Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birds. Show all posts

Saturday, August 9, 2008

And They're Off...

The day is fast approaching for both of my sons to head off to college, one will be returning to start his senior year and the other will be starting his freshman year. Have I been dreading this? Yes! Although I am quite happy for both of them I will be deeply saddened to see them leave. As fate would have it, I have finally found a new puppy that I will be bringing home on August 18, just one day before both guys head off to school. As some may know I have been looking for a new puppy for well over a year often frustrated that I could not find one. We often hear that “things happen for a reason” and in this case it is true the timing could not be better. Stay tuned... Cute little Lily, will be featured in an upcoming post!

I received my Fair & Square blocks from AmySC yesterday and am thrilled with the design that she selected. Not too long ago I put a few bird feeders in my backyard and have enjoyed watching, and posting on, the many birds and critters that visit. Take a look, Amy’s design selection is perfect…

Fair & Square round #8
Stitched by: AmySC

Amy also changed the dress color and stitched it in green (my favorite color). She really did make this block perfect in every way. Thank you so much Amy for the beautifully stitched blocks that you sent!!!

Thank you Michele for the Brillante Weblog Award, I am truly honored!!! Again, I must pass this honor on to all those that take the time to maintain a blog and share their talent. There are far too many (as you can see from my ever growing sidebar) inspiring blogs for me to select from so let me pass this on to each of you...Congratulations!

Like so many others I am in awe of Anita’s talent. I was very excited when I learned that she opened an online store and it did not take me long place my order. Her strawberry emery design is wonderful, and the pattern is fantastic; she includes the design, a tutorial for constructing the strawberry emery and a tutorial for making the fancy ribbon bow. Pleased with what I received I jumped at the opportunity to purchase her Patriotic Collection. There is no wait time since she sends the pattern in a PDF file! I did order the Accessory Pack (well worth it, I might add) and she was super fast in send that to me, thanks Anita!

Latest purchase from Designer: Anita's Little Stitches

Like Vonna, I am going to spend less time stitching exchanges and more time stitching from my growing collection of WIP/To Do projects. I am hoping that this will afford me the opportunity to stitch on of Anita’s gorgeous Strawberry Emery designs.

Maybe not the storm of the century but it was a wild ride…We had a strong thunderstorm, with some of that summer ice, pass through which caused us to lose electricity for 17 hours. Thankfully, we have a generator so it did not cut into my stitching time.

August 7, 2008 Hail Storm

Did you know that…

Hail forms when strong currents of rising air, known as updrafts, carry water droplets high enough in a thunderstorm for the water droplets to freeze.

Most hailstones are smaller in diameter than a dime, but stones weighing more than a pound have been recorded.

A strong updraft allows hailstones to grow large enough to reach the ground. In general, the stronger the updraft, the larger the hail.

Once hailstones grow large enough to begin falling despite the updraft that has been holding them up, they hurtle toward the ground as fast as 90 mph.

Small hailstones often melt before reaching the ground, but the larger ones reach the ground and can cause extensive damage to crops and vehicles caught in the storm.

In the USA, hailstorms are most common on the Plains, especially just east of the Rockies. Other parts of the world that have damaging hailstorms include China, Russia, India and northern Italy.

While hailstones are ice, hail is mostly a spring and summer phenomena because the strong thunderstorms needed to produce hail are much more common during warm weather.

I will leave you with another "ugly" picture... This "ugly" critter returned to my backyard feeder with his family! Some have suggested that these are Buzzards, I thought that they were Wild Turkeys but could be wrong ~ I do know that they are ugly.

I hope that you are all enjoying your weekend!

Until next time...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hello Neighbor

I completed my block for Karen's NRR and mailed it off to Deb yesterday. I and am pleased with how this turned out; I especially like the fence and the Yorkshire Terrier in the front yard.

Hello Neighbor

Karen's NRR

I found a wonderful book at the library called “House and Garden Samplers” by Mary Jenkins that I used extensively to design my block. It is a great resource for designing blocks for a Neighborhood Round Robin because it takes you from the history of samplers to design planning and execution. There are 47 illustrations of various specialty stitches, a great chapter on designing your own house, and many illustrations of various doors, roofs, windows. The chapter on gardens illustrates a nice selection of flowers and trees, and the chapters on Animals and Alphabets has an array of patterns. This is an older book (copyright 1996) that I was able to purchase on Amazon…whoo hoo! I cannot wait to add it to my library.

I am busy working on exchange pieces so I have no other stitching pictures to share at this time.

I do however have this "ugly" picture.....

This is not exactly the type of "bird" that I was hoping to attract to my backyard feeders! Is this wild turkey ugly or what?

It is hard to believe that it once looked as "cute" as this...

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your week!

Until next time...

Monday, July 14, 2008

PIF Received, Exchange Sent, New Feeder

Last week I received a package in the mail from Julie that contained a beautiful pinkeep that she stitched as a PIF gift for me. Julie, I love the LHN design that you selected and I am truly thrilled to have such a beautiful gift from you, many thanks!

I love to visit Julie’s blog; she has great music and fantastic pictures that always make me smile!

PIF Received from Julie

I completed my Make-A-Wish (MAW) Exchange for Carol. She made a request for an ornament and I jumped at the chance to stitch one for her. I am such a fan of M Design’s Word Tree Ornaments, they are so different and quite clever, and I thought that Carol would like one to add to her holiday tree.

Designer: M Design
Design: PEACE Tree

When turned on its side you can easily read "PEACE"

I have four personalized name tree designs that I ordered and need to stitch, I am hoping to get these stitched before Christmas.

My Prairie Schooler Pinkeep Exchange has found its way across the ocean and now resides with Elisabeth in France.

Prairie Schooler Book 27
Design: Nursery Rhymes

Prairie Schooler Pinkeep Exchange

As a birthday gift for Vonna, I stitched a Mary Beale Design and mounted it on a wooden plate. I do hope that you had a wonderful birthday my friend! She too has some great tunes on her blog.

Designer: Mary Beale
Design: Sampler

I cannot believe how many birds now flock to my feeders; yes, I have four feeders that I must fill daily. I thought that I found a “squirrel proof” feeder (is there such a thing?), but I was wrong….

"Watch Me...."

"Get inside..."

"This bird feeder...."

"And back out again....IT'S SO EASY"

"Sometimes there is food left for the birds!"

Just 5 more days left before I draw a name for the Gadget Give-A-Way...If you are interested go here and leave a comment.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Until next time...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

ABC Exchange ~ Gadget Give-A-Way ~ Cute Critter

Another great mail day, my SBEBB: ABC Exchange arrived…I received an amazing exchange piece from Ulla in Finland. What a gorgeous Quaker Humbug Ornament, so beautifully stitched and finished. I am more than impressed with Ulla’s talent and more than thankful for all of the time that she dedicated to this exchange.

I was treated to so many extras: a Shepherd’s Bush Leaflet titled, Be Sweet, hand dyed floss in my favorite color, some tapestry needles that are packaged so nicely, and a magnetic note pad. Ulla, I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful exchange; I love everything that you sent!

SBEBB: ABC Exchange
Stitched by: Ulla

I must share the detail, isn't is gorgeous?

Okay, I have another “must have gadget” to share with you: A mini book light to use while stitching, but which one?

My favorite is the one pictured on the far left, the Carson Flex Neck Ultra Bright LED Book Light FL55. And here is the brand new one that I will be giving away...

I like this one the best because it is lightweight (3 oz), the light is truly bright, the 7” flexible goose neck allows you to adjust the lamp-head in every direction, the clip opens to a generous 1.5 inches, and it has a flat base for table top illumination. I like to clip this light onto the front of my shirt (looks goofy but it works well) but the clip enables you to attach it to a frame or hoop. The little light does require 3-AAA batteries.

As some know, I love the smaller thread counts and especially love the look of over one stitching. This light is truly a “must have” when working on those 40 count over one projects. It is small, lightweight and portable which makes it great for travel. I have a friend that travels with a 100-watt bulb for those low-lit hotel rooms; I just bring this little light and never need to worry about a broken bulb in my luggage.

If you are interested in this Gadget Give-A-Way just leave me a comment and I will draw a name on 7/18 and post the winner.

I purchased another bird feeder/pole yesterday but have not put it out yet. I am amazed at how many hungry critters there are. Here is one that showed up at one of my backyard feeders fortunately I was home to take this picture. I just knew that Rob would appreciate it!!!

And where might Bambi’s mother be???

She never took her eyes off of her baby, always watching closely from behind the rock wall in the neighbors yard.

Thanks so much for stopping by~

Until next time...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Exchange Sent & Received

I received a wonderful LHN Pinkeep Exchange (HOE) from Marion ~ She stitched a portion of Schoolgirl Lessons, in one of my favorite What a wonderful job you did Marion; I love it. She also included some threads for my stash. Thank you so much Marion, I truly appreciate it.

Designer: Little House Needlework
Design: Schoolgirl Lessons
Finish: Pinkeep
Stitched by: Marion

And here is the LHN Pinkeep exchange that I stitched for Sharon...

Designer: LHN
Design: Attic Needlework
Fabric: 32 count Linen
Threads: Victorian Motto, WDW
Finish: Stitcher's Caddy

Hooked On Exchanges: LHN Pinkeep Exchange

Joan let me know that she received my Patriotic Exchange, here is what I stitched...

Designer: Birds of a Feather
Design: Liberty
Fabric: 28ct Lugana
Thread: WDW
Finish: Pinkeep

Patriotic Exchange for Joan

Well, I placed yet another order with Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe. I really do love the colors that are offered. When I saw the shades of pumpkin I knew I needed to click my favorite button: "buy now" ~ I must say Nancy is one of my favorite online shop owners. She ships faster than lightening and is as nice as can be. Thanks Nancy for always making my shopping experience enjoyable.

Just take a look at my latest purchase...

I got some very informative comments on my For the Birds Post ~ I am especially impressed with Jennifer's knowledge of Birds, not only did she know that the bird in question was a Red Bellied Woodpecker she told me that it is a male:

"see how the red feathers go all the way down to his beak? With a female, the red coloring stops around the eyes."

She so kindly shared this helpful info: (thanks Jennifer!)

"If you can find a Wild Birds Unlimited near you, they have lots of information and bird feeding supplies and can help you not only get a few feeders set up, but deal with pests like squirrels as well. Ask about the Yankee Flipper - the feeder is pressure sensitive and will actually gently flip squirrels off it by spinning. (The video in the store is HILARIOUS!) You can also buy No Mess Seed. It's a little more expensive than regular seed, but you don't have any shells."

Thanks again for the information, tips and comments that you all shared. I purchased another feeder and have captured some "interesting" pictures that I will post at a later date. There is a special picture that I snapped just for Rob, Michelle's husband. :)

Freebie "Bird" design from Designs From Pamela

Until next time...

Monday, June 16, 2008

For The Birds!

I recently placed a bird feeder on my deck in hopes of getting a closer look at some of the pretty birds that I occasionally see flying around. For a while the bird feeder remained full, I guess it takes time for the birds to discover it. Well, I went outside and noticed tons of empty shells scattered all over the deck. My first thought was, “these birds are messy!” It was not long before my “neat nick” husband suggested that we move the feeder to a tree in the yard. Before doing that I was able to get some great pictures. I even discovered who the messy bird is:

After scaring away this rather large "bird" I was able to take a few pictures of a "real" bird. I have no idea what kind this is...any idea???

There is a beautiful red cardinal that eats from the feeder but I have not been able to capture a picture. That bird is just too smart, I can't sneak up on it like I do other birds but I will keep trying.

The bird feeder has since been moved off of the deck so that the birds can have their feeder back, or so I thought.....

Can you believe that this daring raccoon did not run off when I walked out on my deck with a barking dog in my arms??? It actually posed for the picture and continued to eat! Obviously my newly purchased pole is too short; I have since purchased a taller one but it does not keep the squirrels off.

Lastly, I will share a few pictures of my son's high school graduation. The 1pm ceremony was held inside the gym during the horrible heat wave. The temperature was 96 degrees and there was no air conditioning ~ it was so hot!

Rather than the traditional cap and gown, the guys wore a white tuxedo.

I mailed off three exchanges today so I will have a few stitching pictures to share in my next post.

Until next time...