Luke later tried to bounce a few of the "ba's" on the floor. He was very confused and after three I had to find other ways to occupy him.
Easter morning I put Andy in charge of a picture of the three of them. This is what he got. Luke was not cooperative.
Much better. (Notice Marcus's belt.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Break

The rest of our Spring Break was pretty unexciting. Well, we had fun, but nothing major. We visited the Bass Pro Shop for the first time. The kids really enjoyed it.
Andy especially loved the many motorcycles built by OCC for the Silverado and Bass Pro.
Anneke would pose on the benches and have me take pictures of her. They somehow turned out blurry. So, this is what I have. Plus a cute one of just Marcus and Anneke by on an armadillo bench.

We went to the Town Square mall and played on the playground and of course visited the book store. My big weakness is books.

Yesterday we picked out seeds for our garden. Carianne made a good point about fresh veggies being expensive. We will see if this is better. Anneke wanted to grow macaroni (seriously) but settled on (because of the name and they were pink) Shirley poppys. Marcus chose Veggie Tales cucumbers and watermelon. I got Roma tomatoes and Jeff gave us some green beans and sugar snap peas. We left the zuccini seeds at his house. Now, I just need to know if I start the seeds then plant them outside in May or if I start them in May and plant them once they sprout. I have obviously never done a garden before so, HELP!

Monday, April 13, 2009

No Memory Monday

Sorry, I am not done talking about my trip, so I will not do Memory Monday today. I don't want it to get too old. However, memories are mixed into this post, too.

On Monday we went to my Grandpa's house for breakfast. Popi was on a liquid diet for the day, but we still had an enjoyable time. Anneke saw the pink bathroom upstairs and immediately had to use the potty. She also loved the pink room, especially the little bed. (I think it is a fainting couch.) I told her I used to sleep on that when I was her age. While we were upstairs Luke went exploring on his own. He found the front room and broke a Hummel. (Don't worry, no one's name was on the bottom.) I about had a heart attack. Andy felt horrible, but Popi was not worried. It was a clean break and can easily be fixed. I think it has been broken before. I showed them Grandma's charm bracelet, the glass sacrament cup and Popi showed Anneke his goblets with the Royal thistle pattern on them. Marcus thought the coolest was the basement and the coal room. We played Don't Break the Ice and other games downstairs while we chatted. Popi gave Andy a few books and then Luke lost it. He is beginning to want to do things like his siblings, but is not coordinated enough. So, Luke had his first tantrum and in front of Popi. I was pretty embarrassed! We left soon after so they could get on with their day, but I loved it. I forget to take pictures when I am there because I am focused on spending time with Popi and Doreen nothing else. Someday, I know I will regret that, so when we return in May (for Zack's graduation and Memorial Day) I will make sure to take pictures.

In the afternoon I had my eye appointment with Dr. Cummings. He is the best eye doctor I have ever been to, and I have visited a lot. I have been wearing glasses since I was in 4th grade. He knows my family eye history (which is scary) and still treats my grandpa. Happily, my eyes have not changed since I married Andy. Yea! I got amazing contacts and way cute glasses. (They made our glasses in 20 minutes after our appointments.) Plus, he still feels the need to give me a discount. I guess because I travel so far every year to visit him, I am not sure, though. We discussed our concern about Anneke crossing her eyes and not being able to see pictures from a distance. Darin said, "Well, put her in the chair and let's see." Even for her age she is slightly far sighted, but not enough to correct, yet. That was both scary and happy. I may be weird, but as long as I can I will go see Dr. Cummings. Seriously, I have never been treated better.

Monday night we had dinner with Andy's brother Jeff and his wife Jamie. Then tried to head home, but had lost the keys. Andy hadn't checked all his pockets. They were in his back pocket. So, after 15 minutes of frantic search we got on our way. Yea! (Tomorrow I will blog about Spring Break and hopefully get back to normal posts thereafter.)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Eagle Scouts

The reason for our trip happened on Sunday between sessions of Conference. (Wasn't Conference amazing by the way? I kind of wish we could have it every 4 months or even 3 months. Anyway...) Two of Andy's brothers had their Eagle Scout court of honor. Zack (18) completed his in October and Brian (15) in January. Andy used to be able to boast he was the youngest Eagle in the family, but not anymore. Congratulations to the Bahlmann's. They now have 5 out of 6 boys that are Eagles and Michael is only 9. When they cut the cake Michael wanted the eagle head (see yesterday's post) because he will be the next Eagle scout. Brian lovingly pointed out that Marcus could beat him. Now, Marcus wants to try and do just that.
Luke felt very proud wearing Daddy's sash. He was very funny walking around with it and showing off. I know nothing about Scouts despite the fact that my dad was in the organization for years. But, I think 28 badges is really good. I am kind of excited for Marcus to start Cub Scouts next year.
Brian, Zack, Shirley and Bob Bahlmann
Andy presented an Order of the Arrow thing. He was all decked out. Luke liked to sit with him I think because he had cool things to play with. However, he may have just been tired and wanted Daddy to put him to sleep. That is what this photo looks like.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cakes and Plumbing

I know that the title makes for a weird combination, but I am trying to get through our trip in a few posts so it is not too boring, but also not too many posts.
I have mentioned my minimal cake decorating skills in a previous post and shown the efforts. Well, this one is one to be proud of too. I made the flag, but my talented husband did the lettering and eagle with ziplock bags and a knife. I am seriously thinking of handing over the frosting bowl to him from now on. Isn't it great?
I had the great idea of having Andy and his 5 brothers pitch in money and time to redo their mom's kitchen and bathroom in tile for Mother's day and her birthday. (Both in May.) Well, Jeff took the idea and ran with it. He finished the tile with his dad last weekend. Andy was bummed. So, on Saturday he helped his dad put back in the toilet downstairs and Luke helped with the kitchen sink. (You can see the tile a bit by Luke.) I have decided to have 4 more boys just so someday they will redo my kitchen. J/K!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Snow and the Car

We left Friday afternoon later than we wanted, but still before Marcus would have been out of school. The time difference is a bugger. Leaving here at 2:30 is really leaving at 3:30 Utah time. So, we hit the snow coming through the Richfield canyon at night. It was scary! The roads weren't plowed and we went 20 mph at some points. We arrived after 9:30pm Utah time and were grateful nothing too awful happened. I have realized one very good thing about where I live. ;)
In the car the kids kept saying, "Mommy look what I can do?" Then they would lift their legs up high. I had to take a picture when Luke did it, too. (Anneke's pic turned out blurry because she was in the way back.)
(Look at all the snow out his window. This is just before the scary canyon.)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

April Fool's Day

Marcus thought that April Fool's Day was fun. I related things that my dad did to us and he loved it. Anneke thinks that the whole month of April is for "Fool's day". Anyway, in honor of this day I made "fish sticks and peas". I got the idea in Family Fun. We had Family Home Evening that night because Andy has night classes Monday and Tuesday. This is what Marcus wanted for treat. Wafer cookies covered in peanut butter then shaken in a bag of Honey Bunches of Oats. The peas are rolled pieces of Air Heads.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What should I do?

We had a good trip and I will blog about that soon, but in the mean time I have a problem and am wondering about your ideas and opinions. Yesterday, we looked an apartment. The man only rents to LDS couples. (Which means no stinky smoke smell on our clothes all the time.) The rent includes utilities, internet, and access to a washer and dryer for free. It is right across from a park and by the police station. There is a place for the children to ride bikes and get outside. All this is very appealing. Plus, the secret passageway. However, there are downsides.

Marcus would have to change schools for the 5th time in 5 years. He doesn't want to do that. He doesn't want to have to make friends all over again and be the new kid.

We would be leaving the ward again. For me that will mean 14 wards in 10 years. (And I didn't serve a mission.)

It is smaller than what we have now. Besides my 3 kids I watch 3 more and may watch another. I am afraid it would drive me crazy and cause me more stress.

A lesser problem, but one Anneke will miss, is no pool.

I am currently praying about it. The pluses and minuses seem so equal I wanted an outside opinion. Anything?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shout Out

I have two blogs that I love to read that are by people I do not know. One is Bookie Woogie and the other is THE MEANEST MOM. (Andy and THE MEANEST MOM are pen pals of sorts and I think that is cool. He gets e-mails from Jana on occasion and you don't. NA NA!) The latter did a swimsuit giveaway last week. There were over 1000 entries and thanks to Andy I got three. Well, my sister won the swimsuit. I called her because I thought it was her. She didn't answer. So, I went through the entries and found hers. It was her! So, I called again. Still no answer. So, I used her full name (including fake middle name, Carianne Sunshine Bailey Pfiester) and got a call back for once. Yeah! Carianne doesn't win these kind of things, so I am super excited for her. On Andy's blog he threatened to hit the winner with a pool noodle. Carianne claims she entered before she read his blog, but I think that next time we see her he may follow through. Unless, he can convince Noah to do it for him.

Friday, April 3, 2009

A thought

I am going to be out of town for the next few days, but wanted to leave you guys with something. I read a qutoe this morning that got me thinking. When did it become almost wrong to speak of God and believe in Him if you are a politician? You may think when they separated church and state. However, that wouldn't have happened if the belief in God was still there and strong among them. Pride makes people believe that they can do it on their own, well I know I can't. I will leave you with a quote from Benjamin Franklin (I got it from Elder Ballard.)

"We stand at the crossroads, each minute, each hour, each day, making choices. We choose the thoughts we allow ourselves to think, the passions we allow ourselves to feel, and the actions we allow ourselves to perform. Each choice is made in the context of whatever value system we’ve selected to govern our lives. In selecting that value system, we are, in a very real way, making the most important choice we will ever make.

"Those who believe there is one God who made all things and who governs the world by his Providence will make many choices different from those who do not. Those who hold in reverence that being who gave them life and worship Him through adoration, prayer, and thanksgiving will make many choices different from those who do not. Those who believe that mankind are all of a family and that the most acceptable service of God is doing good to man will make many choices different from those who do not. Those who believe in a future state in which all that is wrong here will be made right will make many choices different from those who do not. Those who subscribe to the morals of Jesus will make many choices different from those who do not.

“Since the foundation of all happiness is thinking rightly, and since correct action is dependent on correct opinion, we cannot be too careful in choosing the value system we allow to govern our thoughts and actions.

“And to know that God governs in the affairs of men, that he hears and answers prayers, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, is indeed, a powerful regulator of human conduct."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Marcus's

I watch a little boy three times a week. He was born on Leap Day last year, so he and Luke are almost exactly 3 months apart. We have a lot of fun. Lately he has been choosing me over his mom at church and Young Women activities. His name is Marcus. His middle name is close to my Marcus's, too. His mom is Spanish and their is a word for being name twins, but I can't remember it. I had a cute picture of BM (baby Marcus) with his curls, but when my computer crashed I lost it. Still he is cute now, too.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Freaking Out

I have known for a little while that I was pregnant, but was waiting to tell. Well, I just found out that I will be doubling the amount of children I have with one pregnancy. I am pregnant with triplets! My sisters always wondered who would have the set of twins, but I guess I surpassed that. Now I need to figure out 3 boy names and girl names. I like Felix Maynard, Gideon Robert, Henry Lester for boys and Carina Lou, Danika Noel and Ella Rosalyn for girls. (Notice they are alphabetical and not rhyming or anything.) I guess I could use something like Teagan, Meaghan and Keagan or something. I also like the name Teancum, but Andy thinks it is a bit much. Oh, well.

But, that is the least of my worries. Andy still has quite a bit of school left and I am going to need a lot of help with the babies. They are going to be due the beginning of September. Talk about bad timing! How will we fit everyone in our apartment. We were planning on downsizing to a 2 bedroom with a larger floor plan. Faith, is sure what I need. I am already watching 3 children in my home. That will be 9 kids here during the week! I am just hitting my stride and now I have to find a new one. So, any suggestions?

Oh, and by the way April Fool's! Yikes. I can't imagine if this were true.