Showing posts with label Yuyutsu Sharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yuyutsu Sharma. Show all posts

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Himalayan Poet to Visit Cleveland; Ray McNiece Leads Poem for Cleveland Project

From Cleveland Heights Poet Laureate Ray McNiece:

Poet Friends, two events upcoming:

One, this Sunday at the Millard Fillmore on Waterloo, world-traveling Himalayan poet Yuyutsu Sharma will perform with the Tongue in Groove Jam band and you can too, bring a poem of gratitude or gray, or gratitude for gray, the palette of Cleveland from November until May for the open mic. [Side note: Yuyutsu will also be leading a workshop, to be followed by open mic, on Monday at G.A.R. Hall in Peninsula.]

On that note, those of you who would like to participate in the Poem for Cleveland Project (and that includes Northeast Ohio) can come to any free workshops listed below.  This Saturday's workshop at the MLK branch of CPL on Stokes Avenue is being covered by a reporter from the Plain Dealer.  It happens, as do all the workshops, from 10:30 till Noon.


The poet doesn't invent. He listens. ~Jean Cocteau