Showing posts with label Cleveland Dam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cleveland Dam. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2024

I'd be surprised if North Shore Rescue, and/or Real Estate Agents, aren't using Google Earth's Viewshed, ....

.... which highlights everything in your line of sight from where you are standing. 

Imagine being on Cleveland Dam's west side taking in the sights of the lake, mountains too, but missing out on the benefits of being able to see the contours of the forest, dramatically.

Viewshed provides that depth, and more.


Tree branches included?  Yes. How? Satellites!?  Creepy

The How To use viewshed






And for those way up there, waving their lights, looking for help, need to be in the green to be seen

Not many places to go to be seen on the west


Grouse, to the Left (East) is closer than Cypress, Right (West)

North Shore Rescue   -----------------------------------------------------



 Use Google Viewshed to see a placemark surroundings

Explore 360-degree views of an area for building locations, real estate evaluations, advertisement placement, and other business planning with Viewshed. Viewshed is not designed for scientific precision and isn’t intended to be used as a definitive data source.

Viewshed highlights everything in your line of sight from a placemark location:

    Higher elevations often display greater visible areas.
    If your results don’t look correct, your altitude might be too low or your placemark might be inside a building. Try increasing your altitude, then click Show Viewshed again.
    To include 3D models or layers that you connect to or upload, connect to the Google Maps Engine terrain layer.

See 360-degrees around a placemark

Select a placemark. Then, right-click the placemark.
Click Get Info and then Altitude and adjust the altitude so that it's at least approximately two meters above the surface, then click OK.
From either the "Edit" menu or the placemark’s right-click menu, select Show Viewshed.

Visible areas are highlighted green and non-visible areas are gray.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Picasso, using only 7 colours .....? No! ....


...  it's just my way of cataloguing each unique day of the week

 except WHITE (Sunday) appears dominate, but its only one-seventh of my daily walks.


Do you see the Capilano River Fish Hatchery    Ladder?




Home base East of Lonsdale and ULH

2016 - 2024

Sea Level to Cleveland Dam 160 Metres



  Monday               RED
Tuesday        GREEN
Wednesday          ORANGE
Thursday            AQUA
        Friday          YELLOW
Saturday             BLUE
Sunday         WHITE



North Shore Rescue Touch Down Locations posted


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Cleveland Dam's Western abutment is set in rock whereas the Eastern 'abutment' is a valley

The construction of a US$25M seepage control blanket at the Cleveland dam in Canada is due to start in March 2001. The potential for seepage and instability of the east abutment of the dam was first recognized in 1954 when the concrete dam was built. The western abutment is set in rock, but on the eastern side the buried rock valley is infilled with silt, sand, gravel and glacial till. It is hoped that the seepage control project will make the dam safer. 


"Cleveland dam is a 91m high concrete gravity structure set in a deep bedrock canyon. Full reservoir supply level is at el. 146m and the dam crest is at el. 149m. In 1992, the dam was upgraded to pass the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) and to withstand the Maximum Design Earthquake (MCE) event.

The dam impounds a reservoir extending 4.5km to the north where the Upper Capilano river flows into the reservoir. Typically 0.5km wide, the reservoir surface area is 2.3km2 at full reservoir level. Flow is controlled at the dam by a radial gate spillway, two mid-level intakes and outlets, and two low-level outlets."


"The dam is constructed in a bedrock canyon on the west side of the valley. Immediately east of the canyon is a wide, deep buried valley that extends about 2km (eastward from the dam to the base of Grouse Mountain. The buried valley extends to below sea level and is infilled with a complex stratification of silt, sand, gravel and glacial till. The west canyon bedrock is hard, moderately jointed granodiorite and quartz diorite with numerous inclusions of older sedimentary and volcanic rocks." 


Additional Reading

 Metro Vancouver utilising hydro potential at non-powered dams 

05 December, 2012
Metro Vancouver in Canada is proposing to generate electricity from its dams during rain drenched months of the year. The supply of high quality drinking water will remain the first priority of a new water use plan for the Capilano and Seymour Watersheds, which includes the Cleveland dam. Built in 1954 to create Capilano Lake for water storage, the dam currently does not capture energy from spilled water.

Seismic upgrade of Seymour Falls dam

23 May, 2006
The Seymour Falls dam is a key element in Canada’s Greater Vancouver Water District’s (GVWD) network of three watersheds. The 45-year-old composite earth fill embankment and concrete slab and buttress dam was found to not meet current seismic design standards, so upgrades to meet the requirements of the Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) are necessary. Part one of our two part report describes the structure and looks at how the safety problem was identified and analyzed through site investigation and liquefaction assessment 


08 December, 2005

The Case of Cleveland Dams Neil Singh, Ryan Douglas, Steve Ahlfield and Murray Gant describe the work involved in the construction of an RCC upstream blanket and plastic concrete cutoff wall at Cleveland dam in Canada



Search Results For: Cleveland Dam

Thursday, August 24, 2023

the general public should be invited to participate in a Metro Vancouver drill evacuation process at Cleveland Dam


The week BEFORE the loss of two lives, this video shows the uncharacteristic results of a heavy rainfall on Friday where Metro Vancouver had lowered the gate incrementally, until they were satisfied with their results.

Possibly the lives lost the following week was because Metro Vancouver (staff) defaulted to the previous week's lowest settings.




The Greater Vancouver Water District did a 'dry run' drill every six months to ensure that their new warning system was functioning properly by announcing verbally:


I wonder why there isn't an 'invitation' to the general public to participate in the drill process, such as having to get up and leave a freshly laid picnic adjacent to the river;  fishermen standing at the river's edge with a fish on the line.   Metro Vancouver's game plan is LEAVE AT ONCE.  Don't stop to pick up your belongings.  Just drop your fishing gear, leave and seek out the safety of high ground.

In reality, there are NO further instructions for the public posted anywhere.

Two lives lost..... and all that Metro Vancouver has done to protect their employees, and the public, is lip service ("express approval of or support for (something) without taking any significant action.")

Sort of reminds me (1950s-1960s) of the fire drills at school where the Fire Department showed up at Lord Tennyson and later Kitsilano, but we all knew that it was just a drill, and it only happened once a year.

There has Never been a Drill at Capilano River Regional Park, not even for the staff.  

Fire Department / North Shore Rescue training, YES, but that has always been well planned out before hand.

Text Message alerts

the alerts are available to the general public for the real thing, but in the trying-it-out phase twice a year did it actually work? 




Cleveland Dam Safety Enhancements Program Notifications



The Capilano River is an ever-changing and sometimes unpredictable force of nature.

Know the risks of being around the river and learn how to avoid them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Cleveland Dam 'parking lot' on Cliff Edge


And then there were none....

And before the Drumgate was dropped

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Only in British Columbia: Make a Will Week: October 4-10, 2020 Missed it this year? Can you wait until 2021

Make a Will Week

October 4-10, 2020, was Make-a-Will Week in British Columbia. Its purpose is to encourage the public to write their will or bring an existing will up-to-date.

Check back in 2021 for confirmation that the next Make-a-Will Week has been proclaimed.

Making a will is now even easier following legislative changes in August of 2020 that allow people who are in different locations to use technology to sign and witness a will.  The changes will also soon give electronic wills the same recognition as physical wills.

If you don’t have a will, you’re not alone. According to a 2014 report for BC Notaries, just 55 per cent of British Columbians have a signed, legally valid and up-to-date will.

A will is the best way to ensure that the people, charities and organizations you cherish most receive the benefit of your estate.

If you die without a will, your estate may not be distributed in the way you would have wished and the costs of administering your estate may also be higher.

Having a will helps ensure that important questions for parents – like who will raise your young children if both you and your spouse die – are answered.

The cost to have a will written depends on the complexity of your situation. Ask a notary or lawyer for an estimate. If your situation is straightforward, you may be able to write your own will using a kit from a store or an online service provider. However, obtaining the assistance of a professional is always a good idea.



Cold Cold Capilano Lake Reservoir  2020-11-11


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Capilano River Cable Pool Fishing, Flagged: "IF YOU DON'T KNOW WETHER IT'S A TROUT OR A SALMON, LET IT GO!"

a castrated ram.
 Inside the open Hatchery are the "Thankfully Missed by Fishermen fish":

The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson PC, MP, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard


One other minor detail for the Fisheries Minister to correct forthwith: Metro Vancouver's Capilano River Regional Park has provided flush toilets during the whole of the time of Covid-19, up at Cleveland Dam.

Why are visitors to the Fish Hatchery subjected to Portable Toilets, still.




Women and Men treated alike

The Hatchery is OPEN and the washrooms inside the building have garbage cans blocking the MEN and WOMEN locked doors.    Surely there's enough staff inside the facility to wipe things down each evening/morning.   ..... and the soap dispensers in the two portable toilets are DRY, always.  

Why is there a double standard?