But, here's CNN, "
Most Americans don't encounter poetry in the course of their daily lives. Most mainstream magazines don't publish it. Chain stores such as Walmart and Target don't carry it. The cult of people who buy books of poetry in the U.S. is almost certainly dwarfed by the 20 million or so viewers who watch a single episode of "Game of Thrones."
Poetry, said poet and associate professor Kyle Dargan of American University in Washington, is "not the kind of thing people are going to run into on their own. It's not 'Jurassic World.' " It's this cultural landscape that greets Juan Felipe Herrera, who this month was appointed the next poet laureate of the United States. As poet laureate, Herrera will be expected to serve as an ambassador for the art form and help boost its visibility through readings, workshops and other events.
- Brandon Griggs,"Does poetry still matter?"