Showing posts with label Uranium Daughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranium Daughter. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2011

Uranium Mining Moratorium 1980 Order-in-council 44280 aka 442/80 and yellow cake

Google Search Criteria:    bc ORDER IN COUNCIL 442

Order-in-council 442
Mentioned: (D’Arcy) 3943

MR. D'ARCY: To the Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. Back on February 27 of this year, order-in-council 44280 was passed which orders that the commissioners appointed by order 170179 "shall report their findings and recommendations to date to the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council on or before the 31st day of May 1980." It goes on to indicate the methods by which they shall report and rescinds certain other orders-in-council.
My question to the minister is: since, under this order, there is absolutely no mention of a moratorium on uranium mining and exploration, what is the legal basis for the moratorium on uranium mining and exploration announced on February 27 by the Premier of the province of B.C.?

HON. MR. McCLELLAND: Well, Mr. Speaker, I'm a bit at a loss to understand the urgency of this question from last May. But the legal procedures in which we established the moratorium have been partially put in place by further orders-in-council which were passed following that order-in-council which the member mentions. There is also at the present time an amendment on the order paper which we'll have the opportunity to debate, which sets the parameters along with the regulations for the uranium moratorium.
I don't understand, first of all, whether or not the question is in order, especially since there are some proceedings which will be debated in this House, presumably within the next few days.  
BC Order in Councils on the Internet ONLY go back as far as 1992

As to finding an original Source for 44280 Order in council.... still looking.  Will have to come down to an FOI?

Google Search Criteria:   uranium bc orders in council

Fourth hit down, click on the PLUS sign + "for more information"
Statutory Authority: Environment and Land Use, s. 7
The chief inspector under the Mines Act must not
a)  issue a permit under section 10 of the Mines Act in relation to exploration for uranium or thorium
b)  exempt any person under section 10 (2) of the Mines Act from the requirement to obtain a permit under section 10 of that Act in relation to exploration for uranium or thorium.

Did the BC Liberal Government, of British Columbia, ADD the word  "not" to stop mining companies from explorations in our our pristine province?   Where oh Where is copy before this?

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the Executive Council, orders that the Contaminated Sites Regulation, B.C ...

Its 2002, Christy Clark is the Presiding Member of the Executive Council and she, and one onther is busily making a change on Contaminated Sites, INCLUDING Uranium
Without a background of a Physician, with only having ATTENDED various universities around the world, what, WHY are politicians permitted to make such far reaching decisions as these......

  Google Search Criteria     bc royal commissioner uranium Bennett appointed by order 170179


In the Hearing Process as Contemporary Democracy

by Melody Beatrice Hessing

The University of British Columbia 1984...
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Royal Commission of Inquiry into. Uranium Mining. 92. Community Hearings. 92. Technical Hearings ...... of Inquiry which took place in British Columbia from 1979-1980, ...... hearing in order to describe, compare and analyze participation .... by an impartial Commission, which has been appointed by Govern- ...

Search Criteria  within the above document on page 92 and 93 for this:

     Uranium daughter products