pinterest-153a5.html ~ a paper life: blog award
Showing posts with label blog award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog award. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

~ blog award ~

~ for a day that started with a shelf in the cupboard crashing down at 7 am
{yes I was up to cause the crash}
to the hockey stick being in the van and we have the gear in the car
{not easy to play without a stick}
to the dog sneaking out the door and me running around trying to find her
{she was hiding at the neighbours}
to only getting one card made on my only day off

it was really nice to get an email from Jennifer at Creative Quilled Creations
saying that she had nominate my little blog for an award
thanks Jennifer

Rules for the i.Rock Award
  • thank the person who gave it to you {check}
  • link back to them {check}
  • pay it forward to 4 other bloggers {check}
  • and let them know about it {check}

Here are the blogs I am passing this award on was REALLY, REALLY hard to pick
Check out their won't be disappointed

Suzana from Quilling with Fun {her quilling will knock your socks off}
Ann Martin at all things paper {her quilling is amazing too and she finds great artistis to profile}
janis from rust and ruffles {vintage style to the nth degree}
Nati from NatiQuill blog {her 3d work is amazing and is the one that inspired me to try it}

~ well after all the excitement today 
I am going to have a glass of wine

Monday, November 29, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

Can you believe after less than a year at blogging {which I thought I would suck at so I avoided it at all costs} I received the stylish blogger award from Ann at Ann's Snap Edit & Scrap. Ann has been a faithful follower and commenter on my blog almost since the beginning so I appreciate the nod.  Please take a few minutes to check out her blog too.

Accepting this award, I am asked to do the following:

  • Thank and link back to the person who awarded me this award. {check}
  • Share 8 things about myself. {hmmmm very private but I can find something}
  • Pay it forward to 8 bloggers  that I have recently discovered {might have trouble just finding 8}
  • Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards. {check}

So here it goes.......
  1. my favourite colour is GREEN with orange as a close runner up{this is no surprise to some of you}
  2. I hate clutter
  3. I have always liked 'making things' but really started to get the bug to craft from my Auntie Bunny {nope not her real name} who did the craft circuit for many years on the prairies of Canada and also from my grandma who knitted all of her hundreds of grand-kids Indian sweaters and sock monkeys.
  4. I have a good sense of humour
  5. I started quilling in 2002 from taking an intro class at my local scrapbooking store and have never looked back.
  6. I LOVE Japanese food
  7. I work at the Disneyland of packaging....The Essential Packaging Store
  8. my family is everything {hopefully they are not reading this or they will figure me out}
  9. I LOVE to travel 
  10. I am CANADIAN....hence the reason for all of the 'ou' spelling 
  11. I like to break the 'rules' so I put down 11 reasons....which is also my favourite number

Now who to pass my nod on to {hmmmmm}...some are new to me some are not so new but all are favourites.

  1. Lin at Lin Handmade Greeting Cards
  2. Becca at Minifolk Lore
  3. Miyyah at Miyyah@kertas
  4. Janis at rust & ruffles
  5. Nati at NatiQuill Blog
  6. Asma Ahmad at Simple Rhyme 
  7. Leesandra at  The Sweet Spot
  8. Tatiana at Beautiful Things

Thanks Ann for thinking of my blog and for you wonderful comments....