pinterest-153a5.html ~ a paper life: banbina
Showing posts with label banbina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label banbina. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2011

~ bambina 2

 ~ good morning

as promised, here is the last of the rolly polly quilled babies
and I saved my favourite for last

I love the colour and the curly hair
on this little darling

 thanks for stopping by

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Hello everyone
if you remember the sneak peak post I did a few weeks ago you may have noticed this little darling sitting on my quilling board. She is no longer an orphan and has been given a home on this card. Isn't she sweet.

You may have noticed that I am back into the kraft card stock theme like the bees, pumpkins and turkeys from last year.

Check back tomorrow for her brother.....
