Showing posts with label social media marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media marketing. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2024

Mayday Call in May and Third Time is The Charm

In the next episode of Tea Party Media podcast, I will make a mental Mayday distress call and tell about my situation as I am open to work and being ”unemployable” at the same time. I have failed forward a couple of times, and now it is time to get ”lucky”… ;)

With that said, I am getting convinced that I am at the right place at the right time. Please, stay tuned for more content on new media, business philosophy, and the good life (including tea). Next Saturday, on my birthday, I will learn how to add stuff to my tea.

Check out:

As an ending note, have you planned for ”Beach ’24”? :) I will test LiveGood’s new product, Lean (Body Composition Improvement Formula), during the upcoming summer season…

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Pieces of the Puzzle

The pieces of the content creation process are starting to get together. Maybe as a tangram?

  1. My three words for the new (Persian) year: Coin(age), Trade, Victory (sign).
  2. B.N.P. toolbox: Blogging, Newsletter(ing), Podcasting
  3. L.I.F.T. framework: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
  4. Live streaming and digital town halls.

  • Monday Open thread on Instagram. Post on digital town hall.
  • Tuesday Tech live streaming (for the time being on EasyLive, in the future on TeaParty.Media) and blog post.
  • Wednesday Wrap on LinkedIn and post on digital town hall.
  • Thursday Throwback on Facebook, and Storm in a Teacup live streaming with Boomcaster for future episode of EGO NetCast podcast.
  • Friday Follow on Twitter and post on digital town hall.
  • Saturday Siesta live streaming on Tea Party Media digital town hall, powered by Haaartland, and podcasting.
  • Sunday note to self, weekly review, and issue of Lyceum Bulletin newsletter.

Talking about puzzles, listen to Maria Rubia's tune, Pieces Of My Life, and my conversation with her.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Discover Tab on Happs and Birthday Preparation

I will start to include my broadcasting sessions on Happs on this blog. In the video you will hear me talk about the discover tab on Happs, and the preparation for my birthday on May 25.

Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I have now been blogging for 17 years and published 2813 posts. EGO blog has now been viewed >1 million times (pageviews so far: 1,190,063.)

I have been a bit more active on this blog during the year, due to the fact that I have set up this blog as a destination through my podcast host, Libsyn, so new episodes of EGO NetCast will automatically show up here as blog posts.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 17 years as a blogger and 13 years as a podcaster. I will also do a live streaming session, thanking the buyers, backers and supporters of my first book on tea, with illustrations by John Cox.

Next annual blog report will include my "last" site, TeaParty.Media.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XVI.

Monday, May 7, 2018


I have now been blogging for 16 years and published 2793 posts. Pageviews so far: 999,603.

I haven't been active on this blog during the year, but I will keep blogging here now and then. I have set up this blog as a destination through my podcast host, Libsyn, so new episodes of EGO NetCast will automatically show up here as blog posts.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 16 years as a blogger. I will also do a live streaming session, thanking the backers and supporters of my first book on tea, with illustrations by John Cox.

Have you read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand? Recommended reading: Onkar Ghate's article, In a Tribal Age, a Voice for the Individual: On the 75th Anniversary of The Fountainhead.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XV.

Monday, May 15, 2017


I have now been blogging for 15 years and published 2778 posts. Pageviews so far: 911,000.

I haven't been active on this blog during the year, but I will keep blogging here now and then. I have set up this blog as a destination through my podcast host, Libsyn, so new episodes of EGO NetCast will automatically show up here as blog posts.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 15 years as a blogger. I will also do a live streaming session, thanking the backers and supporters of my first forthcoming book on tea, with illustrations by John Cox.

2017-05-15 🔜December 16. Boston Tea Party.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XIV.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


I have now been blogging for 14 years and published 2770 posts. Pageviews so far: 809,347.

I haven't been active on this blog during the year, but I will keep blogging here now and then.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 10 years since I started podcasting. I will also do a snap on Snapchat (username: TeaPartyMedia), thanking the backers and supporters of my book(s) writing project, #teaftwbook.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XIII.

Friday, March 25, 2016


I was the lucky winner of an iPad Air in Commit Action's sweepstakes on Facebook, by Peter Shallard. It is funny that I mentioned Peter Shallard's blog post, Why Inbox Zero works and Tim Ferriss is wrong about email, in the first issue of my newsletter, Lyceum Bulletin.

Here is my unboxing Vine video:
Hat tip to Bryan Armentrout for his nice congrats comment on Facebook.

As a sidenote: I had to pay circa $100 in customs, taxes, and fees, for this gift. As supporter of free trade, this is another example of protectionism by the Swedish state. If you want to support a "poor" capitalist, you could send a donation via PayPal.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I started my summer blog break with bacon chips and a Margarita drink!

Fredagsmys på en måndag. Baconchips & Margarita drink. #fredagsmysare #goodthing

I will be "away" during this month and August, more or less...

What will I do during the summer months, do you ask? ;) Good question. Here are some stuff that I will be busy with:

I will not go fishing in the murky waters of Almedalen...

Photo Credit: Angelina Cupcake via Compfight cc

As a "Personal Jesus," I will reach out to my guest bloggers and ask them to write posts on EGO blog.

Do you want to "touch" my readers? Reach out to me on the social web and I will send you an invitation to become a contributor of EGO blog.

Cheerio and so long! :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Please listen to my first EGO podcast show in 2013.

Listen to internet radio with Lyceum1776 on Blog Talk Radio

You can subscribe to the RSS feed in order to get notified of new episodes in the future. If you have an iPhone, I recommend you to check out the podcatcher, Downcast app and then add my podcast to it. Do a search on "EGO Blog Talk Radio" and you will find it.

I would appreciate it very much if you could take some time and go to the show page on iTunes and give some stars and write a short review of my podcast. :)

Please feel free to add a comment on the show episode by using your Facebook login credentials and go to EGO podcast Facebook page and continue the conversation!

Here are some show notes:

Baby 2013 cartoon by John Cox.

  • Tips on guests, topics...

  • Schedule in the future: once a month, starting in February, later on fortnightly and then every week. I will do podcasts now and then with other tools too, e.g., Audioboo and Soundcloud.

Description of the show:

Reason - Egoism - Laissez-Faire Capitalism

Please feel free to add your thoughts in the comment section! Stay tuned for the next EGO podcast!

SP mic.
SP mic.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Here is a short intermission from my blogging break! ;)

TeaParty.Nu - Welcome video (nu is now in Swedish) had an online house-warming party on July 4, Independence Day.

I want to be able to have this site as a showcase on how to create a meeting place (online and IRL) for tea enthusiasts.

The trick is to use a popular topic like "tea party" and drive traffic to It will be interesting to see how long time it takes for the site to hit the first page when you search on different keywords, e.g., "tea party movement", "tea party now", "tea party", "", etc. The secret sauce is to have a regular blogging schedule and to develop and positive link exchange between tea enthusiasts.

The unique value proposition is illustrated with our logotype created by John Cox. logotype logotype

How long time do you think it will take to "Crush it"?

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Friday, March 12, 2010


EGO business card

Check out my new EGO business card! I have used EGO blog banner logotype by John Cox on one side of the card and on the inside you could find my contact information and a description of my business services. The tweet inspired text with a "cartoon bubble" (What's happening?) is saying:

Martin Lindeskog is a social media enthusiast and a "Trader in Matter & Spirit"

Listen to my thoughts on the creation of the new business card.

Thanks to Intensio for coming up with the idea and the design of the card. Thanks to ABC-Tryck for printing the cards.

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Saturday, October 31, 2009


I recently got the question by a former business partner if I had interest in participating in a new project regarding tea. I have been a tea drinker since my childhood. I started to import tea from Hong Kong and Taiwan after my trip in Asia in 1992. [Editor's comment: Here is a different way of brewing your tea...]

I will talk to a former classmate about becoming our tea expert and source of quality teas. She has worked with the promotion of Ceylon tea.

Blue Chip Café tea blend. #tea on Twitpic

In 2006, I asked a tea shop owner to create Blue Chip Café tea blend (Ceylon, Darjeeling, Lapsang Souchong, blue malva, rum and vanilla).

Blue Chip Café Blend (Ceylon, Darjeeling, Lapsang Souchong, ... on Twitpic

About a month ago I sent some questions via Twitter to Chris Garrett in time for his interview with Gary Vaynerchuck.

Hi @chrisgarrett my #q4garyvee: Is it correct that you are a tea drinker too? Do you like other types of beverages, e.g. seabuckthorn juice? 12:36 PM Oct 1st from web

@chrisgarrett #q4garyvee: Re. tea & sea-buckthorn. I'm a passionate tea drinker & I will work as a social media enthusiast for a sea-b. co. 12:58 PM Oct 1st from web

Hi @chrisgarrett my #q4garyvee: I recently bought several books on social media and personal branding. More book tips? 1:10 PM Oct 1st from web

I received Crush It on October 29 and finished reading it the next day.

Crush It book by Gary Vaynerchuck. on Twitpic

[Editor's note: If you want to support my blogging in a monetary way, please feel free to click on above affiliate link and purchase the book at Amazon.]

Lo and behold! In appendix b: five business ideas I won't get to - they're yours, you could read the following on page 140:

a tea blog

I think the tea market in the United States is about to blow up, and for the person who wants to educate and entertain the masses there will be enormous opportunity to build a site much like Wine Library TV, Offer a tea-of-the-month club and you'll be in serious business.

#CrushIt book by @garyvee Page 140, appendix b. "Tea blog" on Twitpic

Some ideas for the site:

  • Tea reviews.
  • Tea and food.
  • Health studies on tea.
  • Tea trade.
  • Activities with tea enthusiasts.

[Editor's note: Here is a video clip and Halloween greeting! Please note the spooky "ghost filter" and the Halloween candle burning in the background.]

#Halloween candle. on Twitpic


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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I recently received the following books:

Talking about books, Jan Ekbom mentioned to me that he had bought several books by Ayn Rand in Swedish at the book fair in Gothenburg. I went to the book fair on Sunday and bought some notebooks by Moleskine.

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic
Moleskine Volant - plain notebook with 54 detachable pages. (6.5x10.5 cm)
[Editor's note: What should I put as a reward? "As a reward: $"]

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic
Moleskine Volant, Weekly Notebook Diary (hard cover) with address book insert (9x14 cm, 208 pages) and TEC pico pen.

Moleskine weekly notebook diary (hard cover) on Twitpic
Moleskine notebook diary in action!

Moleskine weekly notebook diary (hard cover) opened with expa... on Twitpic
Moleskine weekly notebook diary (hard cover) opened with expandable inner pocket. Formatted to-do cards.

Moleskine notebooks in three sizes: 6,5x10.5, 9x14 & 13x21 cm.  on Twitpic
Moleskine notebooks in three sizes: 6.5x10.5, 9x14 & 13x21 cm.

I will get a New York City Notebook when I visit the Big Apple again...

Recommended reading: Moleskine: The Guide by Nick Cernis and Why Moleskine Is The Model For Newspaper Survival by Jon Bernstein.

A selection of Moleskine notebooks.Image via Wikipedia

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Saturday, August 22, 2009


I am still working on my draft post on the evolution of my workspace. I will publish it tomorrow, Sunday, August 23. I will then continue my "break" from blogging for another week. I will be back in the beginning of September.

I had to write a post after I received a direct message from Gary Vaynerchuk. I wrote the following tweet on August 21:

Check out @garyvee's new book #crushit at I have added it to my @amazonwishlist. "It's Time to Cash In on My Passion!"

I have a gut feeling that Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion will give me similar fuel for my soul as Career Renegade by Jonathan Fields, The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss and Me 2.0 by Dan Schawbel have done.

Things are starting to work out in the right direction and I am adding pieces to the social media puzzle. It is time to make sweet stuff out of the sour grapes. Be prepared to read more about the following good things in life in the future:

Spotted at Berkeley Bowl: I didn't know that y...Image by Raymond Yee via Flickr

Business wise, I will start to write about "superfood" like aronia and seabuckthorn (havtorn in Swedish) and fine bottled water.

On a related note, please read guest blogger Roland Horvath's post, A SLOGAN TO LIVE BY. Cheers!

Friday, July 24, 2009


I had to pay a short visit on my blog after I read Andy (Exalted Moments) Clarkson's post, Are Conservatives Going To Save Socialism Again?

I saw a Project Wonderful ad by on my blog. I have to get this classical political t-shirt: Goldwater Periodic Table - Au (Aurum - Gold) & H20 (Hydrogen x 2 & oxygen - Water), i.e., Goldwater. [Editor's comment: You probably know my interest in gold (Aurum). I will tell you more about my new interest in water later on...]

Image source:

Talking about t-shirts, please check out the following sites by Charlie Bloom:

Three of my t-shirts:

Related: My post, LIVE FREE OR DIE.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Law of Seed in Social Media Marketing

The Law of Seed is a reality which has long been forgotten. This is a life lesson ought to be learned yet taken for granted.

Now, how the Law of Seed does relates to Social Media Marketing?

Well, we couldn’t answer that question unless we clearly identified to ourselves what the Law of Seeds really wants us to learn. The lesson of the seed is simple – we should reap our harvest after we have done our work.

Say for example, literally, we dig the soil, plant the seed, then water it. This initial process indeed requires a lot effort. Of course, a seed doesn’t naturally grow in a snap of a finger so we have to wait for a while before we can actually pick fruits from what we planted.

From the example above, it gives us a very simple and true equation of -- Effort + Patience = Results. It’s a law applicable to all walks of life thus is also true in social media marketing.

Social Media Marketing according to wiki’s definition is also known as social influence marketing which is the act of using social influencers, social media platforms, online communities for marketing, publication relations and customer service. Common social media marketing tools today includes Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and a whole lot more.

Understanding the definition alone, we can already grasp how much effort you should expect to invest in. True that social media marketing is one of the most innovative ways to market and build your business’ brand online but that does not mean everything will be easy when you get your feet wet in social media marketing. It requires small business owners a lot of effort and patience before to see the results.

I’ve thought of a very simple example which would relate to reaping what you sow in social media marketing. Take Twitter for example. Twittering about your business has indeed become one of the most lovable social media techniques. In fact a lot has already written their reasons why they love Twitter. I even have written my list of Twitter tips which I am actually inspired to continue sharing about what I learned from Twitter when invited the readers to share their Twitter tips.

But I’m telling you that Twitter won’t be friendly to your business if you don’t have tons of relevant followers reading your updates. Unless you build your followers effectively and you build relationships with other Twitter tweeps, you will surely say, Twitter is just a waste of time for me and for my business.

You see what I mean? It requires a lot of effort and patience before you will see the results. Still from beginning to end, the Law of Seed applies.

Mary Grace Ignacio is an aspiring ITpreneur and a hobbyist traveler. She is the Editor of her own business blog which you can find @ InternetBizNez.Blogspot.Com. Connect with her on Twitter @girlopinion.