Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Should I be insulted?

A Pennsylvania based library (not the local one I patronize) recently held a fund-raising event featuring what they called “Bad Romance” books. According to the news report the event “had all of the looseness of a cabaret show”. Excerpts of books were read to an audience, many of whom later contributed to the library’s efforts to build a bigger and better library.

I don’t know WHOSE books were selected as “some of the most poorly-written passages ever published in the English language” or if the authors chosen were even aware of their notoriety. I have no idea if any of my books were part of this exhibition, so I really don’t know how I would feel about it if one was read. Would I be insulted that my hard work was, well, insulted? Or would I chuckle and brag “Hey, at least somebody is reading my book, YAY!”?

Parodies are a popular thing in movies and songs; think of well-known parodies like AIRPLANE with its non-stop laughs based on the original air-disaster movie AIRPORT or think of "Weird Al" Yankovic whose song EAT IT poked fun at Michael Jackson’s BEAT IT. Professional literary organizations have  often made fun of words; the annual Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest challenges writers to come up with the WORST opening lines. “It was a dark and stormy night” has often been referred to as an example of a bad opening line, more for its clichéd use than its actual literary contribution.

“A parody (/ˈpærədi/); also called a spoof, send-up, take-off, lampoon, play on (something), caricature, or joke, is a work created to imitate, make fun of, or comment on an original work—its subject, author, style, or some other target—by means of satiric or ironic imitation. As the literary theorist Linda Hutcheon puts it, "parody ... is imitation, not always at the expense of the parodied text."” (Wikipedia) So is imitation truly the sincerest form of flattery?

Would I be flattered if one of my works were used in jest? I would assume my feelings might be colored by which of my books was being made light of. A few of my novels were written (in my intentions anyway) as more than love stories, for example two of them try to look seriously at the incidence of sexual assault, another is meant to open the conversation about hate and prejudice. In the end I guess most of my work is intended to create thought as well as entertain. So would it be entertainment to use my words to make people laugh? I DON’T THINK I would be insulted…

A library spokesperson is quoted in the news article, “Even though this event is incredibly irreverent, it’s still about literacy. It’s saying that you can still have fun with words and that not everything in literature has to be serious. Not to sound cliché, but the library is what you make of it, and you have to be the one to utilize it.” This is one of several fundraising efforts to build a bigger and more complete library, “We are definitely limited in our capacity, but not in our imagination.”

Personally, I think this is a NOVEL idea!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Skeletons in the Closet

Since it’s the day before Halloween, I felt inspired to tell you two TRUE humorous stories about skeletons Hope these bring a smile to your lips

I always loved Halloween, I loved the dressing up, the laughter, and of course, the bounty. (My dad always had to inspect the candy and then took his “fair” cut of the profits, LOL).
By the time I reached my teens many of my friends and I thought we were too old for such shenanigans, but I didn’t quite want to give it up. Each year my parents allowed me to decorate the apartment hallway so that when I opened the door to the kids, I was also in costume, they would get a thrill as well as a stuffed Trick-or-Treat bag. My prize decoration was when I hooked up a pulley so that as I opened the door a (paper) skeleton came flying down the hallway towards them. Their screams and laughter were so rewarding!
Each year I saved as many of the decorations as I could so that I didn’t have to spend too much each Halloween. When I met my husband-to-be (Mark) it was a whirlwind courtship and since I was always busy with my own brand of haunting, he never saw my creativeness on Halloween.
Early December, the year we got married, he was sitting in my bedroom while I packed my belongings to move into the apartment we rented to start our marriage in. Mark decided to joke around, we were still learning about each other.
He asked me, with a smirk on his face, “So, do you have any skeletons in the closet you should tell me about?”
I looked at him puzzled, I really didn’t think he was joking. Then I looked at my closed closet door and without a word I went over and opened it. He literally fell off of the bed laughing when the paper skeleton I had hung in there for safekeeping presented itself to him!
He married me anyway.

I recently posted this story (again, TRUE) on my Facebook page
Mark and I were out today getting some errands done, on the way home I stopped and bought a cute little skeleton to use for a decoration on Halloween night.
I was in a goofy mood and sat the thing in the backseat with the seat-belt on. When we got home we drove up our very long driveway and pulled the car into the garage.
Still giddy I said "Ok kiddo, we're home!"
Mark says, "Who are you speaking to?"
I explained, "The skeleton I buckled in the backseat."
Mark starts shaking his head... just then we hear a voice behind us, "How ya' doing folks?"
Startled the #### out of Mark.
I turned around and we quickly realized that neither of us had heard the FedEx truck come up the driveway behind us!
The poor guy couldn't understand why we couldn't stop laughing.

Have a Happy and Fun Halloween!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Writer Prompt Wednesday ~ June 1, 2016

Welcome back to my almost-weekly feature, just for fun.

On Wednesdays I am going to post a random picture I find online 
(and yes, I will make sure not to violate any copyrights)
and I will ask everyone to contribute to a "story" by adding a 
sentence in the comments.

Be sure to read the comments before yours so that we actually 
write a continuous story inspired by the picture.

Got the plan?   Good.
Here's this week's picture:

I'll start:

Falling to earth, so peaceful...
If there was a way I could freeze time
and remain suspended in the air forever.

Ok, now it's your turn —
add your sentence below

...and be sure to come back next week!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Writer Prompt Wednesday ~ May 25, 2016

Welcome back to my almost-weekly feature, just for fun.

On Wednesdays I am going to post a random picture I find online 
(and yes, I will make sure not to violate any copyrights)
and I will ask everyone to contribute to a "story" by adding a 
sentence in the comments.

Be sure to read the comments before yours so that we actually 
write a continuous story inspired by the picture.

Got the plan?   Good.
Here's this week's picture:

I'll start:

I had no idea what was moving around out there,
but I was sure I didn't want to come out of my tent.

Ok, now it's your turn —
add your sentence below

...and be sure to come back next week!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Writer Prompt Wednesday ~ May 18, 2016

Welcome back to my almost-weekly feature, just for fun.

On Wednesdays I am going to post a random picture I find online 
(and yes, I will make sure not to violate any copyrights)
and I will ask everyone to contribute to a "story" by adding a 
sentence in the comments.

Be sure to read the comments before yours so that we actually 
write a continuous story inspired by the picture.

Got the plan?   Good.
Here's this week's picture:

I'll start:

They had no idea what was waiting
for them inside the cabin.

Ok, now it's your turn —
add your sentence below

...and be sure to come back next week!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Writer Prompt Wednesday ~ May 11, 2016

Welcome back to my almost-weekly feature, just for fun.

On Wednesdays I am going to post a random picture I find online 
(and yes, I will make sure not to violate any copyrights)
and I will ask everyone to contribute to a "story" by adding a 
sentence in the comments.

Be sure to read the comments before yours so that we actually 
write a continuous story inspired by the picture.

Got the plan?   Good.
Here's this week's picture:

I'll start:

Something told me that the new hotel
wasn't going to be a success.

Ok, now it's your turn —
add your sentence below

...and be sure to come back next week!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Writer Prompt Wednesday ~ May 4, 2016

Welcome back to my almost-weekly feature, just for fun.

On Wednesdays I am going to post a random picture I find online 
(and yes, I will make sure not to violate any copyrights)
and I will ask everyone to contribute to a "story" by adding a 
sentence in the comments.

Be sure to read the comments before yours so that we actually 
write a continuous story inspired by the picture.

Got the plan?   Good.
Here's this week's picture:

I'll start:

I would say it was a dark and stormy night, but it was
clear, so clear that I could see the danger in front of me.

Ok, now it's your turn —
add your sentence below

...and be sure to come back next week!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Writer Prompt Wednesday ~ April 27, 2016

Welcome back to my almost-weekly feature, just for fun.

On Wednesdays I am going to post a random picture I find online 
(and yes, I will make sure not to violate any copyrights)
and I will ask everyone to contribute to a "story" by adding a 
sentence in the comments.

Be sure to read the comments before yours so that we actually 
write a continuous story inspired by the picture.

Got the plan?   Good.
Here's this week's picture:

I'll start:

I knew that I would find peace at the end of my journey,
but it seemed so very far away and I was so very, very tired.

Ok, now it's your turn —
add your sentence below

...and be sure to come back next week!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Writer Prompt Wednesday - April 6, 2016

Welcome back to my new weekly feature, just for fun.

Every Wednesday I am going to post a random picture I find online 
(and yes, I will make sure not to violate any copyrights)
and I will ask everyone to contribute to a "story" by adding a 
sentence in the comments.

Be sure to read the comments before yours so that we actually 
write a continuous story inspired by the picture.

Got the plan?   Good.
Here's this week's picture:

I'll start:

Guess who is coming to dinner?

Ok, now it's your turn —
add your sentence below

...and be sure to come back next week!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Writer Prompt Wednesday - March 30, 2016

Welcome back to my new weekly feature, just for fun.

Every Wednesday I am going to post a random picture I find online 
(and yes, I will make sure not to violate any copyrights)
and I will ask everyone to contribute to a "story" by adding a 
sentence in the comments.

Be sure to read the comments before yours so that we actually 
write a continuous story inspired by the picture.

Got the plan?   Good.
Here's this week's picture:

Haunted House 1

I'll start:

I should have realized what I was getting into when he
took me here on our first date.

Ok, now it's your turn —
add your sentence below

...and be sure to come back next week!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Writer Prompt Wednesday - March 23, 2016

Welcome back to my new weekly feature, just for fun.

Every Wednesday I am going to post a random picture I find online 
(and yes, I will make sure not to violate any copyrights)
and I will ask everyone to contribute to a "story" by adding a 
sentence in the comments.

Be sure to read the comments before yours so that we actually 
write a continuous story inspired by the picture.

Got the plan?   Good.
Here's this week's picture:

painted by E. I. Couse

I'll start:

They met in hiding knowing their families wouldn't understand.

Ok, now it's your turn —
add your sentence below

...and be sure to come back next week!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Writer Prompt Wednesday - March 16, 2016

I'm trying a new weekly feature, just for fun.

Every Wednesday I am going to post a random picture I find online 
(and yes, I will make sure not to violate any copyrights)
and I will ask everyone to contribute to a "story" by adding a 
sentence in the comments.

Be sure to read the comments before yours so that we actually 
write a continuous story inspired by the picture.

Got the plan?   Good.
Here's this week's picture:

I'll start:

She walked away from the destruction and desolation that had become her life.

Ok, now it's your turn —
add your sentence below

...and be sure to come back next week!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Family Dynamics ~ #MondayBlogs

“Our Family Puts the FUN in Dysfunctional”

Not everyone in a family has the same beliefs and desires. Each person is an individual; each person is capable of forming his or her own opinion. Sometimes children and parents squabble over their differences. Most times those differences are resolved in reasonable ways and at other times they may cause tension and division.

Every parent who has raised more than one child is aware, at some point, that although the children were raised in the same household and allegedly with the same values and influences, there comes a time when they are just so different from each other.

I look at my own two offspring, both independent adults holding down responsible positions — a daughter and a son. As much as I respect them both and am often in awe of their skills and compassion, I notice they are each unique in their own way, both awesome but still different.

Although married and truly in love for more than 40-years, my husband and I often have differences of opinions. During our children’s’ teen-age years we had a household of four very headstrong individuals. Despite the occasional “loud disagreement” we found ways to live together, love each other, and most times LIKE each other anyway. One thing that has always been evident is the laughter, we’ve always found ways to laugh together.

And now I enjoy the times when we all get together for a family dinner or other occasion (and now there are SIX headstrong individuals as they each chose spouses who are equally opinionated and unique). I am pleased to say that each of us knew then and now that we truly belong together, we are part of something together.

Look at all the different TV families depicted through the years and all of the different dynamics: the Goldbergs, the Ricardos, the Connors, the Bradys, the Hechts, the Baxters, and many, many more. What I personally like about the more modern shows is how they depict real people, flaws and all, and not just the “cookie-cutter” versions of the much earlier years.

What are/were your family dynamics? Do you have memories of family dinners, vacations together, road trips? How many of your family happenings were carry-overs from your own childhood? And how many of you see your household traits in your own children’s homes?


Monday, April 27, 2015

#MondayBlogs ~ Social Networks

It seems like there are a lot of folks today that are ANTI-Social Networking. I can understand that if you are limiting yourself to the computer screen and ignoring family and friends in REAL TIME… but what about the people who aren’t surrounded by others like shut-ins, or the folks who live quite a distance from family and just want to stay in touch? I am sure there are a dozen more (at least) valid reasons to LIKE FaceBook, Twitter, Google-plus, Pinterest, Instagram and other such networking opportunities. And don’t ignore the targeted forums like Growing Bolder, LinkedIn, Emergency Service chat-rooms, and chronic illness sites.

I spend a lot of time on sites like FaceBook and Twitter and visit several others frequently; for me a lot of that time has to do with my career as a writer (both author and journalist). I network with others for information, promotion, learning more about my craft, and (because I work from a home-based office) for a pseudo-office water cooler experience. As a journalist I do research on a wide variety of topics and once I query a few search terms I never know where the results will lead me. As an author I use the internet, including blogs and email, to connect with readers. But most of all, I love the fact that social media has given me a chance to re-connect with childhood friends and school alumni even if we are no longer around the corner from each other. And I can stay in touch with long distance family on a more frequent basis than our busy schedules permit via phone or handwritten letters.

There are ways to limit who sees your posts so that the relatively personal family stuff isn’t shared worldwide for everyone, of course marked private or not you should never post the really, really intimate details online. Since I want my online presence to be an “open book” )please excuse the pun from this author), I maintain two FaceBook accounts: one is for personal use and one is for anything related to my writing and my readers. During the average day I flip back and forth between my actual work (research, writing, business records, etc.) and then spend some time checking up on friends and family online.

I notice a lot of people alternately take time off from online, surprisingly most of these people are indeed missed when they are gone. Sometimes I have to wonder if they realize that they have become vital presences in other people’s lives. I have some friends and family that have come off of FaceBook entirely and they are truly missed — while I do have real-time dealing with them, there are times I just want to send them a post, pass along a meme or just send them a smile.

If you are online please feel free to some check out my sites, like me on FaceBook, follow me on Twitter and Google-plus and say HI. Thanks!

Monday, September 8, 2014

“C to Shining C” ~ #MondayBlogs

Thanks everyone for coming to visit me today, Monday September 8. All of the kiddies are back to school, summer vacations are over, the High Holidays are right around the corner...  Of course for me, my children are grown adults and on their own, but I still seem to use the school calendar - after so many years it's just ingrained in me. Hubby and I are nearly empty-nesters which inspired me to feature a simple conversation with my best buddy Charmaine Gordon, Author of Mature Romances including Housebroken and more.

Hi Charmaine, Thanks for coming to my #MondayBlogs this week.
It occurred to me that we’ve been really good friends since we first met in 2008. When I first met you at an author book signing in a local Barnes & Noble, I remember thinking how energetic you were! More than once you approached random customers and literally danced them over to our table. I guess my first impression of you that night was “Oh my gosh, I can’t keep up with this lady!”

So tell me, what was your first impression of me?

You had eight books stacked on the small table and I had one. I thought, Charmaine, you have a long way to go. This woman is smart, connected, knows things I must get a handle on and friends. She has friends hugging her and I had me, one book and that’s all folks. To add to this, instead of being snooty, you welcomed me into your circle. You also liked my dress. A big plus.

We’ve had a few adventures along the way… we took a comical car ride to a New Jersey library for a reading, me and my lousy sense of direction and you and your contagious laughter; then there was the Charlie’s Angels pose in Suffern (with VHP author Lauren Shiro); don’t forget the skies opening and drenching us in Kingston and the mad dash to save our books from the deluge. And there have been more fun times.
What are some of your most memorable moments of our friendship?

We had a booking for an author’s chat at the Suffern library but alas, I had hip replacement surgery and wasn’t quite up to going. So you had the brilliant idea of taping my segment of the chat in my house. I bought white sheets and tried to simulate a hospital room for background. Barely able to walk, I got my eyelashes and make-up on ready for my close-up. After we stopped laughing, always part of time together whether we’re on the phone or our infrequent get-togethers-you got down to business, asked me questions and I gave my presentation lying back on pillows. 

I am always fascinated by your stories of your acting years and always looking for you in a film. So far I’ve spotted you in Big and in Fatal Attraction. And I will keep looking!

Don't forget the movie Working Girl. Early in the movie, I held the birthday balloons Mike Nichols gave me for Melanie Griffith and sang Happy  Birthday. Oh, what fun.

I know how I’ve used facets of my life in my writing – how about you? What experiences have you had that you find yourself putting into your characters and stories?

Widowhood and how to live single after being a double for so many wonderful years. As I wrote, I realized my women had to be strong to survive whatever comes next. Like the ancient serials at the movies, Perils of Pauline. No matter what happened, she had to move forward. The Sink or Swim attitude. And I found that my years of playing tennis just naturally fit into one book, acting in another, swimming was a stretch in one story and research helped. It’s exciting. The whole process fills me with joy.

Along the way during this crazy friendship we’ve managed to write a few books. I would describe yours as encouraging, humorous, poignant and always engaging. I love the tagline you’ve used, Stories of Women Who Survive and Thrive, and your series of Mature Romances that goes to show that the best is yet to come. It isn’t merely our friendship that has me listing you as one of my favorite authors. I even mentioned you in one of my novels as a character’s favorite author.

 I know that you’ve read many of my books, too. Can you give me the top three to five words you would use to describe the stories I write? Is there anything that sticks out as “my style”?

Now you’ve got me running, not too fast, to look at my Chelle Cordero shelf. Hold the press.

Unforgettable is the one word I use to describe your books.

Where to begin, Chelle? You’ve written mystery, suspense, romance and I’ve learned so much about paramedics and EMS to have respect for the work they do. Hyphema grabbed me and never let go as did your most recent book Karma Visited.

Some years ago as we were sending emails back and forth, with both of us signing each note with a simple “C”, you finally wrote back with the phrase “From C to Shining C” – I absolutely adore that term.

Me, too, dear C.

Thanks for being here and sharing a few memories with me today, and thanks for being a terrific friend.

Backatcha, my BFF.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Keeping Up With Appearances

We tend to do this every day. We act happy when things are bothering us to keep our lives private, we go to jobs because we need the paycheck and the boss wants to see us putting on a happy face, we clothe ourselves in high fashion to look great even if the heels pinch a bit, and we look over our shoulders when we do give in to wild and impetuous desires.

When is the last time you rode a children’s ride in front of a shopping mall (rare but still there occasionally) or climbed into the bouncy house at a child’s birthday party? Have you played dress up and actually gone out in public with the same flair and pride as a four-year-old would? What did you order the last time you went out for a business dinner, the burger and greasy fries dripping in ketchup you really wanted, or the safe broiled sole and asparagus tips that seemed to meet with your host’s approval?

When is the last time you were really YOU?

Like Samantha in A Chaunce of Riches, are you leading a life others expect of you or are you living your dream? As I write this I am sitting in my robe and jammies in the mid-afternoon and doing a job I genuinely love, writing – very, very close to my dream. But I do admit, if someone came knocking at my door right now I would probably be embarrassed to be caught in my attire because it might not meet their expectations.

wouldn't ask any one of you to publicly admit the ways you pretend to give others an impression that makes you feel more accepted, just as I would never divulge all of my secrets either. But think about it, do the sacrifices you make in order to “keep up appearances” really make you happy?

Maybe it’s time to start jumping in puddles, build a snowman (If you live in the northeast there is PLENTY of snow), eat a fun food, or just stay in our robes until mid-afternoon. Keeping up with our happiness may just be more important than keeping up with appearances.

I’d love to hear what you think.

Ben Johnson was hired as a bodyguard for a rich widow and her kid, but he never expected to be working for the woman who had abandoned him just when he had needed her the most. Damn it all, he still wanted her. Samantha Chaunce never thought she would have to explain why she married the rich man instead of Ben. Or that her husband had been murdered...and Ben was the prime suspect.

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's finally here

...and what an amazing opportunity this is.

Please join us at the VHP Readers' Club
Friday (today!) through Sunday.

(from Managing Editor Kimberlee Williams)

Welcome to the Grand Opening weekend-long celebration of the Vanilla Heart Publishing Reader's Club! Coming up all three days of the grand opening, we've got some great surprises, games, contests, drawings and fun… Many of our terrific VHP Authors will be stopping by, and in the meantime, feel free to check out their novels and info in the Files section, peruse our extensive title catalog and video links, and have fun!

Take a peek at the Events Calendar for some great upcoming author events and celebrations, ask authors questions, share your favorite VHP novel, or suggest a topic…

Monday, June 15, 2009

10 Excerpts, 5 Books & A Chance to WIN a FREE E-Book!

Yes, you read it right - you have a chance to WIN a FREE E-Book!

Simply match the following excerpts with the correct book (hint: there are 2 excerpts per book) Leave your answers in the comments below (for example 1:A, 2:D, 3B and so forth - and NO, those are NOT the answers, LOL)

On Friday I will pick one name from all of the CORRECT entries (or a tie with the most correct responses) for a chance to win a FREE .pdf format E-Book of your choosing from my 5 novels.
(If you can't comment below, send me an email at with 10/5 Contest in the subject line)

The excerpts are direct from my books, I just substituted ***** for character names. BTW, you might even find some of these excerpts in the
FREE Chelle Cordero First Chapter ChapBook (you can download that now for FREE

Here are the names of the books:

A: Bartlett's Rule
B: Forgotten
C: Within the Law
D: Courage of the Heart
E: Final Sin

Here are the excerpts:

1. ***** helped her while she fumbled into a night shirt and crawled under the blankets. Then he went to his side of the bed and stripped, leaving his clothing on the floor. He got under the covers and pulled her body up against his, he kissed her on the top of her head and whispered "G'night." Before he reached to turn out his night table lamp, he stopped to watch her sleeping in their bed…another memory for him to store.

2. There was no way he was a hero, he thought. He laughed and shook his head. But he didn’t argue. So long as he could wrap himself in the blanket, he was willing to cooperate. She helped him to his feet. He wound up taking a ride in the back on one of the other police cruisers, the trooper behind the wheel was nice enough to turn the heat on high. He borrowed the Nextel on his ride in and called ***** to ask her to bring him dry clothes and pick him up at the hospital. He assured her he was fine.

3. ***** injected epinephrine and sodium bicarb twice in an effort to restart her heart, but they couldn’t get her back. She had lost too much blood and had suffered too many traumas. It was almost as if she was surrendering to the peaceful cloak of death. It was a frustrating twenty-five minutes while the crew worked hard to save the young woman’s life.

4. She watched incredulously as he pulled a pair of jeans on. "I'm sorry…I…" Suddenly ***** felt angry. “If you thought that I thought it was going to be some kind of commitment, you don't need to worry. I got carried away…don't worry, it won't happen again." She stood taking the bed sheet with her to cover herself. "If you don't mind giving me some privacy, I'll get dressed."

5. He silently counted to ten before answering. "You will stay out of my personal life. And don't threaten me about my son." He felt the bile rising in his throat. "And don't you dare ever tell my boy that I didn't want him. Consider yourself damn lucky that I didn't tell him the truth about how you slept around with everyone and then lied about the paternity."

6. “Come on, I know this evening was all a show to keep me happy so your company can buy the magazine.” ***** knew that this purchase would benefit the new publisher even more than it would him so long as he remained on board. “It would make me very happy to know a little bit more about the woman *****.”

7. He called and left a message on his office voice mail. A woman’s voice greeted him in a recorded message. Somehow he recognized that it was *****’s voice. He remembered her voice, but how could that be when he couldn’t remember anything else? ***** scribbled the hotel and room number for him on a paper napkin so he could leave it in the message. He finished his message and kept the phone to his ear through the rest of the recorded options. Wondering if his message sounded urgent enough, he thought about re-recording his message and then decided to let it stay as it was. He hung up the phone.

8. “That’s going to be it for me, I’ve got an early morning.” He removed his hand from her wrist and watched as she pulled her slender hand away, noting the bright red of her nails. He remembered seeing red nails like that before. It was the same red as the cherry that topped the ice cream sundae you took your girl out for on a hot summer night. It was the same red as the Ruby stone that sat in a high school ring.

9. “You know hon, some relationships make it and some don’t. Every relationship has baggage of some kind. People grow, sometimes they grow apart.” She leaned on her desk and smiled kindly for her friend. “But I’m the kind of romantic that believes most love affairs do work out. And I really do see love in his eyes when he looks at you. That’s certainly something none of us would have expected from the old *****. You really have brought out the best in him.”

10. They sent ***** back to New York ahead of him. She hadn’t even said good-bye. After a short interview with a government agent, she was provided with a ticket home and a ride to the Las Vegas airport. ***** never got the opportunity to speak with her after their rescue. As far as he knew, she never asked to see him. She was already on her way back to New York when he found out that she was gone.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just For Fun

Often when I have play-cast each of my novels, I've had readers comment on how much they agree or disagree with my choices. Usually they follow it up with, "I would cast... as..."

It is such a fun game to play and I am fascinated by some of the choices made.

Well it must be that others think this game is fun too! There is a terrific site where you get to play-cast all of your favorites, just go to, register (it's FREE), select the book you want to cast and simply choose the actors you see in each role.

It is a lot of fun to see how your choices compare. You can also leave comments and rate other folk's choices. So far my four novels (to date) are available for casting - why don't you let us know who you would cast in each of the leading roles in Bartlett's Rule, Forgotten, Within the Law or Courage of the Heart?

So just for fun - and who knows, maybe some Hollywood director will one day take your advice - enjoy "For the Movie in Your Mind"

* is new and growing, so be sure to stop back now and then as they add new works and new actors!