Showing posts with label Beverage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beverage. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Pluck the Day

From the description of my new podcast, Pluck the Day:

My well-being journey, plucking the day and achieving my values according to the sound idea of the good life.

I have started a trial period for three months, testing PM International's FitLine products called Power Cocktail and Restorate. A bonus product was included with the subscription as a team partner; Activize Oxyplus.

Talking about health, in the latest episode of the podcast, High Five for Hemp, I am mentioning that I have received samples of hemp oil. I will talk more about KokuaVida in the near future.

I think that this new venture, NĂ©lo Life, will "Nurturing Excellence, by Living Optimally."

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I have now been blogging for 17 years and published 2813 posts. EGO blog has now been viewed >1 million times (pageviews so far: 1,190,063.)

I have been a bit more active on this blog during the year, due to the fact that I have set up this blog as a destination through my podcast host, Libsyn, so new episodes of EGO NetCast will automatically show up here as blog posts.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 17 years as a blogger and 13 years as a podcaster. I will also do a live streaming session, thanking the buyers, backers and supporters of my first book on tea, with illustrations by John Cox.

Next annual blog report will include my "last" site, TeaParty.Media.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XVI.

Monday, May 7, 2018


I have now been blogging for 16 years and published 2793 posts. Pageviews so far: 999,603.

I haven't been active on this blog during the year, but I will keep blogging here now and then. I have set up this blog as a destination through my podcast host, Libsyn, so new episodes of EGO NetCast will automatically show up here as blog posts.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 16 years as a blogger. I will also do a live streaming session, thanking the backers and supporters of my first book on tea, with illustrations by John Cox.

Have you read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand? Recommended reading: Onkar Ghate's article, In a Tribal Age, a Voice for the Individual: On the 75th Anniversary of The Fountainhead.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XV.

Monday, May 15, 2017


I have now been blogging for 15 years and published 2778 posts. Pageviews so far: 911,000.

I haven't been active on this blog during the year, but I will keep blogging here now and then. I have set up this blog as a destination through my podcast host, Libsyn, so new episodes of EGO NetCast will automatically show up here as blog posts.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 15 years as a blogger. I will also do a live streaming session, thanking the backers and supporters of my first forthcoming book on tea, with illustrations by John Cox.

2017-05-15 🔜December 16. Boston Tea Party.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XIV.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Creating a Newsletter with a Twist

Do you have your own newsletter? How many newsletters do you read on a regular basis? Maybe I am a "cool kid" according to Veselina Gerova's definition! I have figured out the why of starting a newsletter... The challenge now is to stick with it. Here is an excerpt from issue number 2 of Lyceum Bulletin:

On 2/2, with 22 subscribers to my newsletter, I thought it was time to publish another issue of Lyceum Bulletin! ;)

My goal is to send out a new issue once a week with new media tidbits, business philosophy related topics, and the good life stuff (including tea and chile peppers). Elsie Escobar’s announcement on The Feed podcast, sparked the idea to start a weekly newsletter. 

I will add a twist to the bulletin by including a short audio clip in English and Swedish, as a mini podcast episode. It could be a “behind the scene” moment, a shout out to a new subscriber, feedback on the content, etc. I will start with this feature in the next issue of Lyceum Bulletin. I am feeling a bit under the weather with a sore throat at the moment, so I will spare you to hear a soundbite of my wheezy voice this time.

Saturday, August 27, 2016


I am interested to hear about your favorite beverage! Vote for coffee, tea, or water in the poll in the right column. Grab a mug or glass with your drink of choice, and please take a moment and fill out the podcast survey for EGO NetCast.


Have you heard the expression, "pieces of eight"? Here is an excerpt from The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's site,

The Spanish influence on the American monetary system is still evident today. The one ounce silver coin was eight reales. This "piece of eight" could be fractioned into halves (four reales) or quarters (two reales) much as we do with modern dollars. The modern stock market also operates in eighths of dollars. 

The crowdfunding campaign for my forthcoming first book on tea, has now reached 1/8 of the goal. From my update, Pieces of Eight:

This evening I had a talk on Matcha green tea, together with a tea tasting. My fourth book is planned to be on this kind of green tea in powder form. After the talk and tea tasting, the event organizer passed around a tip jar for donations of my first book on tea with illustrations by John Cox. ... I have now reached the "pieces of eight" ($250 donated so far) milestone... ;) The goal is to get $2000 in total, so I can back John, with enough funds, for the creation of the illustrations for the first book on black tea.

Fundraising with GoGetFunding

Saturday, May 7, 2016


I have now been blogging for 14 years and published 2770 posts. Pageviews so far: 809,347.

I haven't been active on this blog during the year, but I will keep blogging here now and then.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 10 years since I started podcasting. I will also do a snap on Snapchat (username: TeaPartyMedia), thanking the backers and supporters of my book(s) writing project, #teaftwbook.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XIII.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I started my summer blog break with bacon chips and a Margarita drink!

Fredagsmys på en måndag. Baconchips & Margarita drink. #fredagsmysare #goodthing

I will be "away" during this month and August, more or less...

What will I do during the summer months, do you ask? ;) Good question. Here are some stuff that I will be busy with:

I will not go fishing in the murky waters of Almedalen...

Photo Credit: Angelina Cupcake via Compfight cc

As a "Personal Jesus," I will reach out to my guest bloggers and ask them to write posts on EGO blog.

Do you want to "touch" my readers? Reach out to me on the social web and I will send you an invitation to become a contributor of EGO blog.

Cheerio and so long! :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I have now been blogging for 12 years and published 2756 posts. Pageviews so far: 576,140. Before you listen to my podcast on SoundCloud, 12 Years of Blogging - EGO Blog, please read my post, Annual Blog Report XI.

Show notes:

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I have done spring cleaning at my EGO blog. I have removed some ads. I had to remove Jim Kukral's service called ScratchBack, because it had "closed its doors."

If you are a tea drinker and want to "scratch my back," you could scroll down the page and click on the "got tea?" image with my affiliate link and buy something at Libre Tea's retail shop. Please go to and read my review of Libre Tea's glass 'n poly (large, 420 ml) product.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


On April 5, I had an intro. session with personal trainer, Terese K., of Functional Body. We met at Fitness 24 Seven in Gothenburg.

The first training session included:

I have booked the next training session for week 15. Terese will send me a document with training instructions and information.

After the session, I bought a bottle of Weider BodyShaper L-Carnitine Fitness Drink (Mexican Fruit flavor) from the vending machine at Fitness 24 Seven.


Sunday, July 31, 2011


I am back from my blog break and with the start of August I will publish a post per day according to the schedule formula I have applied to

Preparing the @TeaPartyNu revolution! #teaFTW
Preparing the @TeaPartyNu revolution! #teaFTW

I want to thank my guest bloggers for great posts and you should know that you are always welcome to write posts whenever you have time...

Here are some pictures from my summer vacation:

Summer Postcard
Summer Postcard

Brooklyn East India Pale Ale Beer & Summer Party
Brooklyn East India Pale Ale Beer & Summer Party

West Coast
West Coast

Drinking "West Coast" IPA beer by Ocean Brewery at "3 Small Rooms" bar in Gothenburg. Photo by Palle Frid Svensson.

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Monday, January 10, 2011


What are you reading at the moment? How many books do you read per year? Do you listen to audio books or read books on an e-reader? Do you participate in any social network for readers, e.g. Goodreads? We ( will start a study circle on tea in the near future. January is National Hot Tea month. Have you watched the situation comedy, The Book Group?

Book Apps
Book Apps
Enhanced by Zemanta

Friday, January 7, 2011


This year I will publish cat blogging posts on a regular basis. It is a fun thing to do! Say hi to the host of Friday Ark, @slathe, who is traveling in Europe at the moment. We have to wait and see if Morris will be able to get on (card)board of the carnival "boat"...

"Before picture" from my post, READING IN DIFFERENT WAYS:

Reading Material
Reading Material.

"After pictures":

Morris in a Box
Morris in a box from the online book store,

Morris in a Carton
Morris is relaxing in a carton from the online book store,

How do you celebrate that it is Friday? How about training for the World Bartender Championship? Do you have a favorite drink?