Showing posts with label Tullamarine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tullamarine. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Transforming The Sound Of Silence

Music To My Ears

Photographs copyright: DAVID McMAHON

On a recent visit to Melbourne's Tullamarine airport, I happened to see these miniature didgeridoos on a shelf in the corner of the souvenir store.

Because I always have my camera bag slung over my shoulder, I walked up to the store manager and asked if I could possibly take three or four shots simply for my blog, with no commercial intentions in mind.

I was given permission immediately and good-naturedly so I quickly tried to get some close ups showing the strong colours and distinctive artwork on their surface.

If you’ve never heard about a didgeridoo, it’s a beautiful, traditional Aboriginal wind instrument. It is simply a long wooden pipe on which complex rhythmic patterns are played more or less on a variation of a single note.

Let me point out that even if you’ve never seen one, you’ve probably heard a didgeridoo on a movie soundtrack. If you saw Paul Hogan’s Oscar-nominated film Crocodile Dundee or one of its sequels, you would have heard its deep, memorable timbre.

Not only are these instruments a natural canvas for Aboriginal dot painting, I’ve also been told that playing them is also a work of art.

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