What is unique about this file, and we don't mean to Butter you up with too many details... but it's back to that old Ancestry stuff, and locations of Ranches, Farms...etc. Page 3 of many.... AND names of Cows... so if you're looking for a new name... like "Katie" or "Jersey" or "Tibby Two" why not take a look?
J. A. Higginson, Sardis.
Raine & Carmiehael, Chilliwack.
C. Kerr, Chilliwaek.
Raine & Carmichae!, Chilliwaek.
Raine & Carmiehael, Chilliwack.
Fleming Bros. & Ileeee, Sardis•
W. L. Maeken, Chilliwaek.
W. L. Macken, Chilliw.ack.
E. Unsworth, Sardis.
I. W. Clark, Sardis.
P. Travis, Sardis.
P. Travis, Sardis.
E. Unsworth, Chilliwaek.
C. Kerr, Chflliwaek.
Fleming Bros. & Bocce, Sardis.
li'leming Bros. & Reeee. Sardis.
Raine & Cariniehsel, Chilliwaek.
Fleming Bros. & Reeee, Sardis.
I. W. Clark, Sardis.
Fleming Bros. & Reece, Sardis.
Fleming Bros. & Reeee, Sardi
Farmers! Can't live without them. Especially if they're Organic! Consumers are willing to pay a higher price just to be free from pesticides, and other such chemicals. When we saw Bulletin #79 at the BC Legislative Library, it made our hearts sing with a childhood song:
chorus:The BC Legislature Library isn't all bad news. There are some exceedingly high points.... like this one. To you, it may be dry reading, but if you persevere, you'll discover a Silver lining in this Document. It starts out like this;
Oats and wheat and barley grow,
Oats and wheat and barley grow,
But not you nor I nor anyone know
How oats and wheat and barley grow.
Verse 1
First the farmer sows his seed,
Then he stands and takes his ease,
And he stamps his feet and clasps his hands,
While the sun shines on the land.
Oats and wheat and barley grow,…..etc
But there's a catch though, both in the emotion of what is to unfold in three days time, memories of those who were lost to all wars. 94 years ago World War One ended on November 11th. The folks at home, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends too, had been working for four long years on their fields, to support those who Volunteered for the War in Europe.
Returning Soldiers, not necessarily as sound as when they left, were given a stake in Canada, free land, forested land, land that needed to be cleared of trees and trunks, land to be plowed, harrowed, and leveled in preparation for "Oats and Wheat and Barley to Grow", but the first crops were Strawberries and Raspberries.
In the closing pages, starting at Page 14 of Bulletin No. 79, there are thirteen pages:
"A list of the winners in the Field-crop Competitions conducted during 1917":
What you have in the Document above, is a history of where our Ancestors were, before 1918. The data above is an image, a ScreenShot, which means anyone looking for their Ancestors won't find this Blog, however..... we've started to type in the First of Thirteen Pages, in our "spare time".
Names and Residences, like this.... with a few links too and using GeoBC you can find where the old towns are and what they are called now: Westholme
Names and Residences, like this.... with a few links too and using GeoBC you can find where the old towns are and what they are called now: Westholme
Cowichan | Solley, I.F. | Westholme |
Cowichan | Kingston, F.L. | Duncan |
Cranbrook | Taylor, L. | Wycliffe |
Cranbrook | Smith, A.B. | Cranbrook |
Cranbrook | Clarke, F. | Wycliffe |
Cranbrook | Fleming, C.S. | Wycliffe |
Cranbrook | Mitchell, John | Cranbrook |
Crawford Bay | Bayliss Bros. | Port Crawford |
Crawford Bay | Palmer, O. | Port Crawford |
Crawford Bay | Richardson, H. | Port Crawford |
Crawford Bay | Johnson, M. | Port Crawford |
Crawford Bay | Kean, J.W. | Port Crawford |
Eagle River | Anderson, A. | Malakwa |
Eagle River | Somerville, B.F. | Malakwa |
Eagle River | Johnston, J. | Malakwa |
Eagle River | Humphrey, J.M. | Malakwa |
Eagle River | Erickson, E. | Malakwa |
Grand Forks | Little, J. | Grand Forks |
Grand Forks | Laws, E.F. | Grand Forks |
Grand Forks | Padget, T. | Grand Forks |
Grand Forks | Heaven, C.C. | Grand Forks |
Grand Forks | Lawrence, J.T. | Grand Forks |
Hendon (River?) | Parkhurst, Fred | R.R. #1, Salmon Arm |
Hendon | Buchart, D.B. | R.R. #1, Salmon Arm |
Hendon | Andrews, W.J. | R.R. #1, Salmon Arm |
Hendon | Hoover, Willie | R.R. #1, Salmon Arm |
Hendon | Curtis, A.J. | R.R. #1, Salmon Arm |
Kelowna | Fleming, W.H. | Kelowna |
Kelowna | Hereron, M. | Kelowna |
Kelowna | Crawford, W. | Kelowna |
Kelowna | Walker, W.D. | Kelowna |
Kelowna | Taylor, F.A. | Kelowna |
Kootenay River | Tarry, F. | Tarrys |
Kootenay River | Pratt, Wm. | Thrums |
Kootenay River | Power, R.I.M. | Thrums |
Kootenay River | Scheavan, L. | Shoreacres |
Kootenay River | Richards, E.A. | Thrums |
Lake District | Blair, T. | Vanderhoof |
Lake District | Lampitt, O.R. | Vanderhoof |
Lake District | Bice, I. | Vanderhoof |
Lake District | Hargraves, J. | Vanderhoof |
Lake District | Seager, F. | Vanderhoof |
Langley | Mead, J.J. | Langley Fort |
Langley | Stockdale, W. | Langley Fort |
Langley | McIvor, K. | Langley Fort |
Langley | Simpson, Geo. | Langley Fort |
Langley | Gay, F. | Langley Fort |
Maple Ridge | Laity, R. | Hammond |
Maple Ridge | McIver, J. | Hammond |
Maple Ridge | Tapp, A. | Hammond |
Maple Ridge | Reddcliffe, R. | Hammond |
Maple Ridge | Laity, J.H. | Hammond |
Matsqui | Israel, J.I. | Mount Lehman |
Matsqui | Jackman, Phillip | Denman Island |
Matsqui | Aish, Thos. | Matsqui |
Matsqui | Towland, W. | Mount Lehman |
Matsqui | Bailey, W. | Denman Island |
Martin's Prairie | Amey, Jones A. | Pritchard |
Martin's Prairie | DeLeenkeer, Pete | Pritchard |
Martin's Prairie | Deroo, Pete | Pritchard |
Martin's Prairie | Matthewson, Wm. | Pritchard |
Martin's Prairie | Charlton, Wm. | Duck Range |
Google Search Criteria: Unincorporated settlements in British Columbia 1918
There's this too from and earlier Post here at the BBC