Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Pieces of the Puzzle

The pieces of the content creation process are starting to get together. Maybe as a tangram?

  1. My three words for the new (Persian) year: Coin(age), Trade, Victory (sign).
  2. B.N.P. toolbox: Blogging, Newsletter(ing), Podcasting
  3. L.I.F.T. framework: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
  4. Live streaming and digital town halls.

  • Monday Open thread on Instagram. Post on digital town hall.
  • Tuesday Tech live streaming (for the time being on EasyLive, in the future on TeaParty.Media) and blog post.
  • Wednesday Wrap on LinkedIn and post on digital town hall.
  • Thursday Throwback on Facebook, and Storm in a Teacup live streaming with Boomcaster for future episode of EGO NetCast podcast.
  • Friday Follow on Twitter and post on digital town hall.
  • Saturday Siesta live streaming on Tea Party Media digital town hall, powered by Haaartland, and podcasting.
  • Sunday note to self, weekly review, and issue of Lyceum Bulletin newsletter.

Talking about puzzles, listen to Maria Rubia's tune, Pieces Of My Life, and my conversation with her.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

20 Years as a Blogger

 I celebrated my 20th blogiversary on May 7. Here are some stats:

  • 1,633,887 page views.
  • 2865 blog posts.

I will keep this blog running here on Blogger's Blogspot, but my main focus will be my "last" forthcoming site, TeaParty.Media. If you want to support my blogging and podcasting, you are welcome to buy med a cuppa on How should I celebrate 20 years as a blogger, on my birthday on May 25?

Please take a moment and listen to episode 126 of EGO NetCast podcast, and then spread the good word! Thanks for reading my blogs, commenting on posts, listening to my podcasts, and sharing my stuff on the different social media platforms out there in cyberspace.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Wow! I missed to publish the annual blog report on May 7! Could it have something to do with book burning? For more on this topic, read issue #18 (MayDay: Do Not Burn🔥This🗞️Newsletter!) of Lyceum Bulletin.

I have now been blogging for 18 years and published 2842 posts. EGO blog has now been viewed >1 million times (pageviews so far: 1,363,463). 48 individuals are following this blog, and the blog has received 311 comments. The blog has reached 79% of the payment threshold. I will not ask readers to click on ads on this blog, but if you see an advertisement that you find interesting, you know what to do... ;) 

I have been a bit more active on this blog during the year, due to the fact that I have set up this blog as a destination through my podcast host, Libsyn, so new episodes of EGO NetCast will automatically show up here as blog posts.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 18 years as a blogger and 14 years as a podcaster. I will also do a live streaming session, giving a "status report" to the buyers, backers and supporters of my first book on tea. I own the rights to illustrations (by John Cox) in the book, so I want to create merchandise that I could sell to tea enthusiasts.

I am planning to launch my "last" site, TeaParty.Media, around my birthday. In the meantime, you could listen to Tea Party Media podcast.

As a call to action, you are welcome to check out different ways you could support my blogging and work with new media activities. Click this link and go to my page on

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XVII.

ADDENDUM POST(SCRIPT), MAY 11: Talking about blogging, I recently introduced my friend, Blair, and fellow blogger (The Secular Foxhole), to Fizzle. We will go through the course, Start a Blog that Matters, and have weekly online meetings.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I have now been blogging for 17 years and published 2813 posts. EGO blog has now been viewed >1 million times (pageviews so far: 1,190,063.)

I have been a bit more active on this blog during the year, due to the fact that I have set up this blog as a destination through my podcast host, Libsyn, so new episodes of EGO NetCast will automatically show up here as blog posts.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 17 years as a blogger and 13 years as a podcaster. I will also do a live streaming session, thanking the buyers, backers and supporters of my first book on tea, with illustrations by John Cox.

Next annual blog report will include my "last" site, TeaParty.Media.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XVI.

Monday, May 7, 2018


I have now been blogging for 16 years and published 2793 posts. Pageviews so far: 999,603.

I haven't been active on this blog during the year, but I will keep blogging here now and then. I have set up this blog as a destination through my podcast host, Libsyn, so new episodes of EGO NetCast will automatically show up here as blog posts.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 16 years as a blogger. I will also do a live streaming session, thanking the backers and supporters of my first book on tea, with illustrations by John Cox.

Have you read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand? Recommended reading: Onkar Ghate's article, In a Tribal Age, a Voice for the Individual: On the 75th Anniversary of The Fountainhead.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XV.

Monday, May 15, 2017


I have now been blogging for 15 years and published 2778 posts. Pageviews so far: 911,000.

I haven't been active on this blog during the year, but I will keep blogging here now and then. I have set up this blog as a destination through my podcast host, Libsyn, so new episodes of EGO NetCast will automatically show up here as blog posts.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 15 years as a blogger. I will also do a live streaming session, thanking the backers and supporters of my first forthcoming book on tea, with illustrations by John Cox.

2017-05-15 🔜December 16. Boston Tea Party.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XIV.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


I have now been blogging for 14 years and published 2770 posts. Pageviews so far: 809,347.

I haven't been active on this blog during the year, but I will keep blogging here now and then.

I will do an update on my birthday on May 25 with a special podcast episode, celebrating 10 years since I started podcasting. I will also do a snap on Snapchat (username: TeaPartyMedia), thanking the backers and supporters of my book(s) writing project, #teaftwbook.

Related: My post, Annual Blog Report XIII.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


It is time start cat blogging on a regular basis... I will participate in the Friday Ark and check out other cat places in the blogosphere.

Robin and Rufus are ready to become cat content creators!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

3 WORDS FOR 2016

I haven't updated my first blog since my 13th annual blog report. I will continue with EGO blog, here on Blogger / Blogspot, but I will not write so often in the future. My main focus will be to update my forthcoming "umbrella" site, TeaParty.Media, for my social media activities and tea hobby business.

Please, check out my crowdfunding campaign for my first book on tea, over at

On this blog, I will publish cat photos, philosophical ideas and retro blogging stuff, e.g., blog carnivals, memes, etc.

My three words for 2016:

  1. Tea
  2. Win
  3. Book

Do you have 3 words (or more / less) for this year?

Thursday, May 7, 2015


I have now been blogging for 13 years and published 2765 posts. Pageviews so far: 695,844. I will update this post with a podcast session in the near future.

Podcasting will continue to be my main focus during the rest of this year and for the years to come. I haven't been active on this blog lately, and I had thoughts on putting it on hiatus for some time, but then this happened at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas on May 3:

Please listen to my interview with Bosch Fawstin (September 7, 2011).

I have now decided that I will update EGO blog on a regular basis, at least a couple of times per week. The main topics (labels) will be: cat, politics and religion.

Related: my post, Annual Blog Report XII.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


I will update the layout of the EGO blog template over time. I have started with adding an about me page. You find the link to the about page in the right column.

Oh no, here come the Bloggers by Brett L., on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License   by  Brett L. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I started my summer blog break with bacon chips and a Margarita drink!

Fredagsmys på en måndag. Baconchips & Margarita drink. #fredagsmysare #goodthing

I will be "away" during this month and August, more or less...

What will I do during the summer months, do you ask? ;) Good question. Here are some stuff that I will be busy with:

I will not go fishing in the murky waters of Almedalen...

Photo Credit: Angelina Cupcake via Compfight cc

As a "Personal Jesus," I will reach out to my guest bloggers and ask them to write posts on EGO blog.

Do you want to "touch" my readers? Reach out to me on the social web and I will send you an invitation to become a contributor of EGO blog.

Cheerio and so long! :)

Monday, June 9, 2014


How do you store and distribute your podcast material? The title of the blog post is a hat tip wink to LibSyn (Liberated Syndication). In my Annual Blog Report XII post, I said that I will put more effort into my podcasting and get back on track with a regular schedule.

The question that have been asking myself recently is:

- How do I secure my content, save it and promote it in an effective way?

At the moment, I have podcasts at:

I have had a nagging feeling that all the above mentioned services have had their share of challenges and I want to have a "safe haven" for my content in the future.

Now when I got my first patron (of the arts), Niklas Larsson, I decided to sign up for LibSyn's podcasting + smartphone app packages with 400 MB storage for $20 per month. I must say that the mobile app feature with a potential of revenue sharing, is a sweet deal! So, I ask you to stay tuned for my own Podcast Box app on iTunes and Amazon App Store. You could now listen to my podcast and support my work at the same time! :)

Here is an excerpt from Robert Walch's post, Podcast Consumption as easy as Angry Birds:

Today more podcasts are downloaded directly to Mobile devices than to computers.
This is a huge deal.  In March 2013 for all the downloads from all the 13,000+ shows hosted with Libsyn – we saw the following stats for where podcasts were directly downloaded to:   

Mobile = 51.37%
Computer = 48.58%
Set Top Box = 0.05% 
There are a lot of people that even today say consuming podcasts is too difficult. 

Based on What?

Today podcasting is as easy to consume as Angry birds is to play
You open your mobile device – you tap on the app and you consume. It really is that easy.

Maybe people are saying “THEIR” podcast is tough to consume. And that might be because they don’t have their own smartphone app.

Looking at the Libsyn stats for March over 7.5% of mobile downloads happened directly to Podcasters own stand alone smartphone apps – not the generic apps – but their own branded apps. And that percentage is growing every month.

If you don’t have your own smartphone app in the iTunes store, Amazon Store and Google play store – then maybe your podcast is not as easy to find and consume as your peers.

The other advantage of having a stand alone app in the apps stores is discoverability. People searching for a subject matter may stumble upon your show – while not looking specifically for a podcast – and decide to give your app a try. 
Libsyn blog, April 12, 2013.

You will be able to find my future podcasts at

What's your take on the future of podcasting and the different players on the market?

Podcaster selfie at Hej5 Studio in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I have now been blogging for 12 years and published 2756 posts. Pageviews so far: 576,140. Before you listen to my podcast on SoundCloud, 12 Years of Blogging - EGO Blog, please read my post, Annual Blog Report XI.

Show notes:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I have now been blogging for 11 years and published 2705 posts. My intention is to continue to publish stuff on EGO blog for at least 11 more years..., but I must admit that I have been thinking of putting the blog on a temporary hiatus. One reason for taking a blog break is that during the years of blogging, I have been adding new blogs to my content creation portfolio. At the moment, I am publishing additional content at the following places:

It could be hard to update all the above mentioned blogs on a regular basis. I will ask my fellow bloggers and contributors to write guest posts now and then. You will soon be able to read posts by a new guest blogger, Daniel Adetunji of Infowland.

As I wrote in my post, ANNUAL BLOG REPORT X, the main thing for the future will still be my EGO podcast on BlogTalkRadio. I have an idea to start a new site focusing on new media broadcasts in contrast to the mainstream media stations out there.

Pajamas at the Gate

I am planning to contact Influads for facilitating sponsorships of my podcast show.

One For You, New England (The SSP)

What kind of stuff will I publish in the future? I will go back to the philosophical core of EGO and write more posts on epistemology (reason), ethics (egoism) and politics (laissez-faire capitalism), but I will also mix it up with funny cat meme material, due to the fact that "Internet is made of cats"...

Internet Is Made Of Cats

As an ending note, I want you to stay tuned for my new project, Please go to John Cox's post, Website Banner Commission, and read the comment thread and you will get "insider information" about the work of art.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


From Google's official blog (Bringing Google+ Comments to Blogger):

Bringing Google+ Comments to Blogger Reading and responding to comments can be one of the most rewarding aspects of blogging. Not only do they help you connect with your readers, they can also inspire later blog entries. The challenge, oftentimes, is following all the conversations around your content—on Google+, for instance, as well as on your website. So we're making things a lot simpler.

(, April 18, 2013.) 

Do you think that this new feature will give other comment services, e.g., Disqus, Livefyre and CommentLuv a fighting match?

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Please listen to my first EGO podcast show in 2013.

Listen to internet radio with Lyceum1776 on Blog Talk Radio

You can subscribe to the RSS feed in order to get notified of new episodes in the future. If you have an iPhone, I recommend you to check out the podcatcher, Downcast app and then add my podcast to it. Do a search on "EGO Blog Talk Radio" and you will find it.

I would appreciate it very much if you could take some time and go to the show page on iTunes and give some stars and write a short review of my podcast. :)

Please feel free to add a comment on the show episode by using your Facebook login credentials and go to EGO podcast Facebook page and continue the conversation!

Here are some show notes:

Baby 2013 cartoon by John Cox.

  • Tips on guests, topics...

  • Schedule in the future: once a month, starting in February, later on fortnightly and then every week. I will do podcasts now and then with other tools too, e.g., Audioboo and Soundcloud.

Description of the show:

Reason - Egoism - Laissez-Faire Capitalism

Please feel free to add your thoughts in the comment section! Stay tuned for the next EGO podcast!

SP mic.
SP mic.

Saturday, December 29, 2012


With the last regular working day gone for the year, it could be time to think how you could boost your energy for next year. Kelly McCause gave a great tip on +BizSugar (Blog Post Ideas – There’s An App For That). It is an application by Lynette Chandler called BlogEnergizer.

With 10+ blogs I need some energy from a bunny in order to keep going...

What are you "addicted" to? I have cravings for:

So, this weekend I have to munch on Pringles's Xtreme Sizzlin' Spicy Bacon potato crisps and have a licorice candy shot! Cheers to a prosperous New Year!

Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love


Tuesday, August 7, 2012


EGO blog has received 300+ comments by readers since the comment feature powered by Blogger was implemented in 2007 with the new layout of the EGO template.

I am sorry that I missed to change the option to allow reader comments in some of the latest published posts. It is now fixed! Please keep 'em coming!

I have now enabled the threaded commenting feature on the blog.

Here are two great posts on comments on blogs:

What is your take on the following comment platforms: Disqus, IntenseDebate and Livefyre?

Comments by miss miah, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License  by  miss miah