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Showing posts with label nativity scene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nativity scene. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

~ quilled oxen {and giveaway}

~ there is a new addition to the nativity family
Oxy - the Oxen
he is a bit tired right now but he may get up on his feet real soon
(in other words I will be quilling a standing version too)

....and to celebrate Oxy's arrival in the manger {and to hike my likes on Facebook}
I am going to give him away
all you have to do is...
  • leave a comment on this post
the 'like' button you need to select to be entered is directly under my top banner photo
 this contest will run from now until June 30th

I will be picking a random number from on July 1st

then I will count down the list of comments to that number
and I will check to make sure you liked my facebook page
and are the winner
{just in time for Canada Day}

{and to my friends and family on facebook...yes you can enter too} 

.....good luck and I look forward to all of the comments and likes

edited to add
I have modified the rules to win the oxenall you have to do is like my facebook page because lots 
of people can't figure out how to comment or don't have an account

Friday, August 24, 2012

~ 100 are done

 whewwww....100 are done
actually they've been done for a few weeks now
but I am just getting around to posting the pics

 they are spread out on my dining room table 
with two extra leaves put in for extra room

....and it wasn't easy taking a picture of all 100
but I think you get the idea

now just 100 more
~ cheryl

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quilled Sheep {a herd}

If you are a regular here you will know that it has been quiet in my little corner
of blogland because I have been quilling nativity pieces

BUT I just can't go that long with out taking a picture,
editing a picture or uploading a picture

so I thought I would show you the herd that took over my mantle

I never knew it was so hard to corral a herd of sheep
they couldn't get close without knocking each other over

which turned into a domino effect and they all went crashing down

....until the donkeys came in to settle things down and get everyone to stand nicely
today I was working on camels and they were much more co-operative

~ cheryl

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

~ sneak peak

Just a quick post today and as promised here is a sneak peek at the new addition to my white nativity scene. Can you guess what it is? I will show you the rest of it in my next post.

enjoy your day

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow day

Good morning everyone
I thought I would show you what we woke up to here today. Vancouver mostly gets rain but some days we are lucky enough {I think so anyway} to get a dump of snow. Today I don't mind it because I am off work and get to stay home to make cards and quill. I might not be so happy if I had to work...though it is raining now and the BIG MELT is on. I had to grab my camera and take some pictures before it is all yucky slush.

Also on a side note....THEY say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so check out this post here on Elizabeth's blog {Twirled Peace}to see a version of my Nativity. I hadn't known Elizabeth had made one but stumbled across it when Elizabeth added my nativity to her favourites on Etsy. I then noticed she had a blog and checked it out {I am always looking for new quilling blogs}.  

I have a sketch very similar to the Nativity Elizabeth made to use as a tree ornament {with out the add-ons}so it was interesting to see how Elizabeth had done it. And, as Elizabeth says in her post....I also prefer the 'off' white which is the paper I use in mine. 

edited to add: I meant to say as well that this is what I find great about the quilling community....that we share ideas and inspire each-other to continue with the craft that we love. It is always nice when you are given credit too as Elizabeth did.

I finally have a card to share for my next post so be sure to check back again.

Have a great day 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lin with her Nativity

Hello everyone

Lin from Lin Handmade Greeting Cards posted some pictures of her with the Nativity she won here from my blog candy contest. I love seeing where my little creations end up.....

Thanks for the awesome pictures Lin....

Monday, December 13, 2010

Glittered Nativity

Coloured Nativity, All White Nativity, Larger Nativity....and now there is GLITTERED Nativity....and you guys are probably saying 'enough of the navitvities' already...well I have just one more to share. A co-worker asked me to make a larger Nativity for her and asked if I could put a bit of glitter on it. I am a sucker for glitter so how could I pass that up!!

And here is how they turned will have to look close to see the glitter in the picture but trust me it is there (my craft table is covered in glitter now)

I really do like the hint of glitter but am not sure if I will do it again, or if I do I will have to adjust how I did it . I smoothed glue on the glittered areas with my fingers and it doubled the time it took to make each piece and I had glitter EVERYWHERE....

oh well...we all need a little extra sparkle now and then

Friday, November 12, 2010

gifts & remembrance

Hello readers....yesterday we took a break from the regular hustle and bustle of life to remember those who fought so valiantly for world peace. We would not be freely blogging if it weren't for the sacrifices they have made and continue to make so that we can live freely. For this I am grateful.....

Now as promised in my last post here are some of the little....and they are I made to accompany the kings in the White Nativity. One for each of the three kings.....they are kinda cute too. I am going to post them on my etsy site today. The orders for the nativity scenes keep flying in....I have sold 14 on my etsy site and 5 locally. Today I am working on 2 custom nativity orders and hope to mail them tonight....who has time to cook, clean and work....not me and I am grateful for that too.

enjoy your Friday everyone


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nativity Animals....Sheep & Donkey

Good morning everyone...well I finally have my duo of animals listed in my etsy store. I added a blanket to my original donkey design and now he is complete.It was a long time coming but now 5 sets are available. 3 D quilling is my favourite to do and these little guys were so much fun to make they are hard to part with....but I can always make more.

I have been working on some gifts for the three kings....maybe I will share them in my next post. 
Have a great day

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

11 Nativities Ready to go......

Good morning dear readers
you may have been wondering what I have been up to lately....not many posts and not much new to share. Well I recently had 3 days off work and decided that I was going to focus on one thing....Nativities. So I thought why not take pictures of what 11 Nativities look like lined up on my dining room table....and here they are.

I also finished 5 sets of animals.....{1 sheep and 1 donkey for each set, for now I have given up on the camel but there is always next year} and hope to have them on my etsy site tomorrow.
A good day to all....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

quilled a$$....I mean donkey

Well he is not as cute as baba the sheep but he does start to grow on you. He does have a tail but it doesn't show up well in any of the pictures and I am not sure what to name him yet....any suggestions?

By the title of my blog, you can see what I keep coming up with but that would be mean.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

baba....the white quilled sheep

We have a new addition to the White Nativity Scene line and that is 'baba' the sheep...he's really cute don't ya think.He actually took longer to make than any of the other figures in the Nativity but he was worth it. Rolling and gluing the little loose coils took the longest.

Next up are a donkey and camel....hopefully they look as good!!