Showing posts with label little ripples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label little ripples. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2018

Little Diabetes Victories Mean A Lot.

Much like little ripples making big waves, little diabetes victories strung together can turn the diabetes tides to a wave of awesome - celebrate the ride, no matter how long or short. 
Two weeks ago, I decided to check my bg stats for the day on my Omnipod's PDM and before I went to bed. 
And you could have knocked me over with a g*ddamn feather when I learned that I'd been in range for 91% of the day and wondered if my long since dead pancreas was somehow revived and producing insulin again. 
FTR: It was not - and my daily stat 3 days later - where I was in range for 13% of the day clearly proved that... but I digress~
Sidebar: My CDE and I have been tweaking my basal and carb ratios since the Friday before Christmas via Glooko, and I'm happy with the changes - so is she! 

But back to the story, I celebrated by posting a pic of my stats on the Instagram
Not because I wanted to brag and not because I wanted to compare myself to others. 
I posted because I wanted to celebrate having a damn good diabetes day and share with others who understood why I was celebrating. 
And obvi, I post about my diabetes struggles on the Social Media, too. 

Diabetes is fucking hard; it's all encompassing, there's no such thing as "time off for good behavior," and diabetes burnout is VERY REAL and incredibly debilitating. 
So when something good happens D wise and a little diabetes victory occurs, 
I do my Diabetes Victory Dance (which some have described as being similar to the Elaine Dance,) and hope others join in. 
And you know I bust out my Diabetes Victory Dance moves, when others celebrate their own D victories - and I'm looking forward to celebrating yours! 
I celebrated being in range 91% of the time and posted on my instagram.
I posted to help others and to help myself.And to remind myself: 

1. it not only happened,
but that I was the one who made it happen

2. When I have diabetes day that kicks the shit out of me, I have photographic evidence that I can do it!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

World Diabetes Day 2017: Thank You, Great Job & You Are Magnificent!

Today is world Diabetes Day - Dr. Banting's Birthday and the day when those of us living the diabetes life wear blue, educate other,s about life with D, tweet, chat, and live our lives with diabetes. 
Diabetes is hard work, it’s never ending and what we do as people living with diabetes, goes unnoticed and under appreciated by the mass, most of the time. 
Seriously, THANK YOU for dealing with diabetes 365 days a year with no time off for good behavior. 
THANK YOU for pricking (and dealing with pricks, personified,) and bleeding for your diabetes health when it comes to blood sugar checks, fasting labs, and the likes there of. 

THANK YOU for dealing with insurance company bullshit on a weekly basis, fighting for you (or your loved one's coverage,) and BRAVA for making it look easy. 


Fantastic job counting carbs - even when you have no freaking clue and wild ass guesses, included!

Phenomenal job dealing with snarky diabetes comments from people who don’t understand. 

Diabetes burnout - you live with it, and it likes to rears its annoying and ugly head from bring us down - and it tries it’s best to keep us down. 
Getting back up can be so damn hard and there are moments when it seems like we can’t.
Thank you and great f^c$ing job for falling down seven times and getting back up eight.

MONDO job advocating, educating for yourself and others living with diabetes and doing the best you are able to do, every damn day. 

Thank you for the tremendous job you do for helping others (including myself,) in the Diabetes Online Community and in real life. 

STANDING OVATION for all your diabetes victories - big and small. 

Thank you for for inspiring others, for showing them that they are more than the number on their glucose meter or A1C. 
Thank you for showing healthcare professionals that every number has a story; word choice matters, and people with diabetes are PEOPLE first.  

YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT - never forget it! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Little Ripples = Big Waves... And Smaller Daily Totals~

Here's the thing - I used to workout a lot, so I know what exercise can do for your blood sugars, insulin daily totals, etc. But I obviously needed a visual reminder!
And for the record, now that i've stated out loud to the entire Diabetes On-line Community that my daily totals haven't gone above 39 in three weeks, I have no doubt that my streak will end almost immediately!
It's called #murphyslawdiabetesstyle ;)
I've been working out since the end of August at least 4 times per week and I've noticed a drop in my insulin "Daily Total" rates. 
I haven't gone above 39.5 units a day in at least 3 weeks - And here's visual proof of the last 13 days. 
Little ripples = big waves.. And victories, both big and small~