Showing posts with label belly dancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belly dancer. Show all posts

Friday, October 24, 2008

Alexander Graham Bell(y)

The Hip Bone’s Connected To The, Um, Gold Discs

Photograph copyright: DAVID McMAHON

When you come face-to-face with a belly dancer, what’s the first thing you do? Emulate her moves? Naaah. You try and work out the best angle to take a photograph.

She was part of a celebration at Federation Square, here in Melbourne and it was a leisurely lunchtime when the light was great. I was struck by the vivid colours of her costume and of course by the row of miniature gold discs around her entire waist.

I wasn’t using a long lens, so I walked up and asked her if I could stand beside her and take some shots of the wonderful colours around her hips. She thought it was a hoot and told me to go ahead and take as many shots as I wanted.

One small problem. She figured that I wanted her to do her signature belly dance while I took the shots. Er, no. I wanted no movement at all, so I could get a shot without the discs shimmering and jingling in rapid motion.

I reckon I took half a dozen shots before I got this one of the discs as close to sharp focus as possible. Not so much a case of disc jockey, as a clear example of disc jerky.

Visit MamaGeek and Cecily, creators of Photo Story Friday.