
Showing posts with label Birth story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birth story. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Our Birth Plan for Maryam

Salam everyone!

Do excuse me for it took awhile for me to update. Had to settle Maryam's aqiqah and also adjusting to handling 2 kids. A new thrill i must admit! hehe.

Alhamdulillah, thank you for your doas, well wishes and kind words regarding my experience in delivering Maryam. it was great to share it with you and may it benefit you to goodness insyaAllah!

So here's to some of your requests who wished to know our birth plan for Maryam's delivery. Kindly take note that i have modified this based on Yusuf's to better suit my needs as i now know what to expect with experience and after more reading. I strongly advise against just copying without knowing. Why? Coz if you're not sure of what YOU want, should a turn of events happened on your big day, you would easily panicked if the doctor coerce you into something that you are not familiar with and not in your birth plan. This might result in consequences that you will regret later from the lack of proper knowledge and the absence of confidence that comes with that knowledge. nauzubillah.

It is true, we are supposedly to be in control more with our own baby's birth. But please do so with ilmu and an open, heart-to-heart discussion with your gynae. As a medical doctor myself, i strongly believe in doing things with adequate knowledge and proper planning. It is with these, can one be confident and calm with one's decision, in any circumstances. Coz that is what this whole hypnobirthing is about right? To birth with confidence and with calmness. These of course coupled with constant doas and prayers for His blessings and help.

So with bismillah, here is our birth plan:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

I had another natural birth!

Salam and good day everybody!

Well well well!! It's that time again! I gave birth! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! 

So let's get crackin with the birth story shall we?

As an avid hypnobirthing student, we ( yeap hubs and i) were determined to have another natural birth of our baby. But the drawback this time was my previous gynae wouldn't allow me to have a birth plan as extensive as before because of the incident where a medical counsellor succumbed to homebirth from complications.

"But even if i deliver kat hospital? I bukan nak buat kat rumah boss!"

"Sorry fatin. But i can only let you go as far the last time. Come in for appointment and i will explain."

Heartbroken and to cut the story short, i tak jadi pergi lar appointment dia kan. We had to resort to searching for a gynae that would support this birth plan of ours for a natural birth. And we stumbled and decided on Dr Idora from Pantai Bangsar. And i must say during follow ups, the vibes and cooperation we got from her has been awesome. She scanned through our birth plan and just said "Ok! No problem!" Alhamdulillah! Nnt iA i put a post khas for her jer lar ok! Hehehe.

So fast forward to 29th April. I was awakened by a sudden urge to go poo-poo. But when i did go, nothing happened. So ok. The peculiar thing about it was i couldn't find myself standing too long coz i felt "heavy" down there. It was unusual coz it kinda came on and off and i had to sit down to let it pass. I thought it could be braxton hicks coz it was pretty mild. Hubs noticed this but head to work anyways knowing it could be a false alarm. Yusuf was still sleeping, so i decided to make some breakfast first. Even then i started feeling it during memasak tu. But somehow i carried on and yusuf woke up just in time to eat them.

So after eating, i decided to do the usual which is to shower and bathe yusuf as well. Since the sensation is still there, I decided to time it. And guess what, the pattern fits the 511 code!! (One surge lasting 5 mins for 1 hour). But the difference was that it felt more like mengeras, not like the pretty obvious surges i felt masa Yusuf dulu and there was no show too. I whatsapped hubs telling him about it and siap emailed my contraction tracker. And he was like "wow! I should head home right?" At that point i didn't really know what to answer coz i worry it would be a false alarm coz tak berapa sakit and kesian if cuti dia wasted. BOLEH TAKK??!!

Anyways he got home another hour later and i got yusuf ready. This time is about nearly 11am and i sempat did solat Dhuha to ask for His blessings. I waited at home sitting on one of the birth balls i have (i got 2 of diff sizes btw!) as it provides me comfort coz I'm pretty used to using them. In the car, nearing the hosp, the sensation got slightly intense so i thot haaa ok jugaklar pergi hospital ni. We arrived in the labour room about 12pm, but sampai jer for initial assessment, the thing mcm slowly dissappeared and the nurse mcm tak convince i was in labour so they didn't alert the doctor in case CTG showed no active signs and i could be discharged back home. I pun was calmly talking to the nurse and they macam tak rasa i was having labour pain. Plus, initially i refused VE (vaginal examination), but after realizing i could be sent back i might as well know if my os is open or not lar kan. I just dont like them VEs!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I delivered my own baby... part two!

Well hello hello!

I must say I didn't expect this kind of crowd to be reading my previous post! Thank you all for the well wishes! All I can conclude is that MAJORITY of you moms and moms-to-be out there are pretty interested and moved to be doing this whole delivery thing au naturel! well good for you!!!

So lets get back to my story shall we?

After delivering on the floor, I was helped back onto the bed by hubby and the doctor to remove the placenta. Because I loss quite an amount of blood, I kinda blacked out awhile. Once on the bed, the doctor gave me another time frame again. She gave me up to one hour. Coz remember, I refused the syntometrine to deliver the placenta. So doing it naturally will take awhile. Upon nearing that hour, she assessed and told me that my placenta was just right down there. but it was a bit tight for her to pull it out.  I even got my hubby to get Yusuf to breastfeed from me. It helped! coz after another threat given to go to the OT to remove it, suddenly the placenta gave way and it was out! and gosh! it felt like giving birth to number 2! The doctor even made a joke saying that my body somehow responds to threats by acting quickly to do something about it! hahaha! In my case, this is a good thing! Alhamdulillah!

Monday, March 5, 2012

I delivered my own baby... part one!

Salam! i'm sorry it took me quite awhile to post this. but as new parents, there were a few things to settle and needed adjustments. plus my priority has now changed to that little bub whom i'm gonna talk to you about. So with bismillah, enjoy my birth story...

Alhamdulillah! The day has finally arrived! And it arrived at night! 11.15pm on a saturday night on the 18/2/2012 to be exact! No, no the birth of my baby, but a 'show' to kick start things! So happens, that my parents were around to bring us dinner and my mama cooked me curry mee. She insisted that i get to taste what i crave so that probably it will get the baby to come out! hehe! because i was already past my due date. and funnily, it had to happened after that lar kan! ;P

After they went back home, i told hubby about the 'sign'. Thinking not all show would result in delivery straight away, i decided to wait. My hubby works on weekends and we discussed that it would be better for him not to show up at work the next day. So with that decision, he had to run to the office to settle things. In that frame of time, i actually started to feel my surges (another delicate name to call contractions that was taught during my hypnobirthing class.). So i timed them using this babybump app on my iPhone. Strangely enough, it started to get constant and pretty strong than the usual braxton hicks. So i thought, oh wow! this could be it! i waited for the 411 sign to go the hospital (one surge every 4 minutes, lasting one minute, for one hour). i waited nearly 2 hours just to make sure! and as hubby arrived home, i said "it's time to go to the hospital sayang."