
Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sweet Hearts....

Salam Ramadhan to everybodddyyyyy!

well this year's ramadhan i intend to make it more meaningful and better than the last. insyaAllah, i can only pray that He allows it and ease it for me.

Since i 've caught the baking bug lately, it has been official that, after being motivated by hubs, i have started to sell some of my bakes. very cute selection they are! hehehe. so in conjunction of the fasting month and approaching Eid, i decided to concentrate on steamed fruitcakes. wait, Hubs decided i focus on steamed fruitcakes. Hmmm now he suddenly sounds like my Managing Director. Already! hahahaha.

So after late nights brainstorming on the idea and on some possible names, we decided to settle on....


Yeaaaah! why not just keep the bamby eh? after all it is me! hehe. so i've started an instagram account for it. and been doing some promos as well. first time ok! buat benda2 like this! coz i swear, that i'm no good at selling stuff! but pakar membeli adalah! hahahaha. so it felt awkward at times, but i had to learn the art. and when it comes to learning new things, i am up for it!! 

Again, with the help of Managing Director, Mr B, (ehem!), he suggested i do free testers giveaways. i had to listen to a mini "business management" lecture in the process. well its fair lar coz he is the one with that degree! so now u know when it comes to health stuff, who gives the lecture and makes sure it's done around here! *cough*thatshowhequitsmoking*coughcough!*

So i did them. those free giveaways. and at first i was pretty skeptical. and nervous, that nobody would respond! i mean like, hello guys! its free?? i bear all the cost for you to just eat my cake?!! hahaha. turns out my pessimism was downright wrong! tak sampai one hour, i already got 5 people saying "NAK" to my testers!! alhamdulillah! i was overjoyed! yes! even here! so this is where it started! to know if my cake can travel outside kl or not, coz one was to my nurse all the way in Kota bharu hospital! i also learned which courier is available and suitable and what not! wuishhh! mcm ni lar perasaan vivy yusoff dulu masa start business kot!!! waakakakakakaakaka! dream on righhhht! of coz there were technical problems as well, but i'll save that for my "success story interviews" later. wakakakaka!

if at all what made me wanted to blog is, a reaaallly important lesson i learn in all this. People's hearts. u bet! weird i know coz its not related to baking per se. but seriously, I'm humbled by all the experiences. i'm proven wrong at nearly every turn when i think a certain way. slowly but surely, the majority of the ones that actually showed their support TO ME personally, not publicly coz its not important to, are the ones who are near anonymous in my life. or that they are not close, for reasons that are pretty obvious for some i.e. dah lama tak jumpa is one too. they are also those who don't regularly keep in touch with me but are there in the social media world, apparently following my everyday updates. who knew.

i receive private messages from them on how to get their hands on my bakes, and have nothing but honest, positive support on what i do. and i get orders from those who i least expect to be ordering from me too. Subhanallah. Allahu akbar. who knew.

But He knew. And He is showing me that He can give blessings to anyone from anywhere, and only good would come out of it. one thing good i know for sure, is that i'm truly humbled by all this. He showed me the true hearts of people; families and friends, close friends and distant ones, and not to mention, COMPLETE STRANGERS.

that's right. my first 2 orders were from COMPLETE STRANGERS. Subhanallah. they had nothing but kind words and encouragements for me. and i don't even know them. ya Allah. i am in tears now. literally. please continue to guide me. and all others out there. to be humble and loving to one another. i know now how it feels to be at the receiving end. even tho i've been at this end countless times before. but i guess i only get to see it in a totally different light, like only now! and i'm glad i did! esp before my time is up! *cries!* how amazing are these people, people who hardly know me and are not even close, they were the ones who were swift in support, as if they really appreciate what i do. and show it! i mean i definitely feel appreciated! it's as if they know how hard it was for me to do them,  finding time secretly, even tho i don't show it on instagram! heck, instagram makes it all looks so simple and breezy and brings out the "oh-she-got-time-lar-thats-why-she-can!" reactions instead! pfft! pretty obvious lar who will be where and what in that success story interviews of mine! hehe! oops! 

Sarcasm aside, (sheesh, i've really got to stop this!), how lucky of them to be given that quality by You Ya Allah. that kind of heart. a quality that i can now pray to have. i need a  better heart. so that my children sees it from me growing up. and they will carry it out naturally. and be a lot more awesome-r than their mother. in His eyes. insyaAllah.

Since this is the month of blessings and forgiveness, may He forgives me for my sins. and yours too. and pls make doa for me in this new venture of mine. i only hope to make people happy through my bakes, for people to enjoy them, for i feel happy when you are happy. I'm eternally grateful coz He has reaaallly blessed me. and what i do. and i can only try to be a good servant to Him in return. That little i know, but already that challenging. I also believe He has written provisions and rizq for each and every one of us. so i am not afraid. for what He gives me, only He can give. and no one can take it away. and what He gives you, only He can give. and no one, not even i, can take that away. I pray to not be afraid of losing wealth, or be greedy for it. for none of it is really mine. not even the clothes i have. in the end, we will all go back to Him. and whatever is with Him, is long-lasting. and waaaaayy better. =)

So ok. Don't forget to order these fruitcakes okay! teehee! #sempatlagi #adahashtagkatblog #terbaik!

1.5kg of yumminess insyaAllah! Yours for only RM75!

Red velvet with cream cheese and choc ganache topping!

Follow my instagram @bambybakes for more infos, reviews and for orders!

Till then. Salam you lovely people! May Allah bless us ALL, irregardless of race and religion, to have sweet hearts! 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Houston, Docbamby is finally found!


Amagaddddd!!!! wheeeeerrrreeeee have i beeennnn??? outer space or somethingggg??? hahahahah. honestly, I'm gonna blame it on my verrrrryyy old near obsolete macbook for not blogging!! hahaha!

Okay first and foremost i am verrrrryyyyy humbled and happy that people are STILL reading my blog after non-existent updates since i had Maryam! thanks a lot babes!!! i hope i have inspired some of you in whatever i preached or advocate in this blog of mine!

As some (or most!) of you have known, i am still enjoying my unpaid leave and this awesome status as a stay-at-home-mom! and despite staying at home, poooonn susah nak find time to squeeze an update or two! *terrible i know!* it's just that i have been updating mostly on instagram, twitter and Facebook (in that order).

So bila rant2 sana terus post and gaaaahh lupa nak retype or repost here. gotta start re-installing the blogger app in my phone coz i deleted it becoz it was crap!

so anywayssss, besides running around with these two....

i came across a new hobby that does not involve going out of the house, and can be done at my own time when the kids are asleep! and that is baking!!! wakakakakakaka! i know righhhhtttt?!!! soooooo Un-doctor-ish! hahahahaha! telling ppl to eat healthily is my job description and here i am... downright abusing it! worst! more like practising ajaran sesat! hahahah!

but honestly (dunno why i'm repeating this word its as if i keep lying or what!), it's the whole idea of measuring ingredients, mixing them together in concoctions, adjusting the temperature while it bakes and troubleshooting the whole process is what gets me excited! it's like i'm back in chemistry lab or something!! and when i can come up with stuff like this...


Rosette Ombre cake! Chocolate filling with buttercream frosting!

Makes me soooooooooo happy!!!! literally over the mooonnnnn!!! okay i've never been outer space pon, but ok! its equivalent to doing my very own episiotomy repair!!!! errr ok. maybe not! euwww whaaatt?! alaaa u get what i mean lar riggghhtt! :P

so yea people! baking has got both my right and left brain working again! hahaha besides occupying them for the bubs! but it is definitely have been my stress release when i need my me time! 

other than that, another update that is just as important, if not much more! is that Maryam had just turn one on the 29th April! kejaaaap jer ok!! but she is definitely a person of her own! one of the  great rewards of being a mother to me is that i get to raise and be a part of the development of different individuals!! She is very sure of what she wants and don't want especially, coz she likes to do the whole geleng kepala thing (like a lot!), walked at 11months, falling on her head more than Yusuf ever did at this age (read more robust for a girl!), and can shake her bonbons naturally to music and do it waaaay better (and cooler!) than Yusuf can now! that's my girl!! hahahaha!

But the similar things i love and would not get tired of that happened during Yusuf, examples like the bizarre breastfeeding positions with taekwando air-kicks, clamouring all over me and sticking to me like a koala bear, and yes, mommy wins over daddy (or anyone) anytime! i love that little girl to bits!! looking forward to rock the whole "we have match-matchy shoes!" or "ooohh this hijab style is so youu!" moments! :P

As for Yusuf, still working on his hafazan. alhamdulillah dah byk sikit new surahs covered. but he now jumpa a new thing that he likes to watch. and that is uncle maher zain, raef and humood. hmmm.... nak tak nak have to monitor frequency of exposure. if knowing mommy dia ni haaa, mmg music can be distracting. so iA, i can only doa to keep going and istiqamah. siapa kata nak anak soleh/solehah tu senang again? *gulp*

that's roughly about it! went some places but yeaaa... maybe next time lar post as latergram kinda thing. boleh ker? haha! 

hmmm... funny kan when ur needed to summarise your life in the past absence but you can only come up with just this much. gotta wonder when we grow old, how much of our life can we summarise into. a one week, daily rant speech? or just a one-hour, two-hours tops, kinda chat to a stranger? *something to ponder when we face our daily life as to which things/actions are REAL priorities* #lifeisindeedshort #thislifeisshort #akhiratisforever #Allahisnumberonepriority  #dakwahitumesti #bolehplakbuathashtagkatblog #instagraminspired

So i leave u with some pics of my bakes. i'm not doing a "business" business, but hey, if you really wanna try them you're welcome to order and iA i would love to bake for you. coz you will help me retreat to my me-time often to enjoy! hehehe.

Fruitcake! 5.5 - 6 jam kukus wooo! 

Walnut carrot cake!

Simple chocolate buttercream cuppies!

Red velvet cake with cream cheese of course!

red velvet cuppies with oreos!

oooooohhhh! yummmss!

New York cheesecake!!

OK tido tido!
And as you can probably guess, yeap! i'm baking something right now!!! :P

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

what's on your mind?


Follow up from my previous post, alhamdulillah the bubba is doing pretty well. altho there were some "accidents" of "oops!" and "oh no's!", but it was tolerable. so far lar! He actually insist on not wearing the diaper during nap and sleep time! tu yg i tak larat and kinda not giving in to the request. hehehe. pengsan kot nak wash tilam jer!

As for little baby maryam, (whose not so little anymore!) i felt 2 budding teeth on her lower jaw yesterday! yeaaaaayyy! a few more and you can start eating solids okay? but for now tunggu dull yea cayang! oh yes! i insist to still follow what i have done with Yusuf the last time. May He continue to help me in this iA.

okay laar. nothing else to post sangat, coz I'm sorta listening to a youtube video while the bubbas are napping away! hehehe. oh but do enjoy these next pictures of what i have been up to the past few weeks. and yes, it's all about fooooodddd!

Current activity! buat fruit cake!!!

2nd attempt and jadi mA! dari tak berapa suka jadi suka! hehe

as you can see, this steamer is my current best friend!

saja-saja try!

mee rebus ya'll! 

Lontong and sambal tumis ya'll!

Nasi Ayam ya'll! 

haaaa ni mmg confirm i tak buat! mesti terperanjat uolls if i did!
Saja letak coz i want one now!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

All babies want their moms!

Ok. I'm suppose to sleep coz i had a long day today. But i HAD to stumble upon this video lar and watch it. A few times plak tu!!!

And i can't stop crying!!! Not because i'm just sad, but it's damn touching ok!

Please take note that this is standard procedure in most hospitals around the world! i've even assisted a c-sect before but never did i witness anything like this, or maybe i was just toooooo damn ignorant to see it!

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! if i lar jadi mak tu, memang dah lama screw the freakin procedure! Just let the baby be!!! Mak kucing pun tahu marah and tak suka anak dia kena amik jauh-jauh from her tahu taaaaaakkk??!!! grrrrrr!

Ok, maybe it's the hormones. but still! now i'm hugging my baby in tummy kuat-kuat! i love you sayangggg!

Excuse me for being frank, but if you watched this and don't feel anything AND you're a mom, you just don't have a heart lar ok!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Too awesome not to read yo!

Salam everyone.

We are nearing the end of 2013 and entering the new year 2014 insyAllah.

And gosh, what have i done?

This post is not a disclaimer, but rather a public apology to some people out there, that have been influenced by me negatively.

Yes, i say this because, i openly admit that in the social network, mostly twitter and facebook, i have portrayed myself as an emo-freak without any license to stop my thought process. So much so i thought i was giving opinionated, clever statements. But some of it i realized, was just pure jibbery-vomit. 

Yea, i know. it took me that long to break out of my denial phase. i can't even promise you i'm fully recovered yet tho! haha. 

But what i do realize is, regardless of that flaw, i am actually THAT influential. Yes. i'm an influential person. be it to the people who admire me, couldn't be bothered about me and heck, even hates me! I have somehow, much to my horror, influenced them to be just. like. ME. An emotional wreck on social network!

Why do i even say this? i should know coz it used to be just me (or a small group of us) that would rant our hearts out on any particular issue that gave us the itch. Mine would be infamously known primarily (among other things) on my parenting skills. i send out unfriendly warnings, indirect and direct bashings if anyone dared to cause me headaches on how i should be a mother.

Now? orang yang tak pernah or jarang-jarang update status or tweet benda marah-marah or get all emo, are actively doing it! Baik lelaki or perempuan! and guess what, i actually don't feel that special anymore! hahaha to put it mildly lar of course. it seems everyone is apparently angry at everything like i am and letting everyone knows about it! and obviously, i now know how that made me looked like in the internet... An angry bitch! and an ugly one at that!

Except now i'm painfully seeing it in friends who i used to admire their beauty in their everyday jovial, cool updates. here i am wishing silently to have their calmness and valor at handling their emotions in the web. nampaknyer.... they have caught the curse. My curse! yikes!

what's worst, is that sudden realization that despite how awesome it is to copy me or be influenced by what i do, to follow this particular negative trait and be answerable to Allah for it on the day of judgement for creating a cult following of emo, blood thirsty zombies is just.... FRIGHTENING!!!

Imagine lar, bila they die, and the last thing they're remembered as someone yang emo and angry and when God asked why did u change your behaviour from a sweet person to such, jawapan dia... 

"terikut-ikut Fatin ya Allah! hari-hari tengok dia tweet bash, i terasa, so i nak lawan dia and somehow i pun dah jadi macam dia. tweet-bash other people that cross my path and on most issues!"

Astaghfirullah! ME-NA-KUT-KAN OK!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Too long to tweet so i blog lar

Salam! I realized i didnt post anything for december yet, so here goes! Hehe.

I just realized something. One of those self reflecting nights. I'm literally out of control when it comes to my thoughts. I mean i can jump-think from one thing to another. And somehow social networks helps me channel them! And it made me become the emotional-wreck i have been for the past how many years!

But that said, i'm somewhat (not totally tho) different when it comes to interacting with people in real life. I can be a lot nicer, still opinionated, but with more patience, and there's more laughter and happiness than emotional outbursts. I mean i did even ask some friends if they'd run away from me, but they won't. Some claim i'm fun to be around with! 

Yikes! U know what this means! SOCIAL NETWORK is bad for me! As in bad for fuelling my negative side! I need to see people more! Human connection is actually healing! And not to mention vital! Uh oh. Does that mean i need to go back to work?!! I interacted with people more at work than i do at home! 

Oh no no no no. Maybe mula2 jer lar kot. Plus type of human exposure should also be in serious consideration. Who lar wants to be on dates/meet ups with people who are emo in real life kan? Guess same goes who lar nak baca tweets org emo jer memanjang! Ehehe. Yea that i can accept. And it's perfectly understandable.

So from now on, only happy posts from me! Telling the whole world that we're an ideal family and only great things happens to us! Ok. I can't do it. But what i can do is try minimize the negatives. Altho looking back, my outbursts are mostly based on opinions. They may seem harsh and sensitive, but the truth is mostly that sometimes.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Politics for breakfast anyone?

So, in light of recent events, which one of you shall i have for breakfast eh?

Honestly, i don't think i'll find an old man appetizing. *Yikes!*

Ok. I'll shut up now.

Friday, April 5, 2013

My new desk file!

Salam everyone! and yes it's the same salutation to you of other faiths too! it means peace ok? dont panic! ;P

ok. i have to make this a quick one, coz the bubba is napping and i just settled down from my morning chores.

for those of you who wonder what it is i do everyday, that sometimes i don't get to answer your phone call or reply your text immediately, that's because... yeap.. u guessed it.. i'm pretty busy. this is what i sometimes feel like recording in my voice message:

Since everyone at work has a desk file (or fail meja! lol! this still gets me everytime!), i also decide to delineate mine. And to Yusuf, who might be reading this post one day, mommy's not complaining ok?At least i think i'm not! hehe. So the day goes roughly like this:

1. wake up, prepare hubby's stuff to go to work
2. then bubba wakes up to have a small "play-i-miss-you-daddy" time before he goes to work
3. then i have something for breakfast (need to eat or else i'd be hypoglycaemic)
4. then bathe bubba
5. feed bubba (this is the time i also play with phone to pass the time)
6. bubba have his morning nap
7. at the same time, i do the laundry (ours) and washed bubba's diapers manually before chucking them in the washing machine
8. fold yesterday's clothes from the drier (yes, i do my laundry nearly everyday!)
9. clean the kitchen
10. clean the living room
11. go online, read or watch tv in quiet mode since bubba is still asleep
12. bubba wakes up, cancel the above step (this happens most of the time btw)
13. play, read and feed bubba (do not underestimate the hardship of this step!)
15. repeat above step till lunch time. That would also make as step 14. (Coz it's pretty long as you can imagine).
16. lunch time: try to eat with a clinging and crying bubba who wants to play or feed (gobbling is my
new hobby with food nowadays)
17. repeat step 13 till tea time (told ya!)
18. doing something similar to step 16
19. try to put bubba down for his evening nap
20. if the above don't work, take bubba swimming or repeat step 13 (ehem ehem!)
21. prepare dinner while carrying bubba in a sling or do a live cooking documentary with bubba on the other side of the safety gate (think Giada or Alton brown, those are his fave)
22. bathe bubba
23. daddy comes home
24. errmm... sorry, no step 24. daddy coming home denotes the end of mommy-and-bubba only activities. *phew!* Well most of it anyways.

So peeps, that is how it goes down most of the time. Of course, it doesn't include casual outings or other impromptu activities. if that happens, it's simple. the chores just get postponed.


Friday, December 28, 2012



I just thought of something while eating paratha with my leftover sambal udang petai (uissh sedap ok!;P). 

"hmm. sedap lar this petai. Best kan if those staying in kampung, gets to eat fresh foods, cheap summore. and they don't really have high expectations in everyday life."

Wait. i know what ur thinking. how come just by eating brunch i can think of something as far as imagining living the "kampung" life. That's reflecting my dearies. uolls should try it! hehehe. Then i come across this interesting term.

"Kampung yang bandar" or "bandar yang kampung"? Which one would you prefer?

Honestly, we city folks often look down on kampung peeps. And whenever someone is out of date, or fashion and trend, we connect them for being so kampung. Well, i can't really say that for sure, but have you had a look at kampung people nowadays? they're quite ok now you know! unless you meant people living in the hutan/rural areas lar. Which tsk, tsk, shame on you!

But then again, besides all the so-called "non-fashionable" or "lack-of-finesse" stuff one wud equate to being kampung, it is verrrryyy often you relate being humble, kind, friendly and politeness to them as well. Especially the pakciks and makciks we see more than happy to be at the market place or the gleeful children playing by the beach of their village. Plus, one might think they're lacking in some parts of education, but they are at an advantage on fresh and cheap groceries and service costs! Tailoring there is cheap you know!!! not to mention the roti canai, and nasi lemak and nasi campur!

If i were to envision where i'd like to live to raise my child(ren) in future, i'd like it to be in a kampung yang semi-bandar. Simply because i envy the fresh and cheap foods they have there. and a much cleaner air to breathe! But if i were to still live in the city, of course, it's best to have quite an amount of money so that i can buy all those organic foods and stuff at the organic stores. Why? coz fresh stuff in the city is blardy expensive!

Although, being raised in the city, the reasons i love staying in KL is because of the malls. That's all really. But then i know i don't go there everyday. So if in future i'll stay in Seberang Perai or the beaches of Terengganu, I'll make sure i go to Pavvy every weekend or something! hahaha. Even better, i always imagine of brewing my own coffee and making my own donuts and pastries in my own adjoining coffee corner veranda! Have my own Starbucks and The Loaf! haha! Lagi best, if that time, we can go to Paris or Italy on a monthly basis for their cuppa and pasta!! Fuuuiissshh! imaginasi dan angan-angan yang tinggi! 

Hehehe. Where else am i allowed to daydream if not in my own blog! It's been said that imagination has no limits and can take you anywhere you wish to go without flight tickets and passports! But a prayer with Almighty's generous blessings is the best way still! and even if we don't get it in that form, He will always replace it with something waaaayy better with His hikmah! How awesome eh? Always lucky we are indeed! Alhamdulillah!

So with that, i end my merepek session for today. Yusuf is crying for me dah. The boss has awaken from his nap! 


Monday, December 24, 2012

Sembang-sembang Mr B and me

One fine day. In the kitchen.

Me: Cayang, i was just thinking. Amazing kan, all of us grow up with different cultures and languages that we soon become accustomed to, but we all spoke the same language when we were babies. And yet, not many chose to learn the baby language except that Dunstan lady who came up with it recently. And when it is us yang don't know that universal language, we blame our babies for crying and scold them sebab nangis, when in fact they know exactly what they want and how to say it. Us and our egos as adults! huh! Sedih kan? Nak belajar bahasa lain bukan main susah. tapi the one language that has been there all our lives, takder siapa nak explore and learn.

Mr B (while carrying Yusuf in his arms): Well, that's proof Allah jadikan manusia ni dengan fitrah yang sama. So secara fitrahnya semua babies, all around the world, are good in nature. It is the parents that shaped them when they grow up.  Ajar benda baik, mmg baik lar jadinya insyaAllah. Ajar benda tak elok, memang tak elok lar jadinya.

Moral of the story: the earliest education starts in the womb, and then at home. Your children are your mini you. It is our responsibility to shape them as God-fearing sons and daughters. Coz when they fear God, it is only natural, they will become good human beings. InsyaAllah.

Second moral of the story: perempuan punyer patah perkataan bila bercakap ternyata lebih banyak dari lelaki punyer. Harap maklum. :P

Here's a video for those of you who wishes to learn and understand our babies more. It really helps. TRUST ME.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

My new Quest!

Salam everyone!

Many apologies for not blogging for awhile. Technically i seemed to not have the time nor the idea to write a post! oh how i wish i can just pour out all my thoughts here. Oh wait, there's a place for that. It's twitter. hehe.

I just want to share on a recent issue that i'm in the midst of battling. and that is SHOPPING! ugh! oklar. it's not a recent issue. it's a thang that crops up seasonally. And since christmas is around the corner, it doesn't help that the malls and online stores are offering so many freaking discounts! aiyaiyai! And i must say, lately the business through online websites and fb pages have been burgeoning like wild mushrooms! Masa i bergaji takder puuuuunnnn!!! double aiyaiyai!

Anyways, i'm sure this isn't my battle alone. It seems pretty harmless this shopping thingy. Harmless if you have loads of moolahs to spend. But i came across an eye-opening video from Prof Tariq Ramadan on how to master your emotions. And how you can become a victim of your own jail if you don't know how to control them. It made me realize, that we don't achieve freedom in our lives, if we rely or depend on things to live it. I take shopping in my case. i thought freedom to me, is the ability to choose and buy whatever it is i want. But then again, how do i know what it is i want? i mean let's say all these fashion moguls tells you this is the latest trend to follow, am i strong enough to shrug it off and say "nahh! i don't need those!"?

It struck me. That i am a victim of the fashion industry. I am not strong enough to not want to buy simply because i'm not enticed by it and can actually feel OK not shopping!! oh i know this sounds pretty complicated, but i get it. And i got it while watching this video. It really wakes me up about how i now view my life in this world. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as i did. I still do.

oh and this is also for those of you who believe the Mayan's prophecy of tomorrow, all the more reason you should watch this video. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My December

Salam everyone...

It's already December. how time just rockets pass you. well, i just realized i wouldn't do any justice to the month if i don't upload this video. coz asyik September jer dapat attention. hehe.

Plus i'm feeling slightly mellow this morning. But may all of you have an awesome day ahead. I hope i will too insyaAllah.

Ladies and gents. I give you the now-vanished ntah ke mana group, Linkin Park with My December.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'm On MC!


I'm sure you're wondering. how could a now-stay-at-home-mom claimed to be on MC (sick leave)? I mean to whom does she pass the slip to right? and what work could she be possibly be excused from doing? oops! ok! don't go there yea? you've been warned! hehehe.

Well, i am actually sick. i was tidying my room closet yesterday and suddenly those sneezes came, and just wouldn't go away. I thought they were just my allergy to dust. But hubby has caught the flu bug before and is still suffering from it. so i guess one thing leads to another. hehe. not that i'm blaming hubby of course! *me love you babyboy!*

So believe it or not, i actually do get an MC! how? i asked my hubby if i can get one. And he smiled saying, "of course!". I requested for 2 days but i guess it'll depend on how long i can get back to work. So how does a SAHM get an MC? well, i am allowed to not cook or do other heavy housework till i recover! and i get to rest and sleep as often as i want! hoorayyy!

Thankfully, Yusuf has been very helpful and accomodating too. Since he had just recovered from flu himself over a week ago, he was pretty happy playing alone while i lounge nearby with a box of tissues. And he kept looking over when i blow my nose, probably wondering why i'm making those funny sounds. When i nap, he's more than happy to join me as well! Definitely, mommy's little helper! Alhamdulillah.

What made me wanted to blog today was to share this joke i found while reading from Reader's Digest yesterday. I find it sooo relatable, and hilarious at the same time! and yet it's damn accurate! One of those intelligent humor that me loves! So here's how it goes:

The Stay at home Mom.

My husband came home from work to find our two kids playing in the driveway covered in paint, a broken window with a hole the size of a tennis ball, every room of the house in a clutter of mess, and no dinner waiting for him. Worried that something had happened to me, he rushed upstairs, only to find me curled up in bed in my pyjamas, reading a magazine.

"What on Earth is going on here?" he asked. I smiled warmly before replying,

"You know how yesterday you asked me exactly what it is i do everyday?" He nodded.

"Well today i didn't."

Please tell me you LOL! ;P

Monday, October 15, 2012

Saja jer...

Dear blog...

Oh well. It's one of those nights that i find it quite hard to settle in again. But dont worry. It's not because of any bugs or creatures to keep me awake. Thank god! Hehe.

Well Yusuf, you're fast asleep now. And i just love staring at you while you sleep. It reminds me of the very first time i did this when you were barely one day old. In the dark lit hospital room. My how you've grown baby! You might not know this, but i'm falling in love with you all over again. Every. Single. Day. And not to mention absolutely grateful to God for lending you to me and daddy to take care and love!

In fact, i wish to have more if He's gracious to give! Hehehe. Of course He is and so i should be doing the asking more often! But when the time is right of course and that only He knows when. ;) i'm just jotting this memory down because i don't want to forget it. And you'll get to read how emotional your mommy can be!

Ohmy! Im crying! Hahahaa! Happy tears of course! You're the inspiration for me to become who i am now. Did u know that? Well i'm telling you. You're the motivation for me to be a better person everyday. Everytime i want to do something, the thought of you and how it can affect you will come to mind. No doubt i will falter at some points, but you encourage me to keep trying. Without you needing to do anything! Great huh? I guess that's the God given miracles in babies. With you just being here, makes everyone love you without prejudice and judgement. People don't need to know you and already they love you. Therefore i truly believe, what's not to love about babies?! =)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pre-loved scarves!

Salam everyone! I thought this time i want to finally admit that i should let go of some of my pre-loved (some not even worn) scarves rather than hogging them!

Pre-loved; yes some are loved (less than 3 times worn!), some are bought becoz it was love at first sight. But somehow they never left my scarf rack. Here i'm letting go at a verrryy reasonable price (believe me, some of the branded items are well over RM100 esp Arzu brands costs >RM150!). so confirm dah discount lebih 100%! hehe. And don't worry, they're all still in really good condition. (coz i'm fussy over my stuff liddat! hehe). Let's take a look!

Arzu Dark Purple with black spots
168cm x 50cm
RM 20

Brand logo

Arzu light pink with prints
 (note: the middle is designed with cloth parchments sewed together. they are not ripped)
178cm x 40cm
RM 25

Brand logo
Arzu plain scarf - cream
168cm x 48cm
Lightweight cotton
RM 20

Small lock and key ornaments at each end of scarf

Hajaba's tudung syria - Green
Size S
RM 10

Brand logo

Ariani's tudung siti - Black
Cotton lycra

Brand logo
Ariani's tudung siti - Dark brown
Cotton lycra

Brand logo

Burberry print scarf - Pink
156cm x 50cm
Chiffon-like material
RM 15

Burberry print scarf - Orange
156cm x 50cm
RM 15

LV print scarf - dark brown
156cm x 50cm
RM 15

Polkadots print scarf - burgundy
162cm x 54cm
Lightweight cotton
RM 10

Polkadots print scarf - Dark purple
162cm x 54cm
Lightweight cotton
RM 10

Polkadots print scarf - dark green
162cm x 54cm
RM 10

Polkadots print scarf - turquoise
162cm x 54cm
RM 10

Black n white print scarf
Cotton blend
RM 15

Flower print scarf
162cm x 54cm
RM 10

Blue print scarf
162cm x 54cm
RM 10

Teal print scarf
162cm x 54cm
RM 10

Arzu scarf in Teal
175cm x 55cm
Chiffon silk

Arzu scarf - brown
175cm x 55cm
Chiffon silk

The logo

Arzu scarf - black and white polka dots
175cm x 55cm
Chiffon silk
RM 25

Arzu scarf - purple
175cm x 55cm
Chiffon silk

Arzu scarf - orange
175cm x 55cm
chiffon silk
Arzu scarf - pink flower
175cm x 55cm
chiffon silk
RM 20

Arzu scarf - black & red
175cm x 55cm
chiffon silk
RM 25

Arzu crinkle scarf - navy blue
soft cotton
RM 15

satin scarf - fuschia
160cm x 80cm
Can be worn crinkled
RM 15

Satin scarf - yellow
160cm x 80cm
can be worn crinkled
RM 15
Not bad eh? hehe. shipping cost only RM6. Or you can collect from me also can! so if you're interested just PM me on this email: with your name, home address, hp number and of course your order. i'll get back to you on how to proceed with payment then.