Showing posts with label #forDean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #forDean. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2014

Diabetes Art Day 2014: *CLINK* & #forDean

My submission for Diabetes Art Day 2014
I like to see my life's glass half full - 
Same goes for my diabetes glass.  
Some days are harder than others - But no matter what we have to keep 
trying and doing & we can't give up. 
And we must celebrate all the victories in life and life with diabetes, regardless of the size. 
#dartday *CLINK* to and #forDean

Sunday, February 2, 2014

2/3/2014: #Dartday #forDean

Tomorrow, Monday February 3rd is Diabetes Art Day - And you still have time to embrace your inner Modigliani & Picasso and use diabetes as your muse & medium~
You piece of D art doesn't have to be complex or fancy - Just straight from your heart!
Diabetes Art Day - 
Tomorrow, Lee Ann Thill, the founder and creator of Diabetes Art Day is also taking Diabetes Art Day 2014 to remember an amazing member of the Diabetes Online Community, Dean Devalerio, who passed away on Saturday, February 1st, 2014. 

  Lee Ann wrote this late last night on the Diabetes Art Day Facebook Page: 
"The DOC and Diabetes Art Day lost a great friend and enthusiastic supporter today. After the first Diabetes Art Day in 2010, Dean Devalerio said:

"it was a 'fun' thing to do! and it really was therapeutic in its own way. it was something i had never done before.i loved it.lee ann had no boundaries in what or how you could create.
lmao if though it was 'diabetes' i was released from diabetes in the time i was doing what i did."
#dartday #forDean
Dean was a tremendous DOC Cheerleader. 
He was always cheering others on via Facebook and blog comments and his passing comes as quite a shock to all who loved him. 
Please keep Dean & his loved ones (including his DOC Minnesota crew) in your hearts and prayers - And honor him tomorrow 
with the hashtag #forDean on your facebook, twitter & blog posts - As well as your 
#dartday posts. 
This one's #forDean!!