Showing posts with label Stroud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stroud. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Welcome to a New Blogger

A few weeks back, I'd posted a note asking for new bloggers, to add some fresh voices to clevelandpoetics.

 I'd like to welcome a new blogger to the team, Brandon Stroud.

Brandon is an Experimental Artist (Actor, Director, Poet, Event Planner, Entrepreneur) and Educator from Mentor, Ohio.

He writes:

As an artist, my primary medium is ‘Thought.’ My work allows me to be an explorer of the unknown depths of the human mind, traveling uncharted territories. My journey is never-ending [like ideas]. My discoveries are rich - often new forms of art or new modes of thinking.

I wish to be a pioneer  - probing the Last Frontier (The Imagination) - "adding to the stock of available reality," [R. P. Blackmur].

I am guided by the spirit of play and a sense of community. The essence of all my work is Simpleand Youthful,  Primitive and Ritualistic, Interactive and Multi-Sensory, Innovative and Experimental.

Don't think inside the box, don't think outside the box, think, there is no box.

Welcome, Brandon!

--and check out his site, experimental poetry, and his facebook page. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Experimental Poetics Manifesto!

Artist/poet B.M. Stroud first came to my attention when his performance of his experimental visual/audio poem won the Hessler Street Fair Poetry Contest in 2012.

Now he's published a manifesto: "Experimental Poetics: Where are the Poetic Pioneers?"

Sound interesting?  To keep up with what he's up to, check his page Stroud: experimental artist.


The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau