Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Real Debate

Edited version of my livestream session on June 28. What did you think about the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump? When will we see a real debate between a candidate from the Jackass party and a candidate from the Grand Old Party?

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Hemp Bill AB 45 in California

Here is an excerpt from a press release, Cannabis Global (CBGL) and Marijuana Company of America (MCOA) Applaud California Assembly Passage of AB 45 Allowing CBD in Food Despite Federal Red Tape, on Yahoo! Finance:

AB 45 is a game changer for companies that market CBD products in the state. While important restrictions on manufacturing remain in place, this is unequivocally positive for any producer of hemp or CBD products targeting end-market consumers in California.

For more on this topic, listen to episode 4 of High Five for Hemp podcast, with Adam Tinkoff and undersigned.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


I have now been blogging for 13 years and published 2765 posts. Pageviews so far: 695,844. I will update this post with a podcast session in the near future.

Podcasting will continue to be my main focus during the rest of this year and for the years to come. I haven't been active on this blog lately, and I had thoughts on putting it on hiatus for some time, but then this happened at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas on May 3:

Please listen to my interview with Bosch Fawstin (September 7, 2011).

I have now decided that I will update EGO blog on a regular basis, at least a couple of times per week. The main topics (labels) will be: cat, politics and religion.

Related: my post, Annual Blog Report XII.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


It is time to ban circumcision. This cruel practice is linked to irrational ideas by religious leaders.

Listen to Dr. Leonard Peikoff's answer to the following question:

Do you think the legal guardians of a male child have the right to circumcise him before he is old enough to refuse?, April 25th, 2011.

Check out the Intactivist of the Month (of April, 2011): Penn Jillette.


How did you commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall? Read Scott Holleran's post, Lessons of the Berlin Wall.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I started my summer blog break with bacon chips and a Margarita drink!

Fredagsmys på en måndag. Baconchips & Margarita drink. #fredagsmysare #goodthing

I will be "away" during this month and August, more or less...

What will I do during the summer months, do you ask? ;) Good question. Here are some stuff that I will be busy with:

I will not go fishing in the murky waters of Almedalen...

Photo Credit: Angelina Cupcake via Compfight cc

As a "Personal Jesus," I will reach out to my guest bloggers and ask them to write posts on EGO blog.

Do you want to "touch" my readers? Reach out to me on the social web and I will send you an invitation to become a contributor of EGO blog.

Cheerio and so long! :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I have now been blogging for 12 years and published 2756 posts. Pageviews so far: 576,140. Before you listen to my podcast on SoundCloud, 12 Years of Blogging - EGO Blog, please read my post, Annual Blog Report XI.

Show notes:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I have now been blogging for 11 years and published 2705 posts. My intention is to continue to publish stuff on EGO blog for at least 11 more years..., but I must admit that I have been thinking of putting the blog on a temporary hiatus. One reason for taking a blog break is that during the years of blogging, I have been adding new blogs to my content creation portfolio. At the moment, I am publishing additional content at the following places:

It could be hard to update all the above mentioned blogs on a regular basis. I will ask my fellow bloggers and contributors to write guest posts now and then. You will soon be able to read posts by a new guest blogger, Daniel Adetunji of Infowland.

As I wrote in my post, ANNUAL BLOG REPORT X, the main thing for the future will still be my EGO podcast on BlogTalkRadio. I have an idea to start a new site focusing on new media broadcasts in contrast to the mainstream media stations out there.

Pajamas at the Gate

I am planning to contact Influads for facilitating sponsorships of my podcast show.

One For You, New England (The SSP)

What kind of stuff will I publish in the future? I will go back to the philosophical core of EGO and write more posts on epistemology (reason), ethics (egoism) and politics (laissez-faire capitalism), but I will also mix it up with funny cat meme material, due to the fact that "Internet is made of cats"...

Internet Is Made Of Cats

As an ending note, I want you to stay tuned for my new project, Please go to John Cox's post, Website Banner Commission, and read the comment thread and you will get "insider information" about the work of art.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


From Time magazine:

“Capitalism is the way of the devil and exploitation. If you really want to look at things through the eyes of Jesus Christ — who I think was the first socialist — only socialism can really create a genuine society.” — Chávez, on Christ’s economic views, in 2006.
(, March 5, 2013.)

Illustration by John Cox.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Please listen to my first EGO podcast show in 2013.

Listen to internet radio with Lyceum1776 on Blog Talk Radio

You can subscribe to the RSS feed in order to get notified of new episodes in the future. If you have an iPhone, I recommend you to check out the podcatcher, Downcast app and then add my podcast to it. Do a search on "EGO Blog Talk Radio" and you will find it.

I would appreciate it very much if you could take some time and go to the show page on iTunes and give some stars and write a short review of my podcast. :)

Please feel free to add a comment on the show episode by using your Facebook login credentials and go to EGO podcast Facebook page and continue the conversation!

Here are some show notes:

Baby 2013 cartoon by John Cox.

  • Tips on guests, topics...

  • Schedule in the future: once a month, starting in February, later on fortnightly and then every week. I will do podcasts now and then with other tools too, e.g., Audioboo and Soundcloud.

Description of the show:

Reason - Egoism - Laissez-Faire Capitalism

Please feel free to add your thoughts in the comment section! Stay tuned for the next EGO podcast!

SP mic.
SP mic.

Monday, November 26, 2012


It could be hard to concentrate on your daily business, thinking about the outcome of the election ("with four more years") in the United States of America, and watching an "elephant in the Middle East room."

I got a wake up call the other day when I did an oxidative stress test and an arterial pulse waveform analysis. The conclusion is that I need to take better care of my body, including my heart. I will increase my intake of antioxidants and a basic amino acid called arginine.

Have you calculated your ideal body weight? It looks like that my weight of 57 kg is the common average and the medical recommendation is between 47 - 62 kg. Do you have any tip on how to measure the calorie intake (1839 calories)?