Showing posts with label Searches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Searches. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Search Results

I haven't looked at my pageload activity in some time, but I figure right now is a pretty good time. Just getting ready for bed and wondering why I have had a persistent sore throat ever since flying out to Chicago last Friday. It's almost 2 am, and if I sleep before 2:30 am, this will be the first time in, I can't remember how long that that's happened. (At least it was almost 2 am when I started this post...)

Some interesting searches have led to the blog... I haven't done a comment on searches post in awhile, but I figure right now is a pretty good time! It's also a good excuse for me to re-read my own blog. :) (No, this isn't every single search, just some of the interesting or comment-worthy ones.)

"menu boards crayon"
I hope this blog isn't high on that list. It appears to direct to a post on calorie counts and how NYC is starting to put them up. However, it only deals with crayons as far as the blog name. I know I have posted about calorie count boards before, but my dislike for them has diminished somewhat. I still think it's somewhat misleading because (a) calorie counts alone don't give the full picture of the nutritional content of a dish and (b) restaurants keep misreporting the calorie counts and giving ranges that mean nothing (e.g., ABP had one for their impulse snacks that was like 200-1000, and the range on a Chipotle bol could be over 500 calories). It's also not proven to have significant lasting impact on consumer choices (wish I could remember where I read that so I could link to it). However, trying to eat healthy and get back in shape, I do understand the value of calorie counting to some degree (if it helps people) and I definitely understand how hard it is to estimate the calorie count for a dish. So I don't hate it as much as I used to ... but I still think it's flawed.

"crayon animated signatures"
Unfortunately for this person: (1) crayon is only there for the blog name, (2) animated related to tv and (3) signatures related to a political campaign. And they weren't at any time used together in the month the person was directed to. Sorry! There were some pretty Chicago pics in that month archive though.

"NBC cancellations"
Sigh. Kings. Such a beautifully made and well done show. At least this year's bloodbath wasn't as bad as past years...

"cupcakes and beaches" (looking for website)
I was going to comment that cupcakes and beaches are two of my favorite things, and then I realized that is exactly what I wrote in that post. At least I'm consistent.

Is this an actual word? I used it in a post title because it rhymed with Monday... The post was really interesting though. Apparently I had dropped a class that I was all worried about - and I can't even remember now what the class was or that I had even dropped a class.

"chewing tobacco finger tort"
My first reaction was "no clue." So I followed the link to the loaded post and what do you know, I actually talked about this except I had that it was a toe and not a finger. I guess it was from a Barbri torts lecture. Fascinating.

"I keep finding dead flies on my windowsill"
That really sucks. But I know your pain, because it is still happening at work and they don't appear to be able to get rid of them. I hate those little flies. Disgusting.

"Explain the significance of the Half Blood Prince"
I don't think I mentioned this in my HBP movie critique, but another issue with the story in the movie is that the reference to the Half Blood Prince was a complete throwaway line with no significance attached to it whatsoever. So, to the person searching for this, if you haven't read the book, and are trying to figure out what all that was about - it's not you, it's not in the movie. The book has some great insight though.

"creme au placenta socca"
Can whoever searched this please explain to me what you are looking for because I don't have a clue what that would even be? I know what socca is...

"Half Blood Prince story issues for movie"
Many. See here.

"Half Blood Prince missing ending"

"Nougatine pink cod"
Delicious. Photo here. And Nougatine for lunch prix fixe is such a good bargain. Would love to go back again soon.

There was also some bar-related stuff but I don't want to quote those so that more people aren't led here in future years looking for those terms, since I don't even remember what they mean or why they matter.

Hopefully this sore throat will go away with some sleep. Good night!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tired Searches

I'm checking my stat logs to see what searches have brought people here. There's more people who swallowed plastic fork prongs and more people looking for old Wife Swap swaps and crayon psychics. But a few interesting ones:

Lipstick Jungle on location Staten Island Ferry
Did they? I'll have to look for this. I did pass by someplace in Tribeca a couple of weeks ago where Ugly Betty was supposed to tape the next day.

Pearl cream (with some other words mixed in)
I went looking for pearl cream in Hong Kong. My aunt had brought it back from China that year and they swore that it improved your skin. I tried it, but don't recall if it actually did anything.

I have no idea what the skyrocketing number of hits from Sunday was from. From all over the world. Bizarre. No real search terms except Blogger stuff.

They have been chopping up the street and drilling for 2 hours now. Argh, make it stop!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


I haven't done one of these posts in awhile, but I also haven't checked the blog stats in awhile. Here are some recent searches which landed people on this blog and my comments. Hopefully this will help people who somehow arrive here looking for something that they won't find.

Portillo's Calorie Counter
Empanada Mama Calorie Count

No calorie counts here. Unless I'm talking about the outrageous calorie counts on the NY menu boards. I just don't find them helpful. They are cluttering up the menu boards and making them hard to read without adding much value. I've talked about it all before and am not going to force you to read it again. Except to say that now that I have seen it implemented at a bunch of places, I'm not sure it's going to make any impact on my life.

Crayon psychics
There were a lot of searches for this, but I honestly have no idea what that is even supposed to pull up.

Paldo aloe drink
... is delicious and refreshing, and my favorite aloe drink brand.

I swallowed a prong off a plastic fork
I totally forgot that I did that. Wow.

Cigarette smoke masks
When you find one, let me know.

Southwest Caesar Salad, Wendy's
I like this salad. This salad and the taco salad are probably my favorite Wendy's salads. I thought about getting one at the Wendy's at the mall on Sunday but figured I could just get it at work. I tried going to Wendy's yesterday by work, but they didn't have it on the menu and it's not on the website! It was on the menu board at the mall on Sunday. I'm so confused. I love this salad and it's good because I don't even need the salad dressing. Why, Wendy's? Why won't you put this and the wild mountain chicken sandwich on your permanent menu? Yes, I'm still whining about the wild mountain chicken sandwich.

Post-course paced program
First, a note about the bar exam. The searches seem to have picked up lately for bar exam related topics, and I guess it's about that time. So, a preliminary note. I wasn't a HUGE bar studier. It was kind of hard to do when BarBri started during final exams in law school. So I was never up to date and was behind for the whole program. For that reason, I'm not sure I did any post-course paced program. But I also didn't follow the regular one very well either. But it seems like a lot of people are concerned about this post-course program thing. Is BarBri ending soon or something?

Evergreen Chinatown
Good Chicago restaurant. I recommend.

Blackberry reception problems
Sigh. Try popping out the battery and the SIM card. I do this too often. But don't get me wrong, I'm thankful to no longer have that old blue unit that wouldn't receive messages even when it told me my signal was as strong as it could be.

What do the crayons mean in the movie The Dark Floor
I don't know of any movie called The Dark Floor. Sorry.

Will BarBri replace lost iPod
I doubt it. Did they make you lose it? Otherwise, I doubt they would do anything.

Cedars of Lebanon restaurant in Hyde Park
If this is still there, I also recommend. I haven't really been for a meal in Hyde Park since graduation.

Placenta pearl cream
I don't really have the time or space to go into this again, but at least it sent you to the right link.

Above 100 on the BarBri simulated MBE is ok
Honestly I have no idea. I don't remember much about the MBE.

Simulated MBE did terrible
Sorry to hear it. :( It'll get better. If they still have the questions on computer, that's a nice option for practicing.

BarBri clear plastic bag
The clear plastic bag thing bothered me the whole time prior to the exam. I worried about how I could possibly carry everything in one plastic bag? It worked out fine. Not something worth worrying about.

Mayo shrimp
Sorry, not a huge fan.

There is also a certain search looking for a part of the body of a famous gymnast which I have mentioned before, and I don't understand why, years later, people are still searching for this. It makes no sense to me.

Exhausted. Time for sleep. Good night!

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Some recent searches:

Restaurants in Chinatown Chicago
My personal favorites are Joy Yee's (for tapioca freeze and a huge menu), Penang (for Malaysian and good for large groups) and Evergreen (for all types of Chinese food, also good for groups). There's also the relatively new Saint's Alp Teahouse which I have gone to in both Hong Kong and Chicago which is fun.

Breakfast Restaurants in Chicago
I'm not a big breakfast person. The last time I was in Chicago, we mostly got muffins from Fox and Obel for breakfast (they're really big, there's also a cafe if you don't want muffins). But I do have some good suggestions: in Streeterville, there are West Egg Cafe (love this place but so crowded on weekends, they make good turkey burgers and corned beef hash) and Cambridge House (sort of the back-up for me if West Egg was too crowded, still good stuff), and over in the West Loop, Wishbone (good chicken andouille hash). All these restaurant recs are in the sidebar I believe, but can't hurt to test my memory.

Restaurants in Chicago
A little less specific and I'm not going to list all of my favorites, so I will refer to the sidebar.

Pronounce Corbeille
*shrug* My French pronunciation sucks.

Tapas Restaurants in Chicago
Cafe Iberico. Never tried Ba-ba-reeba. Unpleasant hospitality experience at Emilio's.

Dell Technical Support
This is funny because the search came from Dell (hi! I'm writing on my Dell right now!) and it went to my QVC entry.

Statcounter Map
I like it. It's fun. I plan to look at it when I finish this list.

Kyle XY
One of my favorite summer TV shows. Highest rated series ABC Family has ever had. It's really good and I hope it comes out on DVD. Highly recommend.

What I find funny about these searches is that there are 4 Chicago restaurant searches. One came from Chicago, from a service provider that I believe was also used at my old building. Another was from Chicago, another was from a government office in DC. Another says Maryland, but the address to me looks like Illinois. Why did all these Chicago restaurant searches suddenly come here? I never even mentioned all the restaurants we went to last weekend in Chicago or that I was even there! So strange!

I love international visitors. My current stat map shows visitors from Buenos Aires, Wellington NZ, Ottawa, Dublin, London and Hong Kong. Of these, the only place I've been is Hong Kong, but I would love to visit all the rest! Speaking of Hong Kong, I started doing my random photo of the day thing on the photoblog again. Let's see how long I can keep it up!