Showing posts with label Robert Healy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert Healy. Show all posts

May 11, 2012

Cambridge Manager Healy Reflects

[From article]
One of Healy’s sons, Bobby, is a lawyer in Boston. His other son, Kevin, is a Harvard University police officer.
Bob Healy talks about his 30 years leading Cambridge
By Andy Metzger/ ametzger (at)
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted May 10, 2012 @ 06:55 AM

June 30, 2009

What took you so long?

Elizabeth Harmer-Dionne, said, "For years, whenever I attended Monday night meetings of the Cambridge City Council, a gentleman quietly sat in the back of the Sullivan Chamber. A worn cardboard placard hung from his neck by a piece of twine, bearing the slogan 'Impeach Healy.' I regarded him with patronizing good-humor, grateful for the local eccentrics who add color to Cambridge.

It turns out that Mr. Placard understood more than I."

The sign, my sign, read "Overthrow Healy Rossi." Richard Rossi is the deputy City Manager. The City Manager cannot be impeached. He was not elected. He is an appointee of the City Council.


The Right View: Bob, you've got some 'splainin' to do!
By Elizabeth Harmer-Dionne
The Right View
Cambridge Chronicle
Posted Jun 29, 2009 @ 07:50 AM

March 30, 2008

Lawless Cambridge City Council

MAR 27, 2008: Letter to Cambridge MA City Council

Cambridge City Council March 27, 2008
City Hall
795 Mass Avenue
Cambridge MA 02139 Interpreting City Council Rules

Honorable Councilors:

It was delightful to see Vice Mayor and City Councilor Brian Murphy holding the gavel at the March 24, 2008 meeting. Murphy belongs to the new breed of Harvard lawyer in the tradition of Eliot Spitzer, Barack Obama and Deval Patrick.
He is one of many typical Harvard lawyers to exercise public power. Like Obama, Patrick and Spitzer Murphy is an underprivileged member of society. Patrick has two McMansions and rides in a Cadillac at taxpayer expense to help reduce global warming.
Obama is the candidate of change who raised about $175 million to promote his image among the hoped-for voters. He spends the money on jet travel around the country helping to reduce global warming. He hires high priced PR firms with corporate connections e.g., to ATT a broadcaster of pornography. He buys advertising on TV and the internet to raise more money. Obama is reported to be a poor black man. But he earns more than $1 million per year in sales from his books alone. His income with his wife’s is about $1 million more.
There’s nothing wrong with being rich. Pretending to be poor raises the questions. Obama is a close associate of Deval Patrick who masquerades as a civil rights attorney while promoting corporate gambling interests. Patrick used his hoped-for approval of casinos to balance the budget, which he unbalanced upon taking office. Casinos prey on poor uneducated persons.
Eliot Spitzer denied abusing his office for many months. He was under scrutiny by three state agencies for abusing the police powers of the state. When his money transfers and visits with ladies of the night were revealed he resigned in disgrace.
Unlike his fellow city councilors Brian Murphy has the good sense to recuse himself when voting on appropriations for the Cambridge Health Alliance for which his wife works.
But like his fellow councilors he exercises the city council rules in an arbitrary and capricious manner focused on restricting citizen participation. That is a direct violation of the goals of the city council. Goal number 4 (page 3 of goals) states: “Improve and simplify public access to city services and provide more and better opportunities for the public to participate in governing.”
Policy guidelines for this goal states:
∑ Continue to improve and coordinate public information functions.
∑ Increased utilization of new technology both for easier access to services and information, and for encouragement and support of public input.

On March 24, 2008 Murphy chaired the Council meeting while the Mayor was attending a funeral. When I was called for public comment he cited Council Rule number 37, Section 4, which states: “Poster or placards must remain outside the Sullivan Chamber.”
He objected to my sign, which I wore for many months at many council meetings. It says,


I never saw that rule enforced over the past ten years I’ve been attending council meetings. Many people including lawyers and citizens bring signs to show the council what they are talking about. The council doesn’t enforce its own rules among the members. I’ve complained about their lack of knowledge of the rules for four years. Twice an order was introduced to teach the council Robert’s Rules and the council’s rules. But they refuse to learn them.
The council does not enforce the following Council rules, by which the meetings are supposed to be run.

Rule 14 regarding conflicts of interest.
Rule 16 regarding reconsideration.
Rule 17 regarding special events.
Rule 23C(1)(a) regarding Public comment.
Rule 37 Section 1 regarding delay and interrupting.
Rule 37 Section 2 regarding private conversations.
Rule 37 Section 3 regarding eating and drinking.
Rule 37 Section 6 regarding remarks.

Like the other typical Harvard lawyers Councilor Murphy selectively enforced the rules on March 24, 2008 for his own benefit and to the detriment of the Council Goals and to the detriment of the few courageous citizens who come to the council meetings to participate in government.
He joins the tradition of previous Harvard affiliates who chaired the council meetings being strict and abusive with the citizens often provoking them, but ignoring the rules regarding the way that the elected officials act arrogantly disregarding the rules. That is the tradition of typical Harvard lawyers.
Murphy is an obedient servant of the homosexual lobby. Was that two of the priests of the lobby at the March 24, 2008 meeting?
The councilors are humorous to watch because they all know how to suspend the rules, which makes it unnecessary to learn any other rules. If a councilor does not know what to do and they often don’t know, the councilors just ask to suspend the rules. Simple.
On the agenda for March 24, 2008 the Mayor who usually runs the meetings for this term, sponsored an order regarding the council rules.

Order #7. That the Government Operations Committee review City Council policy on Public Comment with a view towards making any necessary amendments and report back to the City Council on this matter.
Mayor Simmons

Robert Winters, the Minister of Propaganda for the Cambridge Chapter of the Conformist Party wrote on his blog:

“I'm not sure what the mayor has in mind with this order, but we would all benefit from changes that limit the role of the narcissists that now dominate public comment at City Council meetings. There's an old phrase we used to hear a lot around Cambridge: "The bad drive out the good." When nut cases (do I really have to name them) turn the opening of every City Council meeting into a circus side show, this benefits no one and does nothing to promote democracy. Of course you don't really have to refer this to a committee for a solution. All it takes is a mayor with a firm hand and a heavy gavel. Enough already!”

Robert is a nice person. His comments on this proposed order are not bad for a chubby cheeked victim of bullies. Would that explain why Robert picks on persons with disabilities to ridicule and to humiliate? He believes that persons with disabilities should not participate in government and should not run for office. He accused some people of being narcissists. But he comments on everything on his blog and his blog is named for himself. He projects onto others his own failings.
He resorts to personal attacks on behalf of the Conformist Party to which all nine councilors belong. He attributes disabilities to those he dislikes. And uses allegations of disability to justify restrictions on their participation in civic affairs, contrary to City Council goals, and the discrimination laws. He shares the unlawful policies of the Conformist Party regarding persons with disabilities. What a guy.
He must have been abused severely by those high school bullies. This is the kind of person that Harvard and Brandeis hire as a part time instructor. He is one person from who Harvard students learn to abuse persons with disabilities.
What is most charming about the delightful Harvard instructor, who masquerades as a professor, is that he works for a police agency, the FBI or one of the many local operations in Cambridge. He abuses that police power uttering hate speech toward persons with disabilities. The Cambridge police enforce bias laws contrary to law – misfeasance. But they permit this poseur to abuse those same powers.
Winters used to come to the council meetings and bloviate on matters in his serious tone. Was it his bad comments that drove away the many persons who used to attend council meetings?
Robert is a city councilor wannabe having run and lost for that august office. He’s also an election commission wannabe. But the Manager refused to appoint him. Be nice to Robert. He is love-deprived, insecure and needs to pick on persons with disabilities to make him feel better about himself.
Call him and tell him how great he is and that you share his concern about vulnerable persons exercising their Constitutional rights. They are not worthy like academic super star Robert.

March 25, 2008

Cambridge MA Wins Human Rights Award

Cambridge MA Wins Human Rights Award


Roy Bercaw, Chairman
Awards Committee

rb662 (at) Roy Bercaw

Cambridge Gets Another Award

Cambridge keeps winning awards. On Monday March 17, 2008 Roy Bercaw,
Chairman of the Awards Committee of The North American Coalition of
Human Rights Committees, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to
the City of Cambridge. Donna Lopez accepted the award for the city
during public comment of the City Council meeting. See the award ceremony at
this link.

The certificate recognized that the City prohibits white racism,
encourages black racism, and denies to persons with disabilities
access to city programs and government services.
For nine years Cambridge got a Triple A Bond Rating. The New York
State Attorney General investigates the three rating agencies for
Cambridge Community Television got an award for being the best cable
access station in the USA for three years in a row. The management
took credit for the work of volunteers.
"This is to recognize the hard work of Cambridge City Councilors and
the City Manager to create an atmosphere in the city," Bercaw said.
"It is not easy to have a policy which prohibits white racism and
encourages black racism," he added.
"Some people are able to see the hypocrisy. But most don't. That's why
the city can do this. The three elements of this award give credit
where credit is due."
Denying persons with disabilities equal rights is accomplished by a
joint effort of complicit journalists and a some straw men appointed
by the City Manager to pretend to protect the rights of persons with
disabilities. Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.
The City Manager did not answer the question, "Can Cambridge get too
many awards?"
Roy Bercaw - Editor

November 23, 2007

Neighborhood Crime Task Force Final Report November 19, 2007

Neighborhood Crime Task Force Final Report November 19, 2007

From the Executive Summary of the Crime Task Force Final Report Nov. 19,
2007. "The recommendations for action described in this report represent the
consensus opinion of the Task Force members that resulted from this intensive
and comprehensive process."
"Consensus: Collective opinion. General agreement or accord." (American
heritage Dictionary, 2nd Ed. 1982)
Task Force Membership: Co-chairs are Mayor Reeves, and City Manager Robert
Healy. Four City Councilors, Kelley, Simmons, Galluccio, and Reeves. Two School
Committee Members, Harding and Grassi.
Ellen Semenoff, a lawyer, is Assistant City Manager for Human Services, and
the supervisor of the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator for Cambridge.
Cambridge Police Commissioner and two Deputy Superintendents. The Chief of
MIT police. 50 members total.
On page 25, Chapter 4: "Crime has a variety of causes, not least among
which are mental health . . .”
This is irrational. Studies prove that withdrawal from psychiatric drugs
cause violence. The Task Force members are clueless about that. Task Force Final
Report demonstrates irrational prejudice, which indicates unlawful denial of
rights to persons with disabilities.
Recommendations, page 30: “experts on mental health to be on call as
appropriate if the situation involves crime in which mental health might be a
There is no causal connection between crime and disability. Task Force
again shows its irrational prejudices toward persons with disabilities. Task
Force is unable to distinguish between crime and disability.
They would never suggest that persons of color commit crimes because of
their race, that homosexuals commit crimes due to their sexual preferences, or
that women commit crime because of their gender. They openly state in a formal
city report that persons with disabilities commit crimes due to their
disability. That is an outrage.
The Task Force boasted the “distinguished group represented each segment of
the community called for in the policy order.” Once again persons with
disabilities were excluded from a city project. The City Manager and the Mayor
chose the members. How many times do these public officials need to be told that
they violate city, state and US laws regarding persons with disabilities? They
refuse to extend civic participation to persons with disabilities. They need to
be removed from office. This is a bigoted report.
A statement on each City Council agenda says "City of Cambridge does not
discriminate on the basis of disability." Huh?

Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM

May 18, 2007

Inadvertent Theft?

Inadvertent Theft?

Cambridge City Manager Robert "Healy said the city would not take back the
extra money and would instead try to treat all employees equally." (Janice
O'Leary, "One way to support the troops: full pay," Boston Globe, City Weekly,
May 13, 2007) The Manager has a generous way with taxpayer funds. Isn't that
called theft?
Councilor Decker declared at the council meeting, "It is only a handful of
employees." Oh? If only a handful of people commit a crime it is not a
violation? Not many people commit murder in Cambridge. It is only a handful. If
they are military veterans who need money for food shall we approve?
Councilor Galluccio shut off all debate saying, "No one would disagree with
this." If the handful of police officers did not demand equal treatment would
the "inadvertent illegal pay" be revealed?
These city officials wonder why young people refuse to cooperate with the
police. Well, duh.

Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Cambridge MA USA

One way to support the troops: full pay
Firefighter Stephan Jeffres received full pay from the city when he served in
Iraq with the Air National Guard. Firefighter Stephan Jeffres received full pay
from the city when he served in Iraq with the Air National Guard. (Christina

One way to support the troops: full pay
By Janice O'Leary,
Boston Globe Correspondent
May 13, 2007

City employees called up to serve in combat would get their full salaries in
addition to military pay, under a home rule petition sponsored by the Cambridge
City Council.

The council voted unanimously last Monday to endorse the bill, which now must go
before the state Legislature because it differs from state law.

Councilors recently discovered a disparity between several city departments in
how military personnel were being paid. The Fire Department, for instance, paid
full salary to a firefighter while he was deployed in Iraq.

However, the Police Department was paying its enlisted officers the difference
between their normal salaries and their military pay, which is what state law
dictates. Twenty officers appealed to the council this month for equal

"If you have a family, it's beneficial for spouses, especially those with kids,"
said Stephan Jeffres, the firefighter who received full pay in addition to his
military salary. "Military pay, even with special allowances, is usually less
than you normally make. It keeps you from detail and overtime pay, which you
count on."

City Councilor Marjorie C. Decker, who chairs the council's Veterans Committee,
said she learned of the inequity when she was putting together a welcome home
package for returning soldiers.

At last week's meeting, the council approved the language for the petition
presented by City Manager Robert W. Healy, who said the city has no authority to
institute the policy without approval from the state, despite any urgency
councilors may feel.

"I am not authorized to make such a payment unless the home rule petition goes
through," he said.

While noting that the Fire Department "inadvertently" paid Jeffres his full
salary, Healy said the city would not take back the extra money and would
instead try to treat all employees equally.

Too Many Police Meetings?

Too Many Police Meetings?

Let's see, in recent weeks Cambridge MA held City Wide Task Force meetings on Neighborhood Crime, Sergeants meetings with Riverside, Cambridgeport, North Cambridge, two meetings promoting the use of TASERs on persons with disabilities. That takes up a lot of time of supervising officers. How can they supervise if they are attending meetings? How can a committee run a police department?
Why focus on the police when the City Manager Robert Healy is the chief law enforcement officer of the city according to state statute? All decisions regarding what laws to enforce and what ones to let slide come from him.
The Manager and the City Councilors have a relaxed notion of law enforcement. It
is to be expected that some persons realize that there is little reason to obey
laws. If the elected and appointed officials violate laws and say it is
inadvertent why should civilians obey laws?
The problem with lawlessness is a state wide problem. The legislature, the
courts and the Governor all selectively follow the laws. Young people and
criminals recognize the lawlessness of the government and imitate the role

Roy Bercaw, Editor ENOUGH ROOM
Cambridge MA USA