Showing posts with label IDF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IDF. Show all posts

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentines Day: #SpareARose, Save A Child & Live In Your Gratitude ~

Tomorrow is Valentines Day - And if you’re single, the barrage of Valentine’s Day commercials can make you feel all sorts of emotions - none of them good. 
There are moments as a singleton that Valentines Day can make you feel so sad for what you don't have, that it makes it incredibly  difficult to focus on and appreciate all the amazing things you do have.  

Here's the thing: I have a lot. 
I have wonderful friends and family and an amazing and supportive community called the DOC (the Diabetes Online Community,) who inspire me daily to become a stronger, better version of myself on a daily basis.
I have a roof over my head and a car that gets me where I need go.   
And I have access to insulin, otherwise known as the lifesaving elixir of life - That's freaking huge. 
Not every one is so lucky. 
This year I may not have a significant other, but like last year and the year before, I will be sending valentines to children with type 1 diabetes in developing countries in the form of insulin and via
$5 (the cost of one rose) provides a bottle of insulin ( a one month supply,) for a child in a developing country through
$10 = 2 bottles of insulin and $60 dollars provides a year supply of insulin for a child who may not otherwise have it
By helping others through #SpareARose, I help myself because it reminds me it's not all about me. There are bigger problems in this world then not having someone to buy me roses on February 14th - much bigger

I don't know my valentines by name, but I will think of them with love, concern and compassion everyday.  
I will think of them every time I looked at my insulin pump and I will think of them when I look at the insulin in my refrigerator. 
And I will do my best to help my amazing t1 valentines stay alive and stay healthy so that they can grow up and become amazing adults. 

#Sparearose, save a child, help others and live in your gratitude - It doesn't get much better than that. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Spare A Rose Save A Child

Remember when I wrote about the electricity in the room at the 2014 Medtronic Diabetes Advocacy Forum when Spare A Rose Save A Child was brought up? 
How every one in the room went crazy and wanted to help? 
Well now here's your chance! 

It's the elixir that keeps those of us living with Type 1 Diabetes, Type 1.5 and some with type 2 Diabetes alive.
Without insulin, we would cease to be.   
 Bottom line: We are blessed to have insulin so readily available to us. 
But unfortunately, that's not the case globally. 
For a large number of children around the world living with type 1 diabetes, the lack of insulin access is the most common cause of death. 
And in many of those areas, most children with diabetes can expect to live less than a year past their diagnosis date – if they’re even diagnosed at all. 

And that's unacceptable. 
Here's the thing: YOU can help - And It's easy!

Spare A Rose, Save a Child 

Buy one less rose this Valentine’s Day and share the value of that flower with a child with diabetes in the developing world. 
The person you love still receives flowers & you both provide desperately needed help to a child with diabetes. 
This Valentines Day & for the cost of 1 rose ($5) you can help The International Diabetes Federation's Life For A Child program provide 1 months worth of insulin and education to a child living with diabetes. 
You can even print out out a Certificate of Awesome instead of a card and share it with your flowers to let you're Honey know that your both Sparing A Rose To Save A Child - talk about love!
Tonight's #DSMA chat @ 9p.m., EST topic is #SpareARose.
We'll be chatting about taking advocacy efforts off line and how you can help spread the word and the love locally and globally re: #Sparearose  - And save some lives in the process. 
With #Sparearose, one person not only has the opportunity to change the life of someone else - They have the opportunity to save a life. 
And that's pretty damn amazing! 
Clink on the link below and give the gift of life this Valentine's Day.
Spare A Rose Save A Child~ 
Life for a Child