Showing posts with label Italy Star Association. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italy Star Association. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2014

Michelangelo’s birthday party

Celebrate in the Roman traditional manner: Michelangelo’s birthday, with a fun celebration of the life of the ‘Divine’ Michelangelo who was born on March 6 1475.

This is in support of the Italy Star Association and the 70th Ann. of the Battle of Cassino commemoration of the NZ soldiers who fought and died there.

There will be a musical performance by a duet in from Europe. Craig on his 60 year old Accordion & Jon on his unique gypsy guitar of traditional Mediterranean regional music.
Dr. Michael Dunn art historian & artist will introduce a series of short readings of Michelangelo’s poetry and from Vasari’s Life of Michelangelo, followed by a commentary on a display of visual images of Michelangelo’s art pieces.
There will be an opportunity to win prizes in a participative quiz on Michelangelo’s life and art.
Italian style finger food and wine will be provided.

DATE: 8 March Saturday
TIME: 4 to 8pm
PLACE: Kinder House, corner Ayr St. & Parnell Road
PARKING: 470 Parnell Road at back of Bellingham & Wallace Building. Next door to Kinder House.
COST: $25 per person entry donation.
PAYMENT: Cheque post : Italy Star Association, 2 Ayr Street, Parnell., Auckland 1052.
Automatic Payment to:01 0354 0183852  00.
reference as, Michel & your name.

RSVP: ph. 379 4008
NUMBERS: Limited to 30, confirmed on payment

‘If it be true that any beautiful thing raises the pure and just desire of man from earth to God, the eternal fount of all, such I believe in love.’
‘The more the marble wastes, the more the statue grows.’
Sonnets.  Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475- 1564