Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Game

Woohoo!  That's how the Y-H game should end. :)

First win since my junior year.  Can't believe it was so long ago.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I always found the Yale Undergraduate Regulations amusing. Not all of them, but mostly the ones that governed social life, such as "no photography in the dining hall." (No one followed that one anyway.) (And I don't mean that I find rules themselves amusing, but you should read some of these...)

I found an old copy of the regulations in one of my boxes and Alvin and I were reading them tonight. Pretty amusing. We found one that I don't think I noticed before:

"At any event at which alcoholic beverages are served, there must also be available non-alcoholic beverages and food, of sufficient quality and in adequate amounts."

Food of sufficient quality? Chips? Haha.