Showing posts with label M Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M Design. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Another Move And Finally Settled

I have decided that I will not move again, it is too much work.  We finally returned to the Northeast where we purchased a home in Vermont, exactly where I have always wanted to be.  We had one month to get the interior painted before all of our belongings arrived on a truck from Texas.  The past three months were spent unpacking hundreds of boxes, a task that I have done a number of times before and one that I refuse to do again.  As the cold weather approached we rushed to get the exterior of the house painted and despite a number of obstacles our mission was accomplished.  I do love the new color of the house that we now call home:

I never get tired of looking out at this view...

This past weekend these mountains were snow-capped. Yes, it is hard to believe but the first snowfall of the season arrived prior to Halloween.

I longed for the day when I could wake up in a house free of workers, enter my new sewing room, sit at my Koala sewing center and quilt. In January this new table was delivered to my house in Texas but I left Texas (and my table) in mid April.

Koala Sewing Center - in Texas

Well, the workers are gone, my sewing room is somewhat in order, and when I sat at the sewing center I discovered it had been damaged during the move. YIKES! The electronic sewing machine lift is non operational, there are scratches and a few dings. I am stressing over how the insurance company will resolve this. The sewing center was in my Texas house for only 16 weeks before we left for Vermont.  It remained untouched until the movers arrived in August to pack/move our belongings.  By October I managed to find my way to the sewing room and unpack all of the boxes (yes, I avoided this room...way too many boxes). I was shocked when I used the remote to activate the lift and heard the horrendous noise while watching the lift struggle to move!  I just want the insurance people to take it away and get me a brand new one.  I did not purchase a "reconditioned" one thus I do not want them to attempt to fix it...we will see what happens.
Moving was certainly one reason why I have been quiet in blog land but another reason is because my 5 year old Dell computer has become problematic.  What should take 15 minutes to do now takes hours; so very frustrating.  I started using my iPhone for EVERYTHING except blogging.  A week ago I purchased a MacBook Pro which I know nothing about, as a result I had to wait until my sons came for a visit to get me up and running.  I am still in the dark so today I purchased the book, "MacBook For Dummies" and if that doesn't enlighten me I will enroll in a class.

I wish that I had more stitching to share with you but the move kept me far from my stitching basket. I managed to complete "Angel of Hope".  I changed the hair color because I wanted the Angel to look more like the person I am giving it to

Designer: M Design
Design: Angel of Hope

My stitching basket is calling so I must end now.  Thanks for taking the time to stop by~

Until next time...