In honor of this weekend's
main event I planned a "Get to Know the General Authorities" night for Young Women. We played concentration--matching the name to the face. Then we put them in order of seniority. And perhaps the most challenging: I read three facts about each of the
Brethren and the girls had to guess who it was. I think they had a good time and learned a thing or two.... and hopefully it makes Conference a little more interesting for them this year. In case you are interested here are the facts that I used:
Thomas S. Monson
He was called as a bishop at the age of 22.
He was called as an Apostle at the age of 36... he has been either an Apostle or in the First Presidency for over 44 years (over half his life!)
He loves to use stories to teach.
Henry B. Eyring
His Dad was a world famous scientist.
His daughter lives in Oklahoma. (Maybe this is only of interest to those of us who actually live here.)
He likes to bake bread with his family.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
He has read Harry Potter. (How do I know this? I happened to be at a fireside at BYU and he mentioned this... the girls thought it was pretty cool.)
He was an airline pilot for 35 years.
He is the only living Apostle who was not born in the United States.
Boyd K. Packer
He likes to paint and make wood carvings of birds.
He taught seminary.
He was unable to serve a mission because World War II broke out.
L. Tom Perry
He played volleyball.
His nickname was "Stretch" because he's so tall.
His favorite scripture story is Joseph being sold into Egypt.
Russell M. Nelson
He has 9 daughters and 1 son (his son is the youngest).
He was a heart surgeon and performed surgery on President Kimball.
He loves to ski.
Dallin H. Oaks
He was raised by his widowed mother. His dad died when he was just 7.
He was a judge on the Utah Supreme Court.
He worked as a radio announcer (which is how he met his first wife).
M. Russell Ballard
His two grandfathers were Apostles (Melvin J. Ballard and Hyrum Mack Smith).
His great-great-great uncle is Joseph Smith and his great-great grandfather is Hyrum Smith.
He was a car salesman.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
He played football in high school and college and was known as "Mr. Touchdown."
He had a nice singing voice and sang in operettas in elementary school and junior high.
History was his favorite subject in school.
Richard G. Scott
He enjoys jazz music and can play the clarinet and saxophone.
Was encouraged by his girlfriend to serve a mission. They were married two weeks after he returned.
He was a nuclear engineer.
Robert D. Hales
Played baseball in high school.
He was a fighter pilot. His squadron unit's motto was "Return With Honor" which was painted on the side of their planes.
He plays the piano.
Jeffrey R. Holland
He lettered in four sports in high school (baseball, basketball, football and track).
He taught institute.
He served a mission in England and his parents were called to the same mission while he was there!
David A. Bednar
His dad was not a member of the church and after Elder Bednar was married his dad asked him to come home and baptize him.
He met his wife while playing a game of flag football. (She caught his pass and says it's the only one she can ever remember catching.)
He loves to teach. Even when he was President of Ricks College he taught one religion class a semester.
Just a side note... when Rich was at Ricks he had dinner with Elder Bednar several times.
Quentin L. Cook
He was mission companions with Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.
When he was 16 he met Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, and Gerald R. Ford.
In high school he played football and basketball and also participated in debate and politics.
Hope everyone has a great Conference weekend! We're excited to see who the new Apostle is!
And for the
cutest version of "Follow the Prophet" click