Showing posts with label edible book festival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label edible book festival. Show all posts

Monday, March 30, 2015

Edible Books this Saturday!

at Loganberry:
11th Annual Books 2 Eat
Edible Books Festival
Saturday, April 4, 2015, 12:00PM
~ annual event ~

Booklovers, bookbinders, cooks, and craftspeople of all ages are invited to participate.  Actual books displayed with the edible entry are encouraged.  Prizes include Most Literary, Most Appetizing, Best Binding, Best Pun, and of course, Best of Show.  Here’s the time table:
  • 12:00  artists should deliver their creations and set them up
  • 1:00  all entries must be here, and Voting opens
  • 2:00  Prizes awarded, immediately followed by eating the books!
It is free to participate and enjoy the show.  Voting and Eating privileges cost $3 and ensure future festivals.  The International Edible Books Festival started in 2000 and has been gaining popularity each year.  Loganberry Books and Strong Bindery have co-sponsored the Cleveland event since 2004, and give out hand-made miniature book pins to all contest entrants and book awards to contest winners.  Why do we do all this? Because it's a lot of fun.  I hope you’ll join us.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Books so good you can eat them. Really.

The Lorax, by the Winslow Girls, youth entry, 2014 winner, Most Literary

Sometimes there's a book that's just good enough to eat... and then there are edible books.

That's not an April Fools joke.  This  Saturday, Loganberry Books on Larchmere is sponsoring the Edible Books Festival.

Saturday, April 6, 2013-- set-up begins  at noon, with viewing and voting at 1:00, awards announced and books consumed at 2:00.

Make your own edible book, and win!
Or just go for the show.  Viewing is free, but there's a $3 fee for voting and eating of the Edible Books. Oh, and hey-- it's a bookstore, so you can buy non-edible books (the paper kind) while you're perusing the edible kind.  What could be more cool than that?
Loganberry Books and Strong Bindery
13015 Larchmere Boulevard, 
Shaker Heights, OH 44120

--if you miss it this year, mark your calendars: Loganberry's been having an edible book festival on the first Saturday of April every year since 2004, so mark your calendars for next year!



The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau