Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Few Exchanges

Where in the world is sweet Heather??? Since the quilting bug bit her, I hardly ever see any of her beautiful cross-stitch work. Well, she did complete this beauty not too long ago but much of her blog these days highlights her gorgeous quilts!  I was so happy to be able to participate in a personal Fall exchange with her and was excited when her package arrived.  Knowing Heather I knew that it would be amazing.

Fall Personal Exchange from Heather
Heather selected a design from My Aunt's Attic website and stitched it on 32ct linen using a pretty fall variegated floss. She selected the most wonderful fabric, one that truly compliments the design and matches the floss perfectly, and she stitched up the gorgeous Project Bag.  How could I not love this one??? I tore through my unfinished projects and selected a Scarlett Letter project to tuck away inside the bag.  Many thanks Heather, you are a dear friend!
I was a bit undecided on what to stitch for Heather; should I stitch a Halloween Design or should I stitch a Thanksgiving design.....Hmm??? Sort of like Heather's Blog title "Quilt or Stitch? how about both.  Okay, Halloween or Thanksgiving? How about both.
I love using Anna Lee dolls to display a cross stitched piece so when I came across this handsome Pilgrim I snatched him up and took him home.  And what do Pilgrims bring to the table to feast on? A Turkey.

Since receiving this really nice glass mason jar from CathyB I have been anxious to make one. Luckily I took her advice and rushed out to locate these cute little canning jars before the stores ran out or packed them away until next season.  It did not take long for me to select a Halloween design: A pumpkin.  

JBW French Country IV Pumpkin

It is hard to believe that it is October 3rd and I only participated in one, yes one Fair and Square exchange this year. I certainly picked a good one....HALLOWEEN!  My partner for this round was Nancy K. who sent me these wonderful blocks:

Fair &Square Halloween

Designer: BBD
Stitched by: Nancy K.

She stitched the design using Tentakulum variegated thread called "Halloween" and WDW "Twilight" floss for the cat.

Thanks Nancy, you did a great job selecting and stitching the perfect design; I just love it!
Here are the blocks that I stitched for her:

Fair & Square Halloween
Designer: Prairie Schooler
Stitched for: Nancy K.

I was recently pulling floss for a project and I realized that I was running low on one of my very favorites: Victorian Motto Sampler Floss. I immediately ordered some and VERY quickly received these:

Nancy offers some of the most beautiful colors. Gorgeous, simply gorgeous! I can't wait to thread my needle with them. 

Hop on over to Edgar's blog where he is having his annual Hobbit Birthday Drawing! Better get over there quick, he will be drawing at 7am Monday!

Thanks for stopping by ~ Enjoy your week.

Until next time...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Two Beautiful Exchanges Received

I am so glad that I signed up for Becky’s Ornament Exchange; it is an ongoing exchange that runs for an entire year. My second ornament arrived from Donna this past Friday and I must say that it certainly made my day! I truly love the design and the finish on this one. I love how Donna tucked some tulle and adorable Christmas lights into the cone shaped ornament!

2009 Ornament Exchange from Donna

Thank you so much Donna, I can hardly wait to hang this beautiful ornament on our Christmas tree.
Here is the ornament that I stitched for Tracy:

2009 Ornament Exchange for Tracy
Designer: BBD
Design: Quaker Medallion Strawberry
From JCS 2006 Ornament Edition

After spending the entire weekend scrapbooking, I was glad to get home and feast my eyes on Cross Stitch. Waiting for me was a large envelope from Kerstin who was my partner in the final round of FTT Seasonal Fall Exchange. I was so excited when I opened the package and found all of this:

Kerstin stitched a fun design on some ginger type fabric then finished it into this great little pillow. She sent me two pieces of neat cross stitch fabric in my favorite fall colors, a large cut of cotton fabric that compliments the cross-stitch fabric perfectly, two skeins of hand dyes threads (such gorgeous colors) and two new patterns for my stash. What a way to finish this year long exchange with a very talented group of women. Thank you so much Kerstin for this amazing exchange, I love everything that you sent and I adore my new decorative pillow.

I must thank Cathy for organizing the FFT Seasonal Exchange and for inviting me into the group. It was one of my favorite exchanges and I feel so blessed to have received beautiful exchanges from four talented, generous and sweet women. Thank you to Kerstin, Brigitte, Moni and Gaby!

Here is the Exchange that I sent to Kerstin:

2009 Seasonal Exchange Fall for Kerstin

I must confess that I stole the finishing idea from Brigitte who sent me this beauty:

2009 Seasonal Exchange Winter from Brigitte

I do believe that I taxed my brain a bit too much this weekend trying to figure out color schemes and page layouts for my scrapbook. I am also feeling a bit sleep deprived so I must end now so that I can rest and maybe stitch a bit.

I will share a Scrapbook page with you before I end:

Have a great week~

Until next time...