
Showing posts with label Foodies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foodies. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sweet Hearts....

Salam Ramadhan to everybodddyyyyy!

well this year's ramadhan i intend to make it more meaningful and better than the last. insyaAllah, i can only pray that He allows it and ease it for me.

Since i 've caught the baking bug lately, it has been official that, after being motivated by hubs, i have started to sell some of my bakes. very cute selection they are! hehehe. so in conjunction of the fasting month and approaching Eid, i decided to concentrate on steamed fruitcakes. wait, Hubs decided i focus on steamed fruitcakes. Hmmm now he suddenly sounds like my Managing Director. Already! hahahaha.

So after late nights brainstorming on the idea and on some possible names, we decided to settle on....


Yeaaaah! why not just keep the bamby eh? after all it is me! hehe. so i've started an instagram account for it. and been doing some promos as well. first time ok! buat benda2 like this! coz i swear, that i'm no good at selling stuff! but pakar membeli adalah! hahahaha. so it felt awkward at times, but i had to learn the art. and when it comes to learning new things, i am up for it!! 

Again, with the help of Managing Director, Mr B, (ehem!), he suggested i do free testers giveaways. i had to listen to a mini "business management" lecture in the process. well its fair lar coz he is the one with that degree! so now u know when it comes to health stuff, who gives the lecture and makes sure it's done around here! *cough*thatshowhequitsmoking*coughcough!*

So i did them. those free giveaways. and at first i was pretty skeptical. and nervous, that nobody would respond! i mean like, hello guys! its free?? i bear all the cost for you to just eat my cake?!! hahaha. turns out my pessimism was downright wrong! tak sampai one hour, i already got 5 people saying "NAK" to my testers!! alhamdulillah! i was overjoyed! yes! even here! so this is where it started! to know if my cake can travel outside kl or not, coz one was to my nurse all the way in Kota bharu hospital! i also learned which courier is available and suitable and what not! wuishhh! mcm ni lar perasaan vivy yusoff dulu masa start business kot!!! waakakakakakaakaka! dream on righhhht! of coz there were technical problems as well, but i'll save that for my "success story interviews" later. wakakakaka!

if at all what made me wanted to blog is, a reaaallly important lesson i learn in all this. People's hearts. u bet! weird i know coz its not related to baking per se. but seriously, I'm humbled by all the experiences. i'm proven wrong at nearly every turn when i think a certain way. slowly but surely, the majority of the ones that actually showed their support TO ME personally, not publicly coz its not important to, are the ones who are near anonymous in my life. or that they are not close, for reasons that are pretty obvious for some i.e. dah lama tak jumpa is one too. they are also those who don't regularly keep in touch with me but are there in the social media world, apparently following my everyday updates. who knew.

i receive private messages from them on how to get their hands on my bakes, and have nothing but honest, positive support on what i do. and i get orders from those who i least expect to be ordering from me too. Subhanallah. Allahu akbar. who knew.

But He knew. And He is showing me that He can give blessings to anyone from anywhere, and only good would come out of it. one thing good i know for sure, is that i'm truly humbled by all this. He showed me the true hearts of people; families and friends, close friends and distant ones, and not to mention, COMPLETE STRANGERS.

that's right. my first 2 orders were from COMPLETE STRANGERS. Subhanallah. they had nothing but kind words and encouragements for me. and i don't even know them. ya Allah. i am in tears now. literally. please continue to guide me. and all others out there. to be humble and loving to one another. i know now how it feels to be at the receiving end. even tho i've been at this end countless times before. but i guess i only get to see it in a totally different light, like only now! and i'm glad i did! esp before my time is up! *cries!* how amazing are these people, people who hardly know me and are not even close, they were the ones who were swift in support, as if they really appreciate what i do. and show it! i mean i definitely feel appreciated! it's as if they know how hard it was for me to do them,  finding time secretly, even tho i don't show it on instagram! heck, instagram makes it all looks so simple and breezy and brings out the "oh-she-got-time-lar-thats-why-she-can!" reactions instead! pfft! pretty obvious lar who will be where and what in that success story interviews of mine! hehe! oops! 

Sarcasm aside, (sheesh, i've really got to stop this!), how lucky of them to be given that quality by You Ya Allah. that kind of heart. a quality that i can now pray to have. i need a  better heart. so that my children sees it from me growing up. and they will carry it out naturally. and be a lot more awesome-r than their mother. in His eyes. insyaAllah.

Since this is the month of blessings and forgiveness, may He forgives me for my sins. and yours too. and pls make doa for me in this new venture of mine. i only hope to make people happy through my bakes, for people to enjoy them, for i feel happy when you are happy. I'm eternally grateful coz He has reaaallly blessed me. and what i do. and i can only try to be a good servant to Him in return. That little i know, but already that challenging. I also believe He has written provisions and rizq for each and every one of us. so i am not afraid. for what He gives me, only He can give. and no one can take it away. and what He gives you, only He can give. and no one, not even i, can take that away. I pray to not be afraid of losing wealth, or be greedy for it. for none of it is really mine. not even the clothes i have. in the end, we will all go back to Him. and whatever is with Him, is long-lasting. and waaaaayy better. =)

So ok. Don't forget to order these fruitcakes okay! teehee! #sempatlagi #adahashtagkatblog #terbaik!

1.5kg of yumminess insyaAllah! Yours for only RM75!

Red velvet with cream cheese and choc ganache topping!

Follow my instagram @bambybakes for more infos, reviews and for orders!

Till then. Salam you lovely people! May Allah bless us ALL, irregardless of race and religion, to have sweet hearts! 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Houston, Docbamby is finally found!


Amagaddddd!!!! wheeeeerrrreeeee have i beeennnn??? outer space or somethingggg??? hahahahah. honestly, I'm gonna blame it on my verrrrryyy old near obsolete macbook for not blogging!! hahaha!

Okay first and foremost i am verrrrryyyyy humbled and happy that people are STILL reading my blog after non-existent updates since i had Maryam! thanks a lot babes!!! i hope i have inspired some of you in whatever i preached or advocate in this blog of mine!

As some (or most!) of you have known, i am still enjoying my unpaid leave and this awesome status as a stay-at-home-mom! and despite staying at home, poooonn susah nak find time to squeeze an update or two! *terrible i know!* it's just that i have been updating mostly on instagram, twitter and Facebook (in that order).

So bila rant2 sana terus post and gaaaahh lupa nak retype or repost here. gotta start re-installing the blogger app in my phone coz i deleted it becoz it was crap!

so anywayssss, besides running around with these two....

i came across a new hobby that does not involve going out of the house, and can be done at my own time when the kids are asleep! and that is baking!!! wakakakakakaka! i know righhhhtttt?!!! soooooo Un-doctor-ish! hahahahaha! telling ppl to eat healthily is my job description and here i am... downright abusing it! worst! more like practising ajaran sesat! hahahah!

but honestly (dunno why i'm repeating this word its as if i keep lying or what!), it's the whole idea of measuring ingredients, mixing them together in concoctions, adjusting the temperature while it bakes and troubleshooting the whole process is what gets me excited! it's like i'm back in chemistry lab or something!! and when i can come up with stuff like this...


Rosette Ombre cake! Chocolate filling with buttercream frosting!

Makes me soooooooooo happy!!!! literally over the mooonnnnn!!! okay i've never been outer space pon, but ok! its equivalent to doing my very own episiotomy repair!!!! errr ok. maybe not! euwww whaaatt?! alaaa u get what i mean lar riggghhtt! :P

so yea people! baking has got both my right and left brain working again! hahaha besides occupying them for the bubs! but it is definitely have been my stress release when i need my me time! 

other than that, another update that is just as important, if not much more! is that Maryam had just turn one on the 29th April! kejaaaap jer ok!! but she is definitely a person of her own! one of the  great rewards of being a mother to me is that i get to raise and be a part of the development of different individuals!! She is very sure of what she wants and don't want especially, coz she likes to do the whole geleng kepala thing (like a lot!), walked at 11months, falling on her head more than Yusuf ever did at this age (read more robust for a girl!), and can shake her bonbons naturally to music and do it waaaay better (and cooler!) than Yusuf can now! that's my girl!! hahahaha!

But the similar things i love and would not get tired of that happened during Yusuf, examples like the bizarre breastfeeding positions with taekwando air-kicks, clamouring all over me and sticking to me like a koala bear, and yes, mommy wins over daddy (or anyone) anytime! i love that little girl to bits!! looking forward to rock the whole "we have match-matchy shoes!" or "ooohh this hijab style is so youu!" moments! :P

As for Yusuf, still working on his hafazan. alhamdulillah dah byk sikit new surahs covered. but he now jumpa a new thing that he likes to watch. and that is uncle maher zain, raef and humood. hmmm.... nak tak nak have to monitor frequency of exposure. if knowing mommy dia ni haaa, mmg music can be distracting. so iA, i can only doa to keep going and istiqamah. siapa kata nak anak soleh/solehah tu senang again? *gulp*

that's roughly about it! went some places but yeaaa... maybe next time lar post as latergram kinda thing. boleh ker? haha! 

hmmm... funny kan when ur needed to summarise your life in the past absence but you can only come up with just this much. gotta wonder when we grow old, how much of our life can we summarise into. a one week, daily rant speech? or just a one-hour, two-hours tops, kinda chat to a stranger? *something to ponder when we face our daily life as to which things/actions are REAL priorities* #lifeisindeedshort #thislifeisshort #akhiratisforever #Allahisnumberonepriority  #dakwahitumesti #bolehplakbuathashtagkatblog #instagraminspired

So i leave u with some pics of my bakes. i'm not doing a "business" business, but hey, if you really wanna try them you're welcome to order and iA i would love to bake for you. coz you will help me retreat to my me-time often to enjoy! hehehe.

Fruitcake! 5.5 - 6 jam kukus wooo! 

Walnut carrot cake!

Simple chocolate buttercream cuppies!

Red velvet cake with cream cheese of course!

red velvet cuppies with oreos!

oooooohhhh! yummmss!

New York cheesecake!!

OK tido tido!
And as you can probably guess, yeap! i'm baking something right now!!! :P

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

what's on your mind?


Follow up from my previous post, alhamdulillah the bubba is doing pretty well. altho there were some "accidents" of "oops!" and "oh no's!", but it was tolerable. so far lar! He actually insist on not wearing the diaper during nap and sleep time! tu yg i tak larat and kinda not giving in to the request. hehehe. pengsan kot nak wash tilam jer!

As for little baby maryam, (whose not so little anymore!) i felt 2 budding teeth on her lower jaw yesterday! yeaaaaayyy! a few more and you can start eating solids okay? but for now tunggu dull yea cayang! oh yes! i insist to still follow what i have done with Yusuf the last time. May He continue to help me in this iA.

okay laar. nothing else to post sangat, coz I'm sorta listening to a youtube video while the bubbas are napping away! hehehe. oh but do enjoy these next pictures of what i have been up to the past few weeks. and yes, it's all about fooooodddd!

Current activity! buat fruit cake!!!

2nd attempt and jadi mA! dari tak berapa suka jadi suka! hehe

as you can see, this steamer is my current best friend!

saja-saja try!

mee rebus ya'll! 

Lontong and sambal tumis ya'll!

Nasi Ayam ya'll! 

haaaa ni mmg confirm i tak buat! mesti terperanjat uolls if i did!
Saja letak coz i want one now!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Makan time!

Salam everyone!

How's raya for all of you? Hope it has been meaningful and that we raih kemenangan just as the celebration implores!

Anyways, i decided to blog a bit today because i simply cannot contain my excitement/emo/joy or whatever on what has happened to our little bubba lately! For starters, the major thing would be he has officially started eating! Yeap! After nearly 18months of just breastmilk, he finally, really asked for food just after the 1st week of raya! And trust me when i say he really asked! Sekali dengan tantrum, nanges2 semua!

Before this, if we're about to have a meal, I just give him my milk when he curiously asked for our food. And he would gladly suckle and soon forget about the initial intention. About just a month back we start giving him some dates and some grapes. For just to rasa-rasa. Nowwww! Aisehman! Menangis melalak ok! Tunjuk "na" pun dah tak jalan! In the end, we terpaksa mengalah. He already has 2 molars half erupting and 8 front fully grown teeth. So i gave him fish fingers. He loved it! Then hard boiled eggs. Yeap! That too! This went on for a few days.

Then as his first official meal, we decided he's ready to have what we're having. So one evening, i prepared our dinner and guess what he ate with us? Kari ikan siakap with steamed mixed veges!! Oh and with rice of course! Yeappa!! And he loved it alhamdulillah! I didnt put the whole nasi with kuah banjir of course. And it wasn't full blown spicy but spicy nevertheless! And alhamdulillah the next day he's still ok without any tummy aches or discomfort. So as for the rest, let's just say it gets better from there.

He's really not holding back wanting to explore his very own "journey to the taste of unknown!" So far he has had nasi goreng garlic (shared with me at wondermama), meehun goreng, fish and chips, and roti canai! (Take note, we just started him early this week!) Hehe. And so far, i don't have to chase/force him to have his meal. He's chasing me instead! and a few mornings he would wake up and drag me to the kitchen, forcing me to whip up breakfast! (Ok hubs! Can take this cue from bubba!) ehehehehe *nervous laugh* For dinner just now i fed him a hard boiled egg, with a bun and steamed broccoli and cauliflower! I'm really glad he loved the veges and ate them with his own hands! Alhamdulillah sangat2!