Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another One For The Tree

I am so excited; I just received the most beautiful ornament from Hazel H.  who stitched for me in the HOE Stitcher’s Choice Ornament Exchange. 
HOE Stitcher's Choice Ornament Exchange
Design from: JCS Ornament Issue
Stitched by: Hazel H.

I love everything about this ornament: the design, the perfect stitching and the fabulous ruched trim.  I love ruched trim but find it extremely time consuming and appreciate the extra time and effort on this one.  Many thanks Hazel for adding to my growing collection of holiday ornaments, it looks wonderful on my tree!
Want to know more about ruching? Here is a link that you might find helpful.
This year I have two Christmas trees, the first is in our family room and it is where Santa will leave the family gifts.

The second is my latest purchase and it sits in the kitchen, where it will remain throughout the year.  This tree has a more rustic look and is perfect for displaying my needlework ornament.

After the holiday I will decorate the tree based on the yearly holiday or season.  I need to spend some time in 2012 stitching up seasonal designs for the tree; my favorite by far will be when I decorate it for Halloween.

This past summer I found a wonderful Needlework store in southern VT called In Stitches Fine Needlepoint.  Although it is a Needlepoint store vs. Cross Stitch Shop I entered hoping they may also carry cross stitch but she did not.  Instead I found an array of gorgeous fibers bursting with color and many beautiful hand painted needlepoint canvases, including Prairie Schooler. I instantly fell in love with the shop and I found the owner (Maria) to be beyond friendly and extremely helpful.  I entered hoping to walk out with some cross stitch but departed with some great Needlepoint projects.  Needlepoint is not new to me, I had done it many years ago and, although I did not want to add yet another “hobby” to my list I could not resist. After a quick refresher from Maria I managed to complete these two projects:

Mini Needlepoint Stocking
Lehigh University

Mini Needlepoint Stocking
Villanova University

The minute I saw the “University” themed stockings I immediately knew that I needed to order the designs and stitch them for my two sons.

My latest needlepoint project is The Wizard of Oz characters, they are adorable. I will share pictures of that in a later post.
Well, I keep saying that I will do some finishing work on a number of ornaments but I have yet to find my way up to my sewing room…maybe today and then again maybe not!

As always thank you for stopping by.

Until next time...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tis The Season

The December rush is upon us and like so many others I have been busy preparing for the holiday season. At our house part of the holiday season includes my birthday, which is celebrated just days after Christmas.  Last week a package arrived from my dear friend Vonna and when I opened it I found a beautiful Birthday surprise...

A wonderful Yankee Candle Tart Warmer.  This is so pretty and the Holiday Pine scented tart serves to put Christmas in the air; the scent is perfect and oh so nice.  

I also found a very special item tucked inside, this handmade birds nest...

I saw Vonna's post on these cleverly crafted little birds nest ornaments and loved them.  I especially loved the German Legend behind the nest:

An Old German Legend tells of the magic of all the world's birds bursting into song, as if with one voice, the night the Christ child was born. If a family's Christmas tree contained a birds nest, they would be granted the gift of health, wealth and happiness throughout the year. It is our hope that this little nest adorns your tree and the legend may come true for you.

Vonna's gift arrived the very day that I was planning to decorate the tree so it became the 1st one placed onto our tree. My hope is that the German Legend holds true and we are granted the gift of health, wealth, and happiness in 2012; I am a believer.

Thank you dear Vonna for the birthday gifts and for always being such a shining light in my world! 

Have you seen the fabulous pincushions on Cathy's Blog? Oh my word, I just love these and I let her know it.  I immediately emailed to order one and was lucky enough to receive this beauty...
Cathy's Mom does the gorgeous tatting and Cathy constructs the pincushion, what a talented team! I am such a huge fan of "Mom's" tatting and am so excited to have yet another piece of her handwork. Thanks Cathy/Mom for filling my order and selecting a beautiful Pincushion for me, I love it.

The HOE blog had a Christmas Box Exchange that I signed up for.  I was a bit reluctant to sign up given the mail date was December 1st, oh such a busy time of the year!  Well, I bit the bullet and committed (not too difficult to talk myself into an exchange on the HOE blog, I love them) then I set out to complete this exchange in a timely fashion.  Here is what I sent to Lucy:

HOE Christmas Box Exchange
Designer: Plum Street Sampler
Design: Yuletide
Design From: 2011 JCS Ornament Issue
Stitched For: Lucy H.

Here is a picture of the inside:

I received my Christmas Box Exchange from Jayne P...

HOE Christmas Box Exchange
From: Jayne P.

Thank you Jayne, I appreciate it.

Head over to Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe and sign up for her fabulous Floss Give-Away.  Nancy's floss is truly eye candy!

The day has passed all to quickly as I spent much of it uploading pictures and updating my blog so I shall end now and get some "gift" stitching done.  Why do I always manage to spend December rushing to complete these stitching gifts??? Yes, yes I shall try harder next year to get a jump start on my holiday stitching.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday.

Until next time...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Exchanges Keep Rolling In...

I am playing “catch up” so I have lots to share…

I participated in a Personal Exchange with Yuko and recently received a rather large box filled to the brim with some amazing items. There was so much in the box that it was difficult to photograph everything. When I opened the box this is what I saw…

I could barely believe my eyes and was not sure if there was a bottom to this box.  The items just poured out: hand dyed fabric, three fat quarters, two wonderful scissors, lace trim, covered buttons, jumbo clips, rose petal bath soap, two fantastic patterns, and so much more!
In amongst all of this treasure was this beautifully stitched exchange piece...

How pretty is that?  Yuko is an amazing stitcher/finisher, her work is absolutely perfect.  I have longed for a piece of her needlework and I am honored to display this in my new home.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart Yuko for this extra special exchange I shall treasure it.
The next exchange piece arrived from Jenn F. I must say that it is the perfect design to display in my Vermont house...

Now that winter is upon us I feel as if I should delve right in and finish this beauty.  Jenn and I were partnered in the Fair & Square round #27 exchange.  I have been collecting F&S blocks for quite some time but have yet to decide what to do with them.  Should I put them all in one Friendship quilt or should I finish each one separately? Hmm, still can’t decide.
Do you see the beautiful beaded scissor FOB? Jenn gifted me with that gorgeous gift as well, how lucky can one person get.  Thanks again Jenn you are a very special blogging friend.
Stitching for Jenn is relatively easy, she loves nautical designs.  Here is what I selected for her…

Designer: Of Generations Past
Design: Christmas Lighthouse

The third exchange piece rolled in just a few days ago.  This one is from the HOE Words of Christmas exchange and was stitched by Sadie…
Thank you Sadie, this ornament will look beautiful on my Christmas tree.
Here is what I stitched and sent to Gabi...

Designer: Birds of a Feather
Design: Peace Angel

The last project that I will share is the gift that I stitched for my cousin for Thanksgiving.  I love this design and hope to stitch it again for myself.  This probably will not happen until later next year since I have lots of stitching do before Christmas.
Designer: AuryTM
Design: A Gobble Couple

Well, the boys were here for Thanksgiving but have left.  One headed back to NYC and the other back to college.  It is so nice to be within driving distance of them…Texas was just too far away! As always we had a great Thanksgiving holiday with our relatives.  This year we had another reason to be truly thankful: On Monday my youngest son (who graduates May 2012) had a 2nd interview for an Engineering position in a large company here in the Northeast, and the day before Thanksgiving the company extended an offer to him which he intends to accept.  I am so happy and proud of him, he returned to school to begin his final semester knowing that he will graduate with a job...that is certainly a reason to be thankful!
Thank you to VP, LR, KC, MK, CD, MC, RT, and Garrett :) for all of those PRs.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Another Move And Finally Settled

I have decided that I will not move again, it is too much work.  We finally returned to the Northeast where we purchased a home in Vermont, exactly where I have always wanted to be.  We had one month to get the interior painted before all of our belongings arrived on a truck from Texas.  The past three months were spent unpacking hundreds of boxes, a task that I have done a number of times before and one that I refuse to do again.  As the cold weather approached we rushed to get the exterior of the house painted and despite a number of obstacles our mission was accomplished.  I do love the new color of the house that we now call home:

I never get tired of looking out at this view...

This past weekend these mountains were snow-capped. Yes, it is hard to believe but the first snowfall of the season arrived prior to Halloween.

I longed for the day when I could wake up in a house free of workers, enter my new sewing room, sit at my Koala sewing center and quilt. In January this new table was delivered to my house in Texas but I left Texas (and my table) in mid April.

Koala Sewing Center - in Texas

Well, the workers are gone, my sewing room is somewhat in order, and when I sat at the sewing center I discovered it had been damaged during the move. YIKES! The electronic sewing machine lift is non operational, there are scratches and a few dings. I am stressing over how the insurance company will resolve this. The sewing center was in my Texas house for only 16 weeks before we left for Vermont.  It remained untouched until the movers arrived in August to pack/move our belongings.  By October I managed to find my way to the sewing room and unpack all of the boxes (yes, I avoided this room...way too many boxes). I was shocked when I used the remote to activate the lift and heard the horrendous noise while watching the lift struggle to move!  I just want the insurance people to take it away and get me a brand new one.  I did not purchase a "reconditioned" one thus I do not want them to attempt to fix it...we will see what happens.
Moving was certainly one reason why I have been quiet in blog land but another reason is because my 5 year old Dell computer has become problematic.  What should take 15 minutes to do now takes hours; so very frustrating.  I started using my iPhone for EVERYTHING except blogging.  A week ago I purchased a MacBook Pro which I know nothing about, as a result I had to wait until my sons came for a visit to get me up and running.  I am still in the dark so today I purchased the book, "MacBook For Dummies" and if that doesn't enlighten me I will enroll in a class.

I wish that I had more stitching to share with you but the move kept me far from my stitching basket. I managed to complete "Angel of Hope".  I changed the hair color because I wanted the Angel to look more like the person I am giving it to

Designer: M Design
Design: Angel of Hope

My stitching basket is calling so I must end now.  Thanks for taking the time to stop by~

Until next time...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Cute, Cute, Cute...

I must say, this is cuter than cute....

HOE Lizzie*Kate Ornament
Stitched by: Carla V

I receive this wonderful ornament from Carla V. for the HOE Lizzie*Kate exchange. She selected a design from the Tiny Tidings chart and stitched it on 40ct linen. Oh, how I love the finished look on 40 count and I truly appreciate the extra time it often takes to stitch on such a small count! I am impressed with Carla's work, so perfect in every way. Did you notice the beaded edge?

The detail is wonderful. Thank you Carla, I look forward to hanging your beautifully stitched ornament on my Christmas tree.

Well, we have officially left Texas leaving the summer heat and humidity behind…as well as some very dear friends who I shall miss.  As with every move I find myself surrounded by hundreds of moving boxes but unlike my previous move I now find myself surrounded by my two sons who visit frequently and help out constantly; for that I am truly elated and thankful.  I am also surrounded by the beauty that this New England state has to offer. Each and every morning I wake to this view and think... life is good!

As my life returns to normal I am hopeful that my posting will be a little more frequent. 

Thanks for stopping by~

Until next time...

Monday, July 25, 2011

HOE Lizzie Kate Ornament Exchange

I heard that Ellen received the HOE Lizzie Kate ornament exchange that I stitched for her.  Although the mail date is NLT August 15th, I had to get this one stitched early because I was in the middle of purchasing a home in Vermont and life was very hectic.  Here is the ornament that I selected:
2011 HOE Lizzie Kate Ornament
Designer: Lizzie * Kate
Stitched for: Ellen

The "Tiny Tidings XII" Pattern consists of such a cute collection of holiday designs.  It was a difficult choice but I selected the Fa La La design to stitch for Ellen.

I will leave you with a picture of the beautiful view that I will enjoy from our new home in Vermont...

So, why do I love Vermont???  :D I can't wait until the leaves change this fall !!!

Until next time...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another Day in NYC

I participated in the HOE Snowman Exchange and was elated when I opened the package that arrived from Anne.  Inside I found this beautifully stitched and finished ornament:
2011 HOE Snowman Ornament
Designer: Little House Needleworks
Design: Frosty Flakes
Stitched by: Anne S.

As a fan of Little House Needleworks, I was so happy to receive a stitched design from their Ornament of the Month.  Thank you very much Anne, I look forward to hanging the ornament on my tree each Christmas!
This is what I stitched for my partner, Marie W.

HOE Snowman Exchange
Designer: Lorrie Birmingham
Design: Snowmen Trio
Stitched for: Marie W.

Now that I am in the Northeast, I am able to see my DS more frequently.  A few weeks ago, I headed into NYC for another day in the city with my oldest son.  He is so sweet; once again, he toured me around the city visiting Bryant Park, Central Park, the Garment district and Times Square. 

One of my favorite places is Bryant Park.  This is the perfect place to grab some lunch, relax in the park and enjoy the beautiful weather.

After a bit of a rest we headed to Central Park where we strolled through the park enjoying the sights. I especially enjoy seeing the horse and carriages parading down the streets of the city.

For me, a trip to NYC would never be complete without a visit to the Garment District.  Oh, to bask in the glory of all of this gorgeous every imaginable color!

Here is a picture of my latest trim purchase.  I feel so spoiled to have a son living in NYC affording me the opportunity to walk the streets of the garment district frequently.

As we wrapped up our day in the city, we approached Times Square and saw this friendly guy:


As much as I dislike having my picture taken, I could not pass up on this opportunity. So there you have it...I am off to see the wizard!

Thanks "G" for another wonderful day hanging out in the city with you, I am one lucky Mom. :D

As always thank you for stopping by!

Until next time...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Exchange Received

I received a wonderful HOE Prairie Schooler exchange piece from Ellen L. What a welcomed surprise it was to receive such a beautifully stitched and creatively finished cross stitch.
2011 HOE PS Exchange
Designer: Prairie Schooler
Stitched by: Ellen L.
Finish: Miniature Wallhanging

Ellen selected a PS Fall design from one that was published in The Gift of Stitching online magazine. She finished it into a miniature wallhanging, how creative is that!!! I have never seen such a finish but I will certainly give it a try. Ellen also surprised me with some very pretty lace ribbon.

Thank you so much Ellen for making this an extra special exchange!
Here is what I stitched for the HOE PS Exchange...
Designer: Prairie Schooler
Design: Spring and Fall Book #90
  Fabric 32ct over one
Stitched for: Sarah M.

Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011



My world became brighter (and funnier) 22 years ago today when, in the early morning, our second son was born at the Woman's Hospital of Texas.

He weighed in at a WHOPPING...

And continued to grow STRONGER... 

And OLDER...


And SWEETER (if that's even possible)... 

The best thing that happened in 1989 was YOU, but here are just a few other notable facts from the year that you were born:

1989 Fun Facts  
  1. 41st President of US: George H. W. Bush
  2. Vice President: Dan Quayle
  3. The cost of a stamp: .25 cents
  4. Gallon of gas: $1.12
  5. New home: $148,800
  6. New car cost: $15,350
  7. Top Song: “Look Away” Chicago
  8. Best Picture: Driving Miss Daisy
 You were born under the sign of the SNAKE:

"Snakes are extremely analytical in decision-making. They can think deeply, and make decisions quickly and firmly. Snakes are philosophical, intuitive, discreet, diplomatic, amusing, sexy, compromising, fun-loving, intelligent and posses a sense of humor. They are often skilled communicators, and have good memories.  Their minds always keep working overtime, laying their schemes and hatching their plots for the future. Most of them achieve financial success and  are generally lucky with money.  They can be sympathetic with others and they are willing to offer a helping hand."


Continue to be the wonderful person that you are.  Enjoy the year ahead; may it be filled with all of the happiness and good fortune that you deserve and remember...

MOM <3