Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Inauguration Story

I was not one of the millions in Washington, DC today watching the inauguration. (This would be obvious to you if you were following my inauguration saga on Facebook.) I really wish I could have been there, but I also have a very low tolerance for crowded lines, so I'm not sure it would have been the best place for me (and I'm also still sick, so not a great idea).

The day started out slowly. I watched coverage on cable news, people coming out of the church, special people going to their seats, dignitaries arriving, and I had to pull myself away to go to the office, or else I would never leave!

I pass through Times Square on the way to work, and as I planned, I passed by the big TV set up in Duffy Square by Time Warner Cable. It was in this big red, white and blue setup and was set up so that people could sit on the TKTS risers and watch. There were already at least 100 people there, and it wasn't even 11 yet. It was only going to get more crowded. Snapped a few photos and then headed to the office.

The first thing I did (other than work) was try to log on to one of the online streaming sites because I was already in need of my inauguration fix! I had planned to watch all of the inauguration coverage on my computer in case I had an emotional fit (like I did on election night), but that was not to be. I tried CNN-Facebook (wouldn't load), C-SPAN (site wouldn't even load), MSNBC (wouldn't connect), Hulu (stalled every 5 seconds), even NPR wouldn't load (and that didn't even have any images that I know of!). Many work interruptions, many failed attempts at online streaming later, and it was already 11:40 am. I had planned to watch the coverage but had seen nothing since I left home. I was frustrated, upset and sad. This moment meant a lot to me and I was going to miss seeing history live! This couldn't be!

Luckily our office was showing it on TV live in the cafe and in another room, but I hadn't planned to go there initially since I couldn't multitask. But in the end, history won out and I went upstairs and joined the mob of people in the middle of the opening prayer. Luckily I didn't miss the swearing-in of the Vice President. I made it just in time. I know I was fortunate that it was being shown in-house, because I have no idea what I would have done otherwise since I couldn't connect to online streaming. They promoted the online coverage so heavily (especially Hulu and CNN-Facebook) -- how could they not be prepared for this onslaught? It was so frustrating!

I watched the remainder of the opening prayer, the musical performances, the Vice President taking the oath (it feels so good to say Vice President Biden!), and finally, President Obama (it feels even better to say that and still so surreal!) taking the oath (good job Roberts...). It was an unbelievable moment. There was clapping and cheering in the cafe. Even though he officially became president at noon without the oath, now, both officially and symbolically, the Bush era is over. Completely over.

The inaugural speech was fantastic. I'm not going to quote it, because it's too difficult to not quote it all. But points I liked. Hope over fear. Citing different religions and including non-believers. Talking about how we will value both safety and our ideals and respect and follow the rule of law (and CNN cutting to show Bush 43 when he said that). It just set the right tone, and I really hope they find effective ways to get us all to pitch in to help change America. Let's put that mega mailing list to good use!

Watched more of the coverage over a lunch meeting (including the benediction which was great - yellow will be mellow!). Tuned in this afternoon and watched the parade coverage on CNN-Facebook, which got more reliable as the afternoon went on and people tuned out/went home. It felt great being part of something bigger, something national, something worldwide. And watching the Facebook status updates was kind of addictive!

But of course, not everything about this day was perfect. I'm glad Senator Kennedy is ok, and wish him and his family the best. It was such a scare at that congressional luncheon today hearing that news!

I still can't believe that it's real, and that we're living in a new age with Barack Obama as our president. It felt like the nightmare of the Bush era was never going to end. And this also feels good knowing that I was PART of it. I donated to the campaign, both money and time. I voted. My vote counted. My vote (even though I'm from a safe state) helped contribute to this, this unbelievable, historical day.

They have used various songs throughout the day on the networks, but I think the one that perfectly fits a montage of inaugural pictures is U2's "Beautiful Day." Beautiful day indeed.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


CNN is talking about all the historic events that are converging with Barack Obama's inauguration.

- Right after Dr King's birthday (observed)
- The convention being set for the anniversary of the speech prior to it being Obama's nomination
- The anniversary of the NAACP after what happened in Springfield

and so much more. I think maybe it was just meant to be.

I'm still debating whether to watch in public (in our firm cafe) or on Hulu in my office, considering my probability of being a crying mess (like I was on election day).


I am amused that CNN is devoting all day to the "Obama Express."

Monday, November 10, 2008


I contemplated starting a new feature last week with a "Headline of the Day."  The reason I thought of it was because of the headline that the GOP was sending a lawyer to Alaska to get Sarah Palin's clothes.  (A lawyer? To get clothes? Seriously? But if they're going to do that, I'd go... sounds like a nice thing to get paid to do...)
The story gets odder, apparently, according to a new AP report.
Sarah Palin apparently spent the weekend looking through her clothes to see what belongs to the RNC.  (This after some press conference where she said all the clothes she had now were her own and that they weren't sending anyone up to get her clothes.)  Her dad told reporters that she was "frantically" sorting it all out and that things happen, such as kids losing underwear.
Why did the RNC need to buy Sarah Palin's children underwear?  Why would they need to buy anyone underwear?  Was their current underwear not good enough?  Could they not buy their own?  If that's true, it's completely ridiculous to think that the RNC went out to buy underwear... And their claims that the clothes would go to charity?
And why was she frantically searching through clothes if she supposedly left everything behind when the campaign was over and things were getting inventoried?  How much could there be to sort through?  She couldn't possibly have taken all $150,000+ of clothes back to Alaska, could she?
The article also mentions the elementary school her daugher attends and how the secret service is no longer there.  But when was her daughter in school?  I thought we saw her constantly on the campaign trail to the point where we wondered if she even went to school.
Just bizarre.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


I can't remember where I saw this headline (and I wish I could), and I certainly can't take credit for it, but "Governor Palin, Meet Bus."  It's not even 48 hours from the end of the election and the McCain staffers are clearly trying to kill her career.  Not that I don't enjoy seeing the interesting things that come out of it (especially considering her campaign tactics), and not that I'm surprised seeing as how "unity" didn't even make it to the election, but I do find it odd that they are trying to push all the blame to her... when they're the ones that picked her.  They could have avoided the whole thing by actually having a vetting process, but if they did, who knows if we would be in the wonderful place we are today.
Anyway, in the past 24 hours, we have learned, if Newsweek and Fox News are to be believed:
- That the Neiman Marcus/Saks shopping spree may have been more than $150,000 as previously reported (and the whole thing was hidden from McCain)
- That Palin wanted to give a VP concession speech which is not traditional and was vetoed
- That Palin thought Africa was a country and not a continent
- That Palin did not know what countries were part of NAFTA
- That aides tried to prepare her for the Couric & Gibson interviews but she refused (great idea, that one was)
- That some campaign people went to visit her for the first time and she appeared in a towel to greet them
... and I'm sure there's more to come.
And it's bizarre but this morning I was thinking about how much fun it would be to go on an American road trip right now.  I think it was prompted by some report from Mike Seidel that MSNBC was airing where he was in North Dakota under a blizzard warning.  So it makes no sense.  And it's cold in many places...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Postscript III

NBC is calling McCain the "apparent winner" of Montana.

Have they been calling them "apparent winners" all night and I just haven't noticed?

I was hoping to take Montana. I wonder how close it is.

So that leaves North Carolina and Missouri...


Looking at the NYC numbers (according to CNN):

Manhattan: Obama 85-14
Bronx: Obama 88-12
Queens: Obama 75-25
Brooklyn: Obama 79-20
Staten Island: McCain 52-47

We have some work to do in my home borough. :) But we did get a Democrat into Vito Fossella's old seat by a pretty decent margin. That's good news.

Postscript II

NBC News calls Indiana for Obama.

(Alaska was called too, after the race was over, but while it wasn't a runaway, I didn't think we'd get Alaska.)

So that leaves Montana, North Carolina and Missouri. Who would have thought this 2 years ago.


"Change has come to America."

"Out of many, we are one."

"Yes we can."

This has been such an incredible night. One of those moments in history that I don't think you ever forget.

And since this probably got lost below:

Millions of people making a difference, voting and hoping for change.


I need the text of Obama's walk through history speech tonight. It was amazing. Something to keep for the history books.

Helping Out

I'm curious to see how my donations did. :)

Obama - Yay!

Elwyn - Not called yet. I think Michele "Democrats are anti-American" Bachmann is still ahead.

South Dakota abortion ban - MSNBC said it failed; CNN hasn't called it yet.

Dan Seals - CNN says he lost. Boo.

Al Franken - Still tied.

Bob Lord - CNN says he lost. Darn.

Eric Massa - CNN says he won. Yay!

Darcy Burner - This one's not going to be over for a while.

Gary Trauner - CNN says he lost. Boo.

Mark Begich - Polls just closed but I hope we're saying goodbye to Ted Stevens.

Jim Martin - Not called yet but it looks like we're losing...

No on 8 - Not called yet. I don't like the way the percentages look right now, but it doesn't look like SF has reported yet...

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Postscript I

And we get Nevada! Thanks Nevada!

(And it's really sad about their field director. So young.)

McCain's Concession

Thoughts on McCain's concession:

- It is the only thing that has made me stop crying so far.

- McCain sounds more sincere than he has sounded in weeks. And he's blinking a lot less than in any of the big public speeches or debates recently.

- At least he tried to stop them from booing such a historic moment.

- I find it interesting that his concession speech comes in his home state... which hasn't been called yet. [Interesting note: MSNBC calls Arizona for McCain during the speech.]

- We got another "my friends"!

- Part of me wonders if McCain is glad to be himself again. And if he will go back to 2000 McCain.

- It was actually a really good speech. Thanks John.

Tears of Joy

This is such an incredible time. I haven't stopped crying for the past 15 minutes, I'm so happy.

Thank you Colorado, Virginia, Florida. Let's keep turning this country blue.

Amazing Moments

What an amazing moment in history.

I am overjoyed, relieved, inspired and so moved by what we just achieved here today.

We're so young but I really never thought I would ever see something like this happen.

Absolutely amazing.

Presidential Results

MSNBC projects Obama as President, taking California, Washington, Oregon and Hawaii. This is truly historic. What it must be like to be in Grant Park right now.

Returns XVIII as a hologram on CNN?

This is too amusing watching the holograms.

Returns XVII

Paraphrasing Chuck Todd on MSNBC about Nebraska:

"I love these Midwest states. All their districts are so square."


Returns XVI

The networks seem to agree that Obama is at 207 electoral votes. (Except CBS at 206.)

With the Pacific coast states and Hawaii coming up in 22 minutes, this could be over.

I'm so cautiously optimistic. I'll believe it when I see it.

Returns XV

Rachel says the South Dakota abortion ban failed. Good news.